A monitoria para crianças com necessidades específicas nos Anos Iniciais
Vivian, Danise
Hattge, Morgana Domênica
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Este estudo é fruto de uma Pesquisa de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso que tem como objetivo principal compreender a influência da rotatividade e/ou troca de monitor para crianças com necessidades específicas nos Anos Iniciais. Nos Anos Iniciais temos a figura do monitor que atua no espaço escolar auxiliando o professor e, principalmente e mais especificamente, as crianças com necessidades específicas na execução de atividades diárias, incluindo situações de aprendizagem e outras demandas e necessidades mais específicas, como a locomoção, alimentação, higiene, comunicação e interação social. Neste trabalho serão abordadas questões relacionadas aos direitos das crianças com necessidades específicas na educação, a importância do monitor para o acompanhamento das crianças com necessidades específicas, e o que ocasiona e gera a rotatividade destes monitores no trabalho com essas crianças nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Para atingir o objetivo proposto foi realizada uma entrevista com a coordenadora da etapa dos Anos Iniciais de uma escola de rede particular do município de Lajeado/RS, e um grupo focal com cinco monitoras dos Anos Iniciais dessa mesma instituição. A entrevista e o grupo focal realizados buscaram saber qual o papel das monitoras no ambiente escolar, os possíveis motivos para haver uma rotatividade de monitores para crianças com necessidades específicas e se essa questão afeta as crianças de alguma maneira. Para a análise de dados, criaram-se duas categorias. A primeira intitulada "Reflexões sobre o papel vital do monitor" discute a importância dos monitores no apoio a crianças com necessidades específicas. A segunda categoria nomeada "Rotatividade de monitores: desvendando os porquês", aborda a rotatividade dos monitores nesse contexto, explorando as razões por trás desse fenômeno. Como resultados, essa pesquisa apontou que o monitor possui um papel crucial na educação de crianças com necessidades específicas, e a rotatividade desses profissionais é influenciada por diversos fatores, como melhores oportunidades de emprego, adaptação e falta de formação. É enfatizado a necessidade de formação contínua, apoio e adaptação para lidar eficazmente com a rotatividade, garantindo a estabilidade emocional e acadêmica das crianças com necessidades específicas durante as transições.
This study is the result of a Course Completion Work Research whose main objective is to understand the influence of rotation and/or change of monitor for children with specific needs in the Early Years. In the Early Years we have the figure of the monitor who works in the school space helping the teacher and, mainly and more specifically, children with specific needs in carrying out daily activities, including learning situations and other more specific demands and needs, such as locomotion, food, hygiene, communication and social interaction. This work will address issues related to the rights of children with specific needs in education, the importance of monitors for monitoring children with specific needs, and what causes and generates the turnover of these monitors when working with these children in the early years of elementary school. . To achieve the proposed objective, an interview was carried out with the coordinator of the Initial Years stage of a private school in the city of Lajeado/RS, and a focus group with five Early Years monitors from that same institution. The interview and focus group carried out sought to find out the role of monitors in the school environment, the possible reasons for there to be a turnover of monitors for children with specific needs and whether this issue affects children in any way. For data analysis, two categories were created. The first entitled "Reflections on the vital role of the monitor" discusses the importance of monitors in supporting children with specific needs. The second category named "Monitor turnover: unveiling the whys", addresses monitor turnover in this context, exploring the reasons behind this phenomenon. As a result, this research showed that the monitor plays a crucial role in the education of children with specific needs, and the turnover of these professionals is influenced by several factors, such as better employment opportunities, adaptation and lack of training. The need for ongoing training, support and adaptation to effectively deal with turnover while ensuring the emotional and academic stability of children with specific needs during transitions is emphasized.
This study is the result of a Course Completion Work Research whose main objective is to understand the influence of rotation and/or change of monitor for children with specific needs in the Early Years. In the Early Years we have the figure of the monitor who works in the school space helping the teacher and, mainly and more specifically, children with specific needs in carrying out daily activities, including learning situations and other more specific demands and needs, such as locomotion, food, hygiene, communication and social interaction. This work will address issues related to the rights of children with specific needs in education, the importance of monitors for monitoring children with specific needs, and what causes and generates the turnover of these monitors when working with these children in the early years of elementary school. . To achieve the proposed objective, an interview was carried out with the coordinator of the Initial Years stage of a private school in the city of Lajeado/RS, and a focus group with five Early Years monitors from that same institution. The interview and focus group carried out sought to find out the role of monitors in the school environment, the possible reasons for there to be a turnover of monitors for children with specific needs and whether this issue affects children in any way. For data analysis, two categories were created. The first entitled "Reflections on the vital role of the monitor" discusses the importance of monitors in supporting children with specific needs. The second category named "Monitor turnover: unveiling the whys", addresses monitor turnover in this context, exploring the reasons behind this phenomenon. As a result, this research showed that the monitor plays a crucial role in the education of children with specific needs, and the turnover of these professionals is influenced by several factors, such as better employment opportunities, adaptation and lack of training. The need for ongoing training, support and adaptation to effectively deal with turnover while ensuring the emotional and academic stability of children with specific needs during transitions is emphasized.
Monitor; Estudantes com necessidades específicas; Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental; Monitor; Students with specific needs; Early Years of Elementary School
SCHERNER, Luana Gabrieli. A MONITORIA PARA CRIANÇAS COM NECESSIDADES ESPECÍFICAS NOS ANOS INICIAIS. 2023. Monografia (Graduação em Pedagogia) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 07 dez. 2023. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/4301.