Metodologias ativas de ensino no curso de graduação em Enfermagem: contribuições para o desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais
Martins, Silvana Neumann
Forneck, Kári Lúcia
Silva, Jacqueline Silva da
Moreschi, Claudete
Lira, Margaret Olinda de Souza Carvalho e
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O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é investigar como as práticas pedagógicas, norteadas por metodologias ativas de ensino, podem contribuir no desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais na formação inicial do enfermeiro em uma instituição de ensino superior (IES) comunitária. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, descritiva e documental, configurando-se como um Estudo de Caso Único. A área do estudo contempla uma IES que faz parte do Consórcio das Universidades Comunitárias Gaúchas. Participaram do estudo sete professoras do curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da IES; e sete alunos egressos da última turma de formandos do referido curso, totalizando em 14 participantes. A produção dos dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com questões abertas, pelos Projetos Pedagógicos do Curso em andamento e pelo Gráfico das Emoções. A organização da análise dos dados ocorreu por meio da técnica da Análise de Conteúdo e a análise descritiva foi embasada nos referenciais teóricos de relevância da área da pesquisa e na aproximação do Método RULER. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa sob o Parecer n. 5.917.134. Da análise dos dados, emergiram 10 categorias, sendo cinco relativas às participantes professoras: Categoria 1 – A transição curricular e o processo de implantação e implementação das metodologias ativas de ensino na IES e no curso de Graduação em Enfermagem; Categoria 2 – O repensar sobre o fazer na docência com as metodologias ativas: contribuições para a inovação no ensino superior da Enfermagem; Categoria 3 – As habilidades pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelas professoras para utilizar as metodologias ativas de ensino; Categoria 4 – Repensando as práticas pedagógicas e os desafios enfrentados pelas professoras: como ensinar para a geração de estudantes universitários na atualidade?; e Categoria 5 – “É um desafio para o professor, mas muito mais para o estudante”: como aprender e ensinar sobre as metodologias ativas e as habilidades socioemocionais? E as outras cinco categorias, relativas aos participantes egressos: Categoria 1 – A representatividade das metodologias ativas de ensino e o processo de aprendizagem; Categoria 2 – O papel da coordenação e das professoras do curso de Enfermagem frente à transição curricular: percepção dos egressos; Categoria 3 – As potencialidades e as fragilidades das metodologias ativas de ensino e sua importância para a atuação profissional na Enfermagem; Categoria 4 – “Eu lembro...”: retrospectivas dos egressos sobre as aulas mais significativas na trajetória do curso de Enfermagem; e Categoria 5 – “Ainda faltam essas questões sentimentais”: as contribuições das metodologias ativas de ensino no desenvolvimento das habilidades socioemocionais. Consideram-se imprescindíveis os bons relacionamentos interpessoais entre a tríade coordenação-professores-estudantes no contexto socioeducacional. Percebe-se a utilização de metodologias ativas de ensino como prática pedagógica inovadora no ensino superior da Enfermagem; e a gestão das emoções, para que os estudantes aprendam a equilibrá-las de maneira mais adequada diante da atuação profissional. Dessa forma, tornando-se a chave-mestra para o desenvolvimento das habilidades socioemocionais, na formação inicial do enfermeiro, o caminho da inovação das práticas pedagógicas trilhado pelos sete princípios das metodologias ativas de ensino.
The general objective of this research is to investigate how pedagogical practices, guided by active teaching methodologies, can contribute to the development of socio-emotional skills in the initial training of nurses at a community higher education institution (HEI). This is a qualitative, descriptive and documentary study, configured as a Single Case Study. The study area includes a HEI that is part of the Consortium of Community Universities of Rio Grande do Sul. Seven teachers from the HEI's undergraduate nursing course took part in the study, as did seven graduates from the last graduating class of the course, totaling 14 participants. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions, the Pedagogical Projects of the course in progress and the Emotions Chart. Data analysis was organized using the Content Analysis technique and the descriptive analysis was based on relevant theoretical references in the research area and the RULER Method approach. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee under Opinion n. 5.917.134. Ten categories emerged from the data analysis, five of which were related to the teacher participants: Category 1 - The curricular transition and the process of implanting and implementing active teaching methodologies at the HEI and in the Undergraduate Nursing course; Category 2 - Rethinking teaching practices with active methodologies: contributions to innovation in higher nursing education; Category 3 - The pedagogical skills developed by teachers to use active teaching methodologies; Category 4 - Rethinking pedagogical practices and the challenges faced by teachers: how to teach to today's generation of university students? Category 5 - “It's a challenge for the teacher, but much more so for the student”: how to learn and teach about active methodologies and socio-emotional skills? And the other five categories, relating to graduates: Category 1 - The representativeness of active teaching methodologies and the learning process; Category 2 - The role of the Nursing course coordinators and teachers in the face of the curricular transition: the graduates' perception; Category 3 - The potential and weaknesses of active teaching methodologies and their importance for professional practice in Nursing; Category 4 - “I remember...”: the graduates' retrospectives on the most significant classes during the Nursing course; and Category 5 - “These sentimental issues are still missing”: the contributions of active teaching methodologies to the development of socio-emotional skills. Good interpersonal relationships between the coordination-teacher-student triad are considered essential in the socioeducational context. The use of active teaching methodologies is seen as an innovative pedagogical practice in higher nursing education, as well as the management of emotions, so that students learn to balance them more adequately in the face of professional performance. In this way, the path of innovation in pedagogical practices followed by the seven principles of active teaching methodologies becomes the master key for the development of socioemotional skills in the initial training of nurses.
The general objective of this research is to investigate how pedagogical practices, guided by active teaching methodologies, can contribute to the development of socio-emotional skills in the initial training of nurses at a community higher education institution (HEI). This is a qualitative, descriptive and documentary study, configured as a Single Case Study. The study area includes a HEI that is part of the Consortium of Community Universities of Rio Grande do Sul. Seven teachers from the HEI's undergraduate nursing course took part in the study, as did seven graduates from the last graduating class of the course, totaling 14 participants. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions, the Pedagogical Projects of the course in progress and the Emotions Chart. Data analysis was organized using the Content Analysis technique and the descriptive analysis was based on relevant theoretical references in the research area and the RULER Method approach. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee under Opinion n. 5.917.134. Ten categories emerged from the data analysis, five of which were related to the teacher participants: Category 1 - The curricular transition and the process of implanting and implementing active teaching methodologies at the HEI and in the Undergraduate Nursing course; Category 2 - Rethinking teaching practices with active methodologies: contributions to innovation in higher nursing education; Category 3 - The pedagogical skills developed by teachers to use active teaching methodologies; Category 4 - Rethinking pedagogical practices and the challenges faced by teachers: how to teach to today's generation of university students? Category 5 - “It's a challenge for the teacher, but much more so for the student”: how to learn and teach about active methodologies and socio-emotional skills? And the other five categories, relating to graduates: Category 1 - The representativeness of active teaching methodologies and the learning process; Category 2 - The role of the Nursing course coordinators and teachers in the face of the curricular transition: the graduates' perception; Category 3 - The potential and weaknesses of active teaching methodologies and their importance for professional practice in Nursing; Category 4 - “I remember...”: the graduates' retrospectives on the most significant classes during the Nursing course; and Category 5 - “These sentimental issues are still missing”: the contributions of active teaching methodologies to the development of socio-emotional skills. Good interpersonal relationships between the coordination-teacher-student triad are considered essential in the socioeducational context. The use of active teaching methodologies is seen as an innovative pedagogical practice in higher nursing education, as well as the management of emotions, so that students learn to balance them more adequately in the face of professional performance. In this way, the path of innovation in pedagogical practices followed by the seven principles of active teaching methodologies becomes the master key for the development of socioemotional skills in the initial training of nurses.
Práticas pedagógicas; Pedagogical practices; Metodologias ativas de ensino; Active teaching methodologies; Socio-emotional skills; Ensino superior da enfermagem; Higher education in nursing; Habilidades socioemocionais
CORRÊA, Claudelí Mistura. Metodologias ativas de ensino no curso de graduação em Enfermagem: contribuições para o desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais. 2024. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 27 ago. 2024. Disponível em: