Avaliação do sistema de gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos na cidade de Juazeiro do Norte, CE, frente aos preceitos da sustentabilidade
Barden, Júlia Elisabete
Ethur, Eduardo Miranda
Feil, Alexandre André
Matos, Manuel Arlindo Amador De
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A gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos, na perspectiva da sustentabilidade, tem se convertido em importante estratégia de desenvolvimento para os municípios brasileiros, pois possibilita minimizar os impactos ambientais da geração e acúmulo de resíduos, favorece a valorização dos recursos naturais e oportuniza geração de renda. Neste sentido, o presente estudo apresenta uma avaliação da gestão de resíduos sólidos em Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Nordeste do Brasil, recorrendo aos preceitos da sustentabilidade ambiental, social e econômica. Para tanto, procedeu-se com um estudo de caso, desenvolvido em cinco etapas, contemplando pesquisa bibliográfica, aplicação de questionários e entrevistas, além da análise de dados com
abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com tratamento estatístico de variáveis. Para que a avaliação ocorresse de modo integral, optou-se por inquerir diferentes atores: gestores diretamente envolvidos na gestão de resíduos sólidos; uma associação de catadores de recicláveis; além de contemplar a ótica da população sobre a geração de resíduos, hábitos de manejo dos resíduos sólidos, disponibilidade a pagar - DAP pelo serviço da coleta seletiva, bem como a motivação para participar de programas de coleta seletiva, servindo de subsídio
para identificar limitações no sistema, além da proposição de alternativas mitigadoras, com vistas a um modelo de gestão sustentável. Como resultados, destacam-se: a geração per capita diária de resíduos de 0,47 kg/hab/dia, com predominância de resíduos orgânicos (58,51%) e materiais com potencial reciclável (17,02%); os resíduos gerados destinados prioritariamente para a coleta convencional do município; o reconhecimento por parte da população entrevistada de que a coleta seletiva contribui para a diminuição da poluição (91,94%), entretanto apenas 37,5% estariam dispostos a pagar por este serviço, além disso, 62,78% afirmaram não possuir o hábito de separar os resíduos em seus domicílios; 55,56% admitiram que se deveria investir mais em educação ambiental para a população; 30% afirmaram que a implantação da coleta seletiva melhoraria o serviço de gestão de resíduos; e, 84,44% admitiram que participariam da coleta seletiva, caso fosse implementada; a probabilidade dos munícipes apresentarem DAP pelo serviço da coleta seletiva aumentou
quando relacionada com as variáveis gênero, renda e escolaridade, enquanto estado civil e idade não foram estatisticamente significativos; ademais, o gênero masculino incrementou em 17,44% a probabilidade da DAP, quando comparados às mulheres, tudo o mais permanecendo constante; maior nível de escolaridade aumentou em 16,86% a probabilidade da DAP; e, níveis adicionais de renda aumentaram em 14,53% a probabilidade da DAP. No âmbito da gestão de Resíduos Sólidos, foram observadas limitações: ausência de fontes específicas de recursos financeiros para a gestão; insuficiente infraestrutura operacional, que corrobora com o déficit na valorização de resíduos com potencial reciclável; e, carência de ações de educação
ambiental para a população. Conclui-se que o sistema de gestão de resíduos sólidos em Juazeiro do Norte tem se desenvolvido de modo inadequado e insuficiente, à luz dos preceitos de uma gestão sustentável, observando os aspectos econômicos, ambientais e sociais, uma vez que apresenta aparato elementar para sua realização, contudo necessita melhorar seus processos operacionais e gerenciais, para que possa dispor de uma estrutura mais adequada e satisfatória.
