Educação financeira na sala de aula: uma proposta metodológica para o ensino da Matemática no Ensino Médio
Strohschoen, Andreia Aparecida Guimarães
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Este trabalho é fruto de uma prática pedagógica, de cunho qualitativo, desenvolvida com 26 alunos do Ensino Médio do curso de Informática do Instituto Federal da Bahia (IFBA), com o tema ―Educação financeira na sala de aula: uma proposta metodológica para o ensino da Matemática no Ensino Médio‖. A pergunta que
norteou o estudo foi a seguinte: Como o conhecimento da Educação Financeira pode fomentar a reflexão dos alunos do Ensino Médio e de suas famílias em relação ao planejamento financeiro?. O objetivo central foi Problematizar com os sujeitos do terceiro ano do Ensino Técnico o tema planejamento financeiro com base no
conhecimento de Educação Financeira. A prática foi realizada entre os meses de abril e maio de 2018, abordou o estudo da Matemática Financeira sob a ótica da Educação Financeira. As atividades propostas ocorreram em diferentes espaços de aprendizagem, tais como a sala de aula, saídas a campo e aulas no laboratório de informática. Oportunizou aos sujeitos a descoberta de novas maneiras de aprender Matemática, a construção do conhecimento e a busca pela autonomia. A metodologia empregada demonstrou que a construção de conhecimento dos alunos frente aos conceitos trabalhados foi importante, pois despertou o interesse em aprender, a autonomia, o senso crítico, a responsabilidade em suas escolhas financeiras. As informações coletadas foram registradas no questionário inicial, nas visitas aos supermercados, por meio de fotos, filmagens, diário de campo do pesquisador, bem como nos debates e discussões em sala de aula e nas produções individuais e coletivas. As análises seguiram as orientações da Análise Textual Discursiva e também da Análise Descritiva. Ao concluir o estudo constatei que, quando o professor busca novas alternativas para desenvolver sua prática pedagógica, os alunos se mostram interessados, motivados, sendo possível proporcionar novos significados aos processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Nesta perspectiva, acredito que a proposta desenvolvida, além de contribuir para a aprendizagem de conteúdos de Matemática Financeira enfatizando a Educação Financeira, fomentou nos alunos algumas novas posturas e comportamentos em relação ao uso dos seus recursos financeiros, quanto ao planejamento familiar, como
se posicionar frente a situações de consumo, bem como quanto saber discernir o que seja, de fato, importante e não apenas conveniente para o momento. Também foi possível identificar a importância da temática Educação Financeira estudada na escola.
This paper is the result of a qualitative pedagogical practice, developed with 26 high school students from the Informatics course of the Federal Institute of Bahia - IFBA, with the theme "Financial education in the classroom: a methodological proposal for the teaching of Mathematics in High School ". The question that led to the study was: "How can the knowledge of financial education encourage the reflection of high school students and their families in relation to financial planning?" The main goal was to "To problematize with the individuals of the third year of Technical Education the financial planning theme based on the knowledge of Financial Education". The practice was carried out between the months of April and May of 2018, it has approached the study of Financial Mathematics from the perspective of Financial Education. The proposed activities occurred in different learning spaces, such as the classroom, field trips and classes in the laboratory. Gave the subjects the opportunity to discover new ways of learning Mathematics, the construction of knowledge and the search for autonomy. The methodology used showed that the construction of students' knowledge about the concepts worked was important since it aroused the interest in learning, autonomy, critical sense, responsibility in their financial choices. The information collected was recorded in the initial questionnaire, in the visits to the supermarkets, through photos, filming, researcher's field diary, as well as in debates and discussions in the classroom and in individual and collective productions. The analysis followed the guidelines of the Discursive Textual Analysis and also the Descriptive Analysis. In concluding the study, I found that when the teacher seeks new alternatives to develop his pedagogical practice, students are interested, motivated, and it is possible to provide new meanings to the teaching and learning processes. In this perspective, I believe that the proposal developed, in addition to contributing to the learning of Financial Mathematics contents emphasizing Financial Education, fostered in students some new postures and behaviors in relation to their financial resources, in relation to family planning, how to position themselves as well as how much to discern what is, in fact, important and not only convenient for the moment. It was also possible to identify the importance of the subject Financial Education studied in the school.
This paper is the result of a qualitative pedagogical practice, developed with 26 high school students from the Informatics course of the Federal Institute of Bahia - IFBA, with the theme "Financial education in the classroom: a methodological proposal for the teaching of Mathematics in High School ". The question that led to the study was: "How can the knowledge of financial education encourage the reflection of high school students and their families in relation to financial planning?" The main goal was to "To problematize with the individuals of the third year of Technical Education the financial planning theme based on the knowledge of Financial Education". The practice was carried out between the months of April and May of 2018, it has approached the study of Financial Mathematics from the perspective of Financial Education. The proposed activities occurred in different learning spaces, such as the classroom, field trips and classes in the laboratory. Gave the subjects the opportunity to discover new ways of learning Mathematics, the construction of knowledge and the search for autonomy. The methodology used showed that the construction of students' knowledge about the concepts worked was important since it aroused the interest in learning, autonomy, critical sense, responsibility in their financial choices. The information collected was recorded in the initial questionnaire, in the visits to the supermarkets, through photos, filming, researcher's field diary, as well as in debates and discussions in the classroom and in individual and collective productions. The analysis followed the guidelines of the Discursive Textual Analysis and also the Descriptive Analysis. In concluding the study, I found that when the teacher seeks new alternatives to develop his pedagogical practice, students are interested, motivated, and it is possible to provide new meanings to the teaching and learning processes. In this perspective, I believe that the proposal developed, in addition to contributing to the learning of Financial Mathematics contents emphasizing Financial Education, fostered in students some new postures and behaviors in relation to their financial resources, in relation to family planning, how to position themselves as well as how much to discern what is, in fact, important and not only convenient for the moment. It was also possible to identify the importance of the subject Financial Education studied in the school.
Ensino de Matemática; Matemática Financeira; Educação Financeira; Ensino Médio; Mathematics Teaching; Financial Mathematics; High School
ARGÔLO, Patrícia Santana De. Educação financeira na sala de aula: uma proposta metodológica para o ensino da Matemática no Ensino Médio. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino de Ciências Exatas, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 25 out. 2018. Disponível em: