Eutanásia: explorando a morte digna em consideração ao biodireito
Schmidt, Alice Krämer Iorra
Fröhlich, Sandro
Medeiros, Rosângela Viana Zuza
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O estudo da vida e morte investiga a finitude, um conceito essencial nas ciências. Historicamente, o direito à vida digna está entrelaçado aos direitos de personalidade, que abrangem a integridade física e psíquica. A eutanásia, tema de intenso debate ético e jurídico no Brasil, revela variações históricas e sociais na aceitação. Este estudo analisa distinções como distanásia, ortotanásia, mistanásia, eutanásia, suicídio assistido e sedação paliativa sob diversas perspectivas: jurídico-teóricas, religiosas, filosóficas, tanatológicas e bioéticas. Destaca-se também a importância dos cuidados paliativos na humanização e melhoria da qualidade de vida em contextos terminais, enquanto o testamento vital surge como garantia de autonomia e dignidade no direito à vida. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa baseou-se na análise de obras de referência, legislação vigente e jurisprudência relevante, utilizando abordagem qualitativa para compreender as diferentes nuances e argumentos presentes no debate sobre a eutanásia no contexto brasileiro. As conclusões apontam para a necessidade de uma possível alteração legislativa que considere os avanços éticos e sociais contemporâneos, equilibrando a proteção da vida com o respeito à autonomia individual e ao direito de morrer com dignidade.
The study of life and death investigates finitude, an essential concept in the sciences. Historically, the right to a dignified life is intertwined with personality rights, which encompass physical and psychological integrity. Euthanasia, a topic of intense ethical and legal debate in Brazil, reveals historical and social variations in acceptance. This study analyzes distinctions such as dysthanasia, orthothanasia, misthanasia, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and palliative sedation from various perspectives: legal-theoretical, religious, philosophical, thanatological, and bioethical. It also highlights the importance of palliative care in humanizing and improving the quality of life in terminal contexts, while the living will emerges as a guarantee of autonomy and dignity in the right to life. Methodologically, the research was based on the analysis of reference works, current legislation, and relevant jurisprudence, using a qualitative approach to understand the different nuances and arguments present in the debate on euthanasia in the Brazilian context. The conclusions point to the need for possible legislative changes that consider contemporary ethical and social advances, balancing the protection of life with respect for individual autonomy and the right to die with dignity.
The study of life and death investigates finitude, an essential concept in the sciences. Historically, the right to a dignified life is intertwined with personality rights, which encompass physical and psychological integrity. Euthanasia, a topic of intense ethical and legal debate in Brazil, reveals historical and social variations in acceptance. This study analyzes distinctions such as dysthanasia, orthothanasia, misthanasia, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and palliative sedation from various perspectives: legal-theoretical, religious, philosophical, thanatological, and bioethical. It also highlights the importance of palliative care in humanizing and improving the quality of life in terminal contexts, while the living will emerges as a guarantee of autonomy and dignity in the right to life. Methodologically, the research was based on the analysis of reference works, current legislation, and relevant jurisprudence, using a qualitative approach to understand the different nuances and arguments present in the debate on euthanasia in the Brazilian context. The conclusions point to the need for possible legislative changes that consider contemporary ethical and social advances, balancing the protection of life with respect for individual autonomy and the right to die with dignity.
Bioética; Eutanásia; Legislação bioética; Cuidados paliativos; Direitos de personalidade; Bioethics; Euthanasia; Bioethical legislation; Palliative care; Personality rights
CARVALHO, Laura Dos Santos. EUTANÁSIA: EXPLORANDO A MORTE DIGNA EM CONSIDERAÇÃO AO BIODIREITO. 2024. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 17 jul. 2024. Disponível em: