Processos de ensino e aprendizagem de trigonometria em triângulos quaisquer a partir da Engenharia Didática
Munhoz, Angélica Vier
Munhoz, Angélica Vier
Quartieri, Marli Teresinha
Giongo, Ieda Maria
Oliveira, Eniz Conceição
Konrad, Odorico
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O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de investigar a produtividade de uma sequência didática relacionada ao tema trigonometria em triângulos quaisquer, junto aos alunos de 2º ano do Ensino Médio, de uma escola da rede pública de Santana-AP. O aporte teórico da investigação envolveu o ensino de Matemática, em particular, o da trigonometria e os princípios da Engenharia Didática. A pesquisa foi realizada através de um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa. Os principais instrumentos utilizados foram observações participativas advindas dos momentos de interação entre a professora pesquisadora e os alunos durante o processo de desenvolvimento da sequência didática e os testes inicial e final. Por meio desses instrumentos, foram registradas e analisadas as dificuldades e os avanços que os discentes apresentaram na construção e aquisição do conhecimento. Aquelas estiveram presentes na resolução de situações que não apresentavam desenhos. Entretanto, verificou-se que a proposta elaborada, usando sequência didática, colaborou, de forma efetiva e produtiva, para o ensino e a aprendizagem relacionada, em particular, à aplicabilidade da trigonometria em triângulos quaisquer. Ademais, constatou-se o envolvimento dos discentes no desenvolvimento das atividades.
This essay aims to investigate the productivity of a didactic sequence related to the topic Trigonometry in Any Triangles, with sophomore students from a public high school in Santana, AP. The theoretical framework of the research involved the teaching of Math, in particular trigonometry and principles of Engineering Didactic. The survey was conducted through a study of case with a qualitative approach. The main instruments were participative observations arising from moments of interaction between the researcher teacher and students during the development process of the didactic sequence and initial and final tests. Through these instruments, the difficulties and the progress that students showed in the construction and acquisition of knowledge were recorded and analyzed. Difficulties were observed in the resolution of situations that did not presented drawings. However, it was found that the elaborate proposal, using didactic sequence, cooperated effectively and productively for teaching and learning, particularly related to the applicability of trigonometry in any triangles. Moreover, the involvement of students was observed in the development of activities.
This essay aims to investigate the productivity of a didactic sequence related to the topic Trigonometry in Any Triangles, with sophomore students from a public high school in Santana, AP. The theoretical framework of the research involved the teaching of Math, in particular trigonometry and principles of Engineering Didactic. The survey was conducted through a study of case with a qualitative approach. The main instruments were participative observations arising from moments of interaction between the researcher teacher and students during the development process of the didactic sequence and initial and final tests. Through these instruments, the difficulties and the progress that students showed in the construction and acquisition of knowledge were recorded and analyzed. Difficulties were observed in the resolution of situations that did not presented drawings. However, it was found that the elaborate proposal, using didactic sequence, cooperated effectively and productively for teaching and learning, particularly related to the applicability of trigonometry in any triangles. Moreover, the involvement of students was observed in the development of activities.
Matemática; Engenharia Didática; Ensino Médio; Trigonometria no Triângulo Qualquer
SANTOS, Ivana Maria Nascimento Dos. Processos de ensino e aprendizagem de trigonometria em triângulos quaisquer a partir da Engenharia Didática. 2015. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino de Ciências Exatas, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 31 mar. 2015. Disponível em: