Vivian, Danise
Hattge, Morgana Domênica
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O brincar faz parte da vida de toda criança, o que é de suma importância para sua infância. Situações de aprendizagem que são bem planejadas, podem trazer resultados grandiosos na vida de alunos com necessidades específicas, no espaço escolar e na sociedade. O processo de inclusão de alunos cria situações complexas e desafiadoras para a escola e professores. As conexões existentes na criança com os jogos, brinquedos e brincadeiras, pode vir a apoiar a fase de adaptação e inclusão escolar. A vontade de brincar pode ter um impacto positivo no comportamento da criança durante sua caminhada no ambiente escolar. A inclusão dos alunos produz muitos desafios para professores na sala de aula em relação aos recursos, para aprimorar suas aulas e assim torná-las mais dinâmicas, prazerosas e facilitadoras do conhecimento. Objetivou-se com este estudo analisar de que forma a ludicidade contribui para os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem das crianças na educação inclusiva dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. O estudo se justificou por apresentar subsídios para uma ação pedagógica no cotidiano escolar inclusivo, enfatizando as atividades lúdicas, visto que o jogo e o brinquedo são estímulos essenciais para o desenvolvimento físico e mental da criança, além do lúdico ser visto como um simples momento de brincar, sendo dividido do momento de aprender, o que pode vir causando um desaparecimento do contexto escolar. Adotou-se como metodologia a pesquisa bibliográfica e qualitativa, utilizando uma pesquisa semiestruturada com professores de anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental para gerar resultados, e compreendê-los através de uma análise de conteúdo.
Playing is part of every child's life, which is extremely important for their childhood. Learning situations that are well planned can bring great results in the lives of students with specific needs, in the school space and in society. The process of including students creates complex and challenging situations for schools and teachers. The child's existing connections with games, toys and activities can support the adaptation and school inclusion phase. The desire to play can have a positive impact on a child's behavior while they are at school. The inclusion of students produces many challenges for teachers in the classroom in relation to resources, to improve their classes and thus make them more dynamic, enjoyable and facilitating knowledge. The aim of this study is to analyze how playfulness contributes to the teaching and learning processes of children in inclusive education in the early years of Elementary School. The study is justified by presenting support for a pedagogical action in the inclusive school routine, emphasizing playful activities, since games and toys are essential stimuli for the child's physical and mental development, in addition to the playful being seen as a simple moment of playing, being divided from the moment of learning, which can cause a disappearance of the school context. Bibliographic and qualitative research was adopted as a methodology, using a semi-structured survey with teachers from the initial years of Elementary School to generate results and understand them through content analysis.
Playing is part of every child's life, which is extremely important for their childhood. Learning situations that are well planned can bring great results in the lives of students with specific needs, in the school space and in society. The process of including students creates complex and challenging situations for schools and teachers. The child's existing connections with games, toys and activities can support the adaptation and school inclusion phase. The desire to play can have a positive impact on a child's behavior while they are at school. The inclusion of students produces many challenges for teachers in the classroom in relation to resources, to improve their classes and thus make them more dynamic, enjoyable and facilitating knowledge. The aim of this study is to analyze how playfulness contributes to the teaching and learning processes of children in inclusive education in the early years of Elementary School. The study is justified by presenting support for a pedagogical action in the inclusive school routine, emphasizing playful activities, since games and toys are essential stimuli for the child's physical and mental development, in addition to the playful being seen as a simple moment of playing, being divided from the moment of learning, which can cause a disappearance of the school context. Bibliographic and qualitative research was adopted as a methodology, using a semi-structured survey with teachers from the initial years of Elementary School to generate results and understand them through content analysis.
Ludicidade; Inclusão; Aprendizagem; Atividades; Playfulness; Inclusion; Learning; Activities
SUCOLOTTI, Luana. ATIVIDADES LÚDICAS NOS ANOS INICIAIS DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL NO CONTEXTO DA INCLUSÃO ESCOLAR. 2023. Monografia (Graduação em Pedagogia) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 07 dez. 2023. Disponível em: