Reutilização do lodo remanescente do processo de beneficiamento de gemas na fabricação de pisos intertravados de concreto
Oliveira, Eniz Conceição
Oliveira, Eniz Conceição
Stülp, Simone
Etchepare, Hélio Dorneles
Sindelar, Fernanda Cristina Wiebusch
Prietto, Pedro Domingos Marques
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A indústria beneficiadora de gemas gera, ao final de sua cadeia produtiva, uma significativa quantidade de resíduo denominado lodo de gemas, proveniente das etapas de corte, torneamento e lixamento dos geodos. Devido ao alto custo e pelo fato do processo ser realizado na sua maior parte por empresas de pequeno e médio porte, geralmente com tecnologia defasada, o lodo remanescente é constantemente acumulado no pátio das empresas. A falta de gerenciamento adequado para este rejeito fomenta a ideia de reutilização por parte do empreendedor moderno, visando assim, aumentar o valor agregado do resíduo e contribuir com a diminuição da exploração de recursos naturais como os rios e as pedreiras. A fim de desenvolver um produto não convencional como uma solução alternativa para o setor da construção civil, este trabalho tem como objetivo principal reutilizar o lodo de gemas na formulação de pisos intertravados de concreto. Inicialmente, o lodo de gemas foi submetido ao ensaio de lixiviação para que se determinasse a concentração de óleos e graxas e a sua classificação como resíduo. As composições química e mineralógica foram determinadas pelas técnicas de Fluorescência de Raios X e Difração de Raios X, respectivamente. A análise granulométrica do lodo e dos agregados (pedrisco e areia) foi feita a fim de formular as dosagens experimentais para a fabricação dos pavers, utilizando o resíduo como mineral adicionado ao traço. Foram produzidas peças substituindo a areia fina pelo lodo de gemas em quantidades de 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, e 12% calculadas sobre a porcentagem de areia fina. A verificação das dimensões, a determinação da resistência à compressão e a absorção de água foram realizadas nos corpos de prova com a finalidade de comprovar a qualidade final do produto produzido. Os resultados encontrados para o ensaio de lixiviação apresentaram uma concentração de chumbo presente no resíduo de 28 mg.L-1. As análises de composição do resíduo identificaram sílica como material majoritário numa proporção de 97,45%. As dosagens que apresentaram os melhores resultados para resistência à compressão e absorção de água foram as que se substituíram a areia fina por 2% e 4% de lodo de gemas. O melhor resultado médio para a resistência à compressão foi de 44,02 MPa, obtido na dosagem AF8/LG4, e para a absorção de água o melhor resultado médio foi de 3,01 %, encontrado na dosagem AF10/LG2.
The gem processing industry generates, at the end of its productive chain, a significant quantity of waste called gem sludge, which comes from the steps of cutting, turning and sanding the geodes. Due to the high cost and the fact that the process is carried out mostly by small and medium sized companies, usually with lagged technology, the remaining sludge is constantly accumulated in the companies' yard. The lack of adequate management for this waste encourages the idea of reuse by the modern entrepreneur, in order to increase the value added of the waste and contribute to the reduction of the exploitation of natural resources such as rivers and quarries. In order to develop an unconventional product as an alternative solution for the construction industry, this work has as main objective to reuse the sludge of gemstones in the formulation of interlocking concrete floors. Initially, the sludge was subjected to the leaching test to determine the concentration of oils and greases and their classification as residue. The chemical and mineralogical compositions were determined by X-Ray Fluorescence and X-Ray Diffraction techniques, respectively. The granulometric analysis of the sludge and the aggregates (hail and sand) was done in order to formulate the experimental dosages for the manufacture of the pavers, using the residue as mineral added to the trace. Pieces were produced replacing the fine sand by the sludge of gems in amounts of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 12% calculated on the percentage of fine sand. The verification of the dimensions, the determination of the compressive strength and the water absorption were carried out in the specimens in order to prove the final quality of the product produced. The results found for the leaching test presented a lead concentration in the residue of 28 mg.L-1. Analyzes of the composition of the residue identified silica as the major material in a ratio of 97,45%. The dosages that presented the best results for resistance to compression and water absorption were those that were substituted for fine sand by 2% and 4% of sludge. The best average result for the compressive strength was 44,02 MPa, obtained at the TS8/GS4 dosage, and for the water absorption the best average result was 3,01%, found at the TS10/GS2 dosage.
The gem processing industry generates, at the end of its productive chain, a significant quantity of waste called gem sludge, which comes from the steps of cutting, turning and sanding the geodes. Due to the high cost and the fact that the process is carried out mostly by small and medium sized companies, usually with lagged technology, the remaining sludge is constantly accumulated in the companies' yard. The lack of adequate management for this waste encourages the idea of reuse by the modern entrepreneur, in order to increase the value added of the waste and contribute to the reduction of the exploitation of natural resources such as rivers and quarries. In order to develop an unconventional product as an alternative solution for the construction industry, this work has as main objective to reuse the sludge of gemstones in the formulation of interlocking concrete floors. Initially, the sludge was subjected to the leaching test to determine the concentration of oils and greases and their classification as residue. The chemical and mineralogical compositions were determined by X-Ray Fluorescence and X-Ray Diffraction techniques, respectively. The granulometric analysis of the sludge and the aggregates (hail and sand) was done in order to formulate the experimental dosages for the manufacture of the pavers, using the residue as mineral added to the trace. Pieces were produced replacing the fine sand by the sludge of gems in amounts of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 12% calculated on the percentage of fine sand. The verification of the dimensions, the determination of the compressive strength and the water absorption were carried out in the specimens in order to prove the final quality of the product produced. The results found for the leaching test presented a lead concentration in the residue of 28 mg.L-1. Analyzes of the composition of the residue identified silica as the major material in a ratio of 97,45%. The dosages that presented the best results for resistance to compression and water absorption were those that were substituted for fine sand by 2% and 4% of sludge. The best average result for the compressive strength was 44,02 MPa, obtained at the TS8/GS4 dosage, and for the water absorption the best average result was 3,01%, found at the TS10/GS2 dosage.
Gemas; Resíduos; Reutilização; Pisos intertravados de concreto
GIOVANELLA, Cristiano. Reutilização do lodo remanescente do processo de beneficiamento de gemas na fabricação de pisos intertravados de concreto. 2017. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 03 abr. 2017. Disponível em: