Incentivando a tomada de decisão com alunos surdos por meio da Educação Financeira
Gonzatti, Sônia Elisa Marchi
Vivian, Danise
Giongo , Ieda Maria
Agapito, Francisca Melo
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Esta dissertação problematiza a temática da Educação Financeira no contexto da Educação de Surdos. O objetivo geral foi investigar como atividades desenvolvidas em uma Sala de Recursos, envolvendo a Educação Financeira, oportunizam aos alunos não ouvintes conhecimentos para a tomada de decisões em relação ao planejamento financeiro. A prática foi realizada em dez encontros, de duas horas cada, e a pesquisa é de cunho qualitativo. Os fatos apurados na análise dos dados foram constituídos a partir da implementação de uma sequência didática, gravações, fotografias, material produzido pelos alunos e diário de campo da professora e pesquisadora. O referencial teórico está fundamentado em estudos sobre a Educação Financeira e a Educação de Surdos. Após a análise descritiva dos materiais empíricos gerados, os resultados sugerem que a sequência didática aplicada fomentou o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos matemáticos relacionados à Educação Financeira e à tomada de decisão. A prática pedagógica foi desenvolvida com dois alunos surdos na Sala de Recursos de uma Escola Estadual situada em Guarantã do Norte - MT. As atividades propiciaram reflexões sobre hábitos de consumo e a importância do planejamento para fazer escolhas financeiras responsáveis. Ademais, oportunizou aos investigados a descoberta de novas maneiras de aprender sobre Educação Financeira e a busca da autonomia, uma vez que eles desenvolveram diferentes estratégias para resolver as situações propostas. O Produto Educacional decorrente da dissertação consiste em uma sequência didática, cuja finalidade é compartilhar as atividades realizadas relacionadas ao ensino da Educação Financeira, envolvendo situações do cotidiano no contexto do aluno surdo, incentivando a tomada de decisão. Além disso, os dois meninos em questão exploraram a visualidade como elemento da cultura surda, já que a experiência visual constitui o principal canal de comunicação e interação do surdo com o seu contexto. Com esse material didático, espera-se contribuir para a formação de hábitos financeiros saudáveis desde a infância, preparando os discentes em foco a lidarem com situações financeiras ao longo da vida.
This dissertation addresses the issue of financial education within the context of deaf education. A pedagogical practice was developed with two deaf students in the resource room of a state school located in Guarantã do Norte, Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil. The main objective was to investigate how activities developed in a resource room involving Financial Education can provide deaf students with the knowledge to make informed decisions about financial planning. The entire pedagogical intervention was conducted in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and later transcribed into Portuguese by the teacher and researcher. The practice took place over ten sessions, each lasting two hours, with two deaf elementary school students from a state school in the municipality of Guarantã do Norte, Mato Grosso. The research adopts a qualitative approach. Data analysis was based on the implementation of a Didactic Sequence, recordings, photographs, student-produced materials, and the teacherresearcher's field diary. The theoretical framework is grounded in studies on financial education and deaf education. After a descriptive analysis of the empirical data, the results suggest that the applied didactic sequence fostered the development of mathematical knowledge related to financial education and decision-making. The activities encouraged reflection on consumer habits and the importance of planning for responsible financial choices. They also enabled students to discover new ways of learning about financial education and striving for autonomy, as the deaf students developed various strategies to solve the proposed problems. The educational product resulting from this dissertation is a didactic sequence designed to share the activities carried out in teaching Financial Education, using everyday situations relevant to deaf students and encouraging decision-making. The proposed activities explore visual elements as part of deaf culture, recognizing that the visual experience is the primary channel of communication and interaction for deaf individuals. With this didactic material, we aim to contribute to the formation of healthy financial habits from an early age, preparing students to navigate financial situations throughout their lives
This dissertation addresses the issue of financial education within the context of deaf education. A pedagogical practice was developed with two deaf students in the resource room of a state school located in Guarantã do Norte, Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil. The main objective was to investigate how activities developed in a resource room involving Financial Education can provide deaf students with the knowledge to make informed decisions about financial planning. The entire pedagogical intervention was conducted in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and later transcribed into Portuguese by the teacher and researcher. The practice took place over ten sessions, each lasting two hours, with two deaf elementary school students from a state school in the municipality of Guarantã do Norte, Mato Grosso. The research adopts a qualitative approach. Data analysis was based on the implementation of a Didactic Sequence, recordings, photographs, student-produced materials, and the teacherresearcher's field diary. The theoretical framework is grounded in studies on financial education and deaf education. After a descriptive analysis of the empirical data, the results suggest that the applied didactic sequence fostered the development of mathematical knowledge related to financial education and decision-making. The activities encouraged reflection on consumer habits and the importance of planning for responsible financial choices. They also enabled students to discover new ways of learning about financial education and striving for autonomy, as the deaf students developed various strategies to solve the proposed problems. The educational product resulting from this dissertation is a didactic sequence designed to share the activities carried out in teaching Financial Education, using everyday situations relevant to deaf students and encouraging decision-making. The proposed activities explore visual elements as part of deaf culture, recognizing that the visual experience is the primary channel of communication and interaction for deaf individuals. With this didactic material, we aim to contribute to the formation of healthy financial habits from an early age, preparing students to navigate financial situations throughout their lives
Educação Financeira; Ensino; Educação de Surdos; Sequência didática; Libras; Financial education; Learning; Deaf education; Didactic sequence; Brazilian Sign Language (Libras)
PEREIRA, Taiane Alves. Incentivando a tomada de decisão com alunos surdos por meio da educação financeira. 2024. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino de Ciências Exatas, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 29 maio 2024. Disponível em: