Avaliação da purificação do biogás pelos métodos de adsorção e fotossintético
Konrad, Odorico
Machado, Ênio Leandro
Silva, Claudionor De Oliveira
Castro, Aline Antônia
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Os seres humanos necessitam de suprimentos e energia para sobreviver, e para suprir a demanda, a exploração de recursos naturais e o uso de fontes de energia fósseis se faz necessária. As fontes fósseis são finitas e altamente poluentes, apontadas como a principal fonte de emissão de gases do efeito estufa. Em busca da redução destas emissões, acordos internacionais foram assinados por diversos países, um destes acordos é a Agenda 2030, com ações direcionadas para o desenvolvimento sustentável e a gestão adequada dos resíduos. A geração de biogás se destaca como uma importante ferramenta para cumprir as metas dos acordos globais, pois além da geração de energia realiza o tratamento dos resíduos orgânicos durante o processo de digestão anaeróbia. Para possibilitar o uso do biogás como fonte energética, é necessário remover componentes indesejáveis, para o qual diversas técnicas podem ser utilizadas, como os métodos físico-químicos e biológicos. Entre os métodos físico-químicos, o carvão ativado é amplamente utilizado para a remoção do sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S), já o método fotossintético se destaca entre os métodos biológicos, pois é capaz de remover simultaneamente H2S e dióxido de carbono (CO2) do biogás. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de dessulfurização do biogás através da adsorção, utilizando carvão ativado como meio adsorvente, e desenvolver um protótipo para purificação do biogás pelo método fotossintético, utilizando microalgas da espécie Chlorella sorokiniana. Para realização do ensaio de adsorção, um filtro foi preenchido com carvão ativado e três etapas de testes foram realizadas, atingindo, respectivamente, médias de eficiência na remoção do H2S de 99,54 ± 0,53%, 80,14 ± 26,03% e 79,55 ± 2,19%. O método de purificação com microalgas foi avaliado por meio de um protótipo de purificador em escala de bancada composto por um fotobiorreator e uma coluna de transferência, em um sistema de fluxo contínuo de biogás. A remoção de H2S e CO2 foi de 60,8% e 20,2%, respectivamente, nas primeiras 24 horas, aumentando para 83,4% e 29,7% entre 24 e 240 horas. Embora eficientes, ambos os métodos podem alcançar resultados superiores com ajustes no fluxo e no processo. No caso do sistema com microalgas, otimizações como o controle da vazão do biogás e o ajuste do tamanho das bolhas na coluna de transferência são cruciais para maximizar a área de contato entre o biogás e as microalgas, aumentando assim a eficiência do sistema. Além disso, o ajuste do pH também pode ser considerado para potencializar os resultados. No sistema com carvão ativado, ajustes na vazão do biogás também podem vir a melhorar os resultados.
Human beings need supplies and energy to survive, to supply this demand the exploitation of natural resources and the use of fossil energy sources are necessary. Fossil fuel sources are finite and highly polluting being pointed as the main source of greenhouse gas emissions. In pursuit of reducing these emissions, international treaties have been signed by several countries, including the 2030 Agenda with actions focused on sustainable development and proper waste management. Biogas production stands out as na importante tool for meeting the goals of global agreements as it not only generates energy but also treats organic waste during the anaerobic digestion process. To enable the use of biogas as an energy source, it is necessary to remove undesirable components for which various techniques can be used, such as physico-chemical and biological methods. Among the physico-chemical methods activated carbon is widely used for the removal of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) while the photosynthetic method stands out among the biological methods as it is capable of simultaneously removing H2S and carbon dioxide (CO2) from biogas. On this context the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of biogas desulfurization through adsorption using activated carbon as the adsorbent medium, and to develop a prototype for biogas purification by the photosynthetic method using microalgae of the species Chlorella sorokiniana. For the adsorption test, a filter was filled with activated carbon and three test stages were conducted, achieving average efficiencies in H2S removal of 99.54 ± 0.53%, 80.14 ± 26.03%, and 79.55 ± 2.19%, respectively. The purification method using microalgae was evaluated using a bench-scale prototype purifier consisting of a photobioreactor and a transfer column in a continuous biogas flow system. The removal of H2S and CO2 was 60.8% and 20.2%, respectively in the first 24 hours, increasing to 83.4% and 29.7% between 24 and 240 hours. Although efficient, both methods can achieve superior results with adjustments in flow and process. In the case of the system involving microalgae, optimizations such as controlling the biogas flow and adjusting the bubble size in the transfer column are crucial to maximize the contact area between the biogas and the microalgae, thereby increasing system efficiency. Additionally, pH adjustment can also be considered to enhance results. In the activated carbon system, adjustments in biogas flow can also potentially improve outcomes.
Human beings need supplies and energy to survive, to supply this demand the exploitation of natural resources and the use of fossil energy sources are necessary. Fossil fuel sources are finite and highly polluting being pointed as the main source of greenhouse gas emissions. In pursuit of reducing these emissions, international treaties have been signed by several countries, including the 2030 Agenda with actions focused on sustainable development and proper waste management. Biogas production stands out as na importante tool for meeting the goals of global agreements as it not only generates energy but also treats organic waste during the anaerobic digestion process. To enable the use of biogas as an energy source, it is necessary to remove undesirable components for which various techniques can be used, such as physico-chemical and biological methods. Among the physico-chemical methods activated carbon is widely used for the removal of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) while the photosynthetic method stands out among the biological methods as it is capable of simultaneously removing H2S and carbon dioxide (CO2) from biogas. On this context the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of biogas desulfurization through adsorption using activated carbon as the adsorbent medium, and to develop a prototype for biogas purification by the photosynthetic method using microalgae of the species Chlorella sorokiniana. For the adsorption test, a filter was filled with activated carbon and three test stages were conducted, achieving average efficiencies in H2S removal of 99.54 ± 0.53%, 80.14 ± 26.03%, and 79.55 ± 2.19%, respectively. The purification method using microalgae was evaluated using a bench-scale prototype purifier consisting of a photobioreactor and a transfer column in a continuous biogas flow system. The removal of H2S and CO2 was 60.8% and 20.2%, respectively in the first 24 hours, increasing to 83.4% and 29.7% between 24 and 240 hours. Although efficient, both methods can achieve superior results with adjustments in flow and process. In the case of the system involving microalgae, optimizations such as controlling the biogas flow and adjusting the bubble size in the transfer column are crucial to maximize the contact area between the biogas and the microalgae, thereby increasing system efficiency. Additionally, pH adjustment can also be considered to enhance results. In the activated carbon system, adjustments in biogas flow can also potentially improve outcomes.
Biometano; Carvão Ativado; Dióxido de Carbono (CO2); Sulfeto de Hidrogênio (H2S); Microalgas; Biomethane; Activated Carbon; Carbon Dioxide (CO2); Microalgae; Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
MÖRS, Joice. AVALIAÇÃO DA PURIFICAÇÃO DO BIOGÁS PELOS MÉTODOS DE ADSORÇÃO E FOTOSSINTÉTICO. 2024. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 23 abr. 2024. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/4359.