A polifonia dos saberes pedagógicos em contexto fronteiriço (Brasil-Venezuela), município de Pacaraima/RR
Hattge, Morgana Domênica
Schwertner, Suzana Feldens
Oliveira, Joelma Fernandes De
Nogueira, Francisco Marcos Mendes
Título do periódico
Título do Volume
A presente Dissertação de mestrado aborda a temática da Escola de Fronteira na intersecção com os seguintes temas: formação de professores (inicial e continuada), (multi)culturalismo e currículo. Esses conceitos a priori formam uma unidade que permite ampliar os horizontes, especialmente ao considerarmos o campo de interesse desta pesquisa (tema) e as singularidades (polifonia dos sujeitos-participantes) sobre os saberes pedagógicos e a ambiência do Colégio Estadual Militarizado Cícero Vieira Neto (C.E.M.C.V.N.), o qual está localizado na cidade de Pacaraima, no estado mais Setentrional do País. Registra-se que o município faz Fronteira com a cidade venezuelana de Santa Elena de Uairén. Diante desse cenário, emergiu as seguintes questões: em que medida os saberes pedagógicos da formação inicial e continuada são mobilizados pelos professores/professoras para atender às demandas e os desafios específicos da prática docente no contexto da/na Escola de Fronteira? Qual é o modus operandi que os professores/professoras agenciam no processo de ensino e aprendizagem na Escola de Fronteira a partir da (con)vivência de alunos/alunas brasileiros/as e venezuelanos? Que saberes pedagógicos precisam ser construídos ou ressignificados com a finalidade de dar conta dos desafios que se colocam no cotidiano da/na Escola de Fronteira?. Com o intuito de buscar respostas aos questionamentos em tela, privilegiou-se a dimensão da pesquisa qualitativa por meio do estudo de caso e o aporte da metodologia da História Oral através de entrevistas semiestruturas. Não obstante, devido à Pandemia do Coronavírus (COVID-19) foi preciso fazer alguns ajustes e traçar algumas estratégias para darmos conta da produção, sistematização e análise dos dados, dentre as estratégias, recorremos para as videochamadas com auxílio do Google Meet para realizar e gravar as entrevistas, além do Google Forms na aplicação de questionários. Essas estratégias se mostraram satisfatória no decorrer da investigação porque resguardou os entrevistados e o entrevistador, particularmente por causa da insegurança frente ao COVID-19. A partir da pesquisa de campo e das entrevistas é possível inferir que a dinâmica e a singularidade educacional no C.E.M.C.V.N perpassa pelos desafios e pela barreira linguista, exigindo busca de alternativas didático-pedagógica com a finalidade de mitigar os obstáculos e inserir todos dentro do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Demais, os resultados da pesquisa, ainda, apontam a Fronteira como lócus circularidade de pessoas, culturas, saberes e, também, de tensionamento sociocultural, ainda mais porque tem uma grande circulação de pessoas devido boom migratório de venezuelanos fugindo da crise econômica, política e social vividas no País vizinho desde 2014.
This Master's Thesis addresses the theme of Frontier School in the intersection with the following themes: teacher training (initial and continuing), (multi)culturalism and curriculum. These a priori concepts form a unit that allows us to broaden our horizons, especially when we consider the field of interest of this research (theme) and the singularities (polyphony of the subjects-participants) about the pedagogical knowledge and the ambience of Colégio Estadual Militarizado Cícero Vieira Neto (C.E.M.C.V.N-), which is located in the city of Pacaraima, in the northernmost state of the country. It is known that the municipality borders the Venezuelan city of Santa Elena de Uairén. In view of this scenario, the following questions emerged: to what extent are the pedagogical knowledge of initial and continuing education mobilized by teachers to meet the demands and specific challenges of teaching practice in the context of/in the Border School? What is the modus operandi that teachers manage in the teaching and learning process at the Frontier School based on the (co-existence) of Brazilian and Venezuelan students? What pedagogical knowledge needs to be constructed or re- signified in order to deal with the challenges that arise in the daily life of/in the Border School?. In order to seek answers to the questions on analyzed, the qualitative research dimension was privileged through the case study and the contribution of the Oral History methodology through semi-structured interviews. However, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) it was necessary to make some adjustments and devise some strategies to handle the production, systematization and analysis of data, among the strategies, we resorted to video calls with the help of Google Meet to carry out and to record the interviews, in addition to Google Forms in the application of questionnaires. These strategies proved to be satisfactory during the investigation because they protected the interviewees and the interviewer, particularly because of the insecurity in the face of COVID-19. From the field research and the interviews, it is possible to infer that the dynamics and educational uniqueness in the C.E.M.C.V.N permeate the challenges and the linguistic barrier, requiring the search for didactic- pedagogical alternatives in order to mitigate the obstacles and insert everyone into the process of teaching and learning. Furthermore, the results of the research also point to the Border as a locus of circularity of people, cultures, knowledge and also of sociocultural tension, even more so because it has a large flow of people due to the migratory boom of Venezuelans fleeing the economic, political and economic crisis. experienced in the neighboring country since 2014.
This Master's Thesis addresses the theme of Frontier School in the intersection with the following themes: teacher training (initial and continuing), (multi)culturalism and curriculum. These a priori concepts form a unit that allows us to broaden our horizons, especially when we consider the field of interest of this research (theme) and the singularities (polyphony of the subjects-participants) about the pedagogical knowledge and the ambience of Colégio Estadual Militarizado Cícero Vieira Neto (C.E.M.C.V.N-), which is located in the city of Pacaraima, in the northernmost state of the country. It is known that the municipality borders the Venezuelan city of Santa Elena de Uairén. In view of this scenario, the following questions emerged: to what extent are the pedagogical knowledge of initial and continuing education mobilized by teachers to meet the demands and specific challenges of teaching practice in the context of/in the Border School? What is the modus operandi that teachers manage in the teaching and learning process at the Frontier School based on the (co-existence) of Brazilian and Venezuelan students? What pedagogical knowledge needs to be constructed or re- signified in order to deal with the challenges that arise in the daily life of/in the Border School?. In order to seek answers to the questions on analyzed, the qualitative research dimension was privileged through the case study and the contribution of the Oral History methodology through semi-structured interviews. However, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) it was necessary to make some adjustments and devise some strategies to handle the production, systematization and analysis of data, among the strategies, we resorted to video calls with the help of Google Meet to carry out and to record the interviews, in addition to Google Forms in the application of questionnaires. These strategies proved to be satisfactory during the investigation because they protected the interviewees and the interviewer, particularly because of the insecurity in the face of COVID-19. From the field research and the interviews, it is possible to infer that the dynamics and educational uniqueness in the C.E.M.C.V.N permeate the challenges and the linguistic barrier, requiring the search for didactic- pedagogical alternatives in order to mitigate the obstacles and insert everyone into the process of teaching and learning. Furthermore, the results of the research also point to the Border as a locus of circularity of people, cultures, knowledge and also of sociocultural tension, even more so because it has a large flow of people due to the migratory boom of Venezuelans fleeing the economic, political and economic crisis. experienced in the neighboring country since 2014.
Escola de fronteira; Saberes pedagógicos; Pacaraima/RR; Frontier school; Pedagogical knowledge
SIQUEIRA, Evangelista Soares. A polifonia dos saberes pedagógicos em contexto fronteiriço (Brasil-Venezuela), município de Pacaraima/RR. 2022. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 01 ago. 2022. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/3459.