Solid urban waste management has become an important development strategy for the Brazilian municipalities, since it allows minimizing the environmental impacts of the generation and accumulation of waste, favors the valorization of natural resources, and the opportunity to generate income. In this sense, the present study presents an evaluation of solid waste management in Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Northeast Brazil, using the precepts of environmental, social and economic sustainability. To do so, a case study was developed in five stages, including bibliographic research, application of questionnaires and interviews, as well as data analysis with a qualitative and quantitative approach, including statistical treatment of variables. In order for the evaluation to take place in an integral way, it was decided to inquire different actors: managers directly involved in solid waste management; an association of recyclable waste pickers; in addition to contemplating the perspective of the population on the generation of residues, habits of solid waste management, availability to pay - DAP for the selective collection service, as well as the motivation to participate in selective collection programs, serving as a subsidy to identify limitations in the system, besides proposing mitigating alternatives, with a view to a sustainable management model. The results show the daily per capita generation of residues of 0.47 kg / inhabitant / day, with predominance of organic residues (58.51%) and materials with recyclable potential (17,02%); the generated waste destined primarily for the conventional collection of the municipality; (91.94%), while only 37.5% would be willing to pay for this service, in addition, 62.78% said they did not have the habit of separating waste in their households; 55.56% admitted that more should be invested in environmental education for the population; 30% stated that the implementation of the selective collection would improve the service of waste management; and, 84.44% admitted that they would participate in the selective collection, if implemented; the probability of the residents presenting PDA by the selective collection service increased when related to the variables gender, income and schooling, while marital status and age were not statistically significant; In addition, the male gender increased the probability of DAP by 17.44% when compared to women, all the rest remaining constant; higher level of schooling increased the probability of DAP by 16.86%; and, additional levels of income increased the probability of DAP by 14.53%. In the scope of solid waste management, limitations were observed: absence of specific sources of financial resources for management; insufficient operational infrastructure, which corroborates the deficit in the recovery of waste with recyclable potential; and lack of environmental education actions for the population. It is concluded that the solid waste management system in Juazeiro do Norte has developed in an inadequate and insufficient way, in light of the precepts of sustainable management, observing the economic, environmental and social aspects, since it presents an elementary apparatus for its However, it needs to improve its operational and management processes, so that it can have a more adequate and satisfactory structure.
Solid urban waste management has become an important development strategy for the Brazilian municipalities, since it allows minimizing the environmental impacts of the generation and accumulation of waste, favors the valorization of natural resources, and the opportunity to generate income. In this sense, the present study presents an evaluation of solid waste management in Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Northeast Brazil, using the precepts of environmental, social and economic sustainability. To do so, a case study was developed in five stages, including bibliographic research, application of questionnaires and interviews, as well as data analysis with a qualitative and quantitative approach, including statistical treatment of variables. In order for the evaluation to take place in an integral way, it was decided to inquire different actors: managers directly involved in solid waste management; an association of recyclable waste pickers; in addition to contemplating the perspective of the population on the generation of residues, habits of solid waste management, availability to pay - DAP for the selective collection service, as well as the motivation to participate in selective collection programs, serving as a subsidy to identify limitations in the system, besides proposing mitigating alternatives, with a view to a sustainable management model. The results show the daily per capita generation of residues of 0.47 kg / inhabitant / day, with predominance of organic residues (58.51%) and materials with recyclable potential (17,02%); the generated waste destined primarily for the conventional collection of the municipality; (91.94%), while only 37.5% would be willing to pay for this service, in addition, 62.78% said they did not have the habit of separating waste in their households; 55.56% admitted that more should be invested in environmental education for the population; 30% stated that the implementation of the selective collection would improve the service of waste management; and, 84.44% admitted that they would participate in the selective collection, if implemented; the probability of the residents presenting PDA by the selective collection service increased when related to the variables gender, income and schooling, while marital status and age were not statistically significant; In addition, the male gender increased the probability of DAP by 17.44% when compared to women, all the rest remaining constant; higher level of schooling increased the probability of DAP by 16.86%; and, additional levels of income increased the probability of DAP by 14.53%. In the scope of solid waste management, limitations were observed: absence of specific sources of financial resources for management; insufficient operational infrastructure, which corroborates the deficit in the recovery of waste with recyclable potential; and lack of environmental education actions for the population. It is concluded that the solid waste management system in Juazeiro do Norte has developed in an inadequate and insufficient way, in light of the precepts of sustainable management, observing the economic, environmental and social aspects, since it presents an elementary apparatus for its However, it needs to improve its operational and management processes, so that it can have a more adequate and satisfactory structure.
Gestão sustentável de resíduos sólidos; Sustentabilidade; Coleta seletiva
FEITOSA, Anny Kariny. Avaliação do sistema de gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos na cidade de Juazeiro do Norte, CE, frente aos preceitos da sustentabilidade. 2018. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 15 jun. 2018. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/2150.