Olhar e planejar: a importância da observação na Educação Infantil
Bersch, Maria Elisabete
Horn, Claudia Inês
Silva, Jacqueline Silva
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O planejamento na Educação Infantil é de suma importância para o desenvolvimento das crianças. É através do olhar, da escuta e da interação que o adulto pode compreender suas curiosidades e interesses. Através desta pesquisa, procurei investigar o papel da observação na Educação Infantil e a importância desta prática para o planejamento educacional. Jablon, Dombro e Dichtelmiller (2009), definem a observação como um olhar para aprender, em que o observar se torna um meio para conceber informações para a construção de relacionamentos com as crianças. Nesse sentido, a observação possibilita um olhar mais significativo em relação à criança e seu desenvolvimento, que busca compreender suas maneiras singulares de lidar com a aprendizagem e o modo como age frente a cada uma delas. O Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) intitulado “Olhar e Planejar: a importância da observação na Educação Infantil” buscou investigar a relevância da observação para o planejamento na Educação Infantil. A pesquisa visa uma compreensão aprofundada de como a observação sistemática e intencional pode contribuir para a formação e aprimoramento do planejamento que contemple as vozes das crianças, isto é, um planejamento voltado para as crianças, suas curiosidades e suas necessidades, que seja coerente com as vivências e experiências de cada turma. Como objetivos específicos da pesquisa foram estabelecidos: a) compreender os principais conceitos abordados na pesquisa, pelo estudo de diferentes autores que estudam a temática; b) identificar como uma professora que atua na Educação Infantil mobiliza seu olhar para observar as crianças, fazendo ou não, uso de registros sistematizados; c) verificar se e como essas observações reverberam sobre o planejamento das situações de aprendizagem. Partiu-se da hipótese de que a observação, o olhar e a escuta atenta do professor para com as crianças, reverbera sobre o fazer docente. As ações do professor deram significado e intencionalidade ao que foi percebido, uma vez que, enquanto planeja, é possível retomar os registros das observações e trazer para a prática pedagógica aspectos que emergem do cotidiano, potencializando as vivências das crianças. Para aprofundar a temática, optou-se por uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa e a geração de dados foi realizada por meio de observações em uma turma de Educação Infantil de uma instituição escolar privada do município de Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul e registradas por meio de diário de campo, de uma entrevista com a respectiva professora e da análise dos documentos de planejamento das aulas. A análise de dados buscou compreender, a partir da articulação entre as observações, a entrevista e a análise documental, e à luz do referencial teórico, de que forma o movimento docente de observação e escuta atenta potencializa a prática pedagógica da Educação Infantil. Ao longo do trabalho foi possível constatar que a professora da turma organiza momentos específicos de observação, tendo um turno na semana dedicado a essa prática. Além disso, é possível perceber que busca contemplar em seu planejamento diferentes elementos que provêm desta prática, o que pode ser evidenciado na medida em que os interesses e curiosidades demonstrados pelas crianças são contemplados na continuidade do trabalho desenvolvido.
Planning in Early Childhood Education is of the highest importance for children's development. It is through looking, listening and interacting that the adult can understand their curiosities and interests. Through this research, I focused on investigating the role of observation in Early Childhood Education and the importance of this practice for educational planning. Jablon, Dombro and Dichtelmiller (2009) define observation as a look for learning, in which observing becomes a way of acquiring information for building relationships with children. In this sense, the observation enables a more meaningful look in relation to the child and their development, which seeks to understand their unique ways of dealing with learning and the way they act in relation to each one of them. The Final Paper entitled “To Look and to Plan: the importance of observation in Early Childhood Education” seeks to investigate the relevance of observation for planning in Early Childhood Education. The research focuses on a deeper understanding of how systematic and intentional observation can contribute to the formation and improvement of planning that takes children's voices into account, in other words, a planning that focuses on children, their curiosities and their needs, and that is coherent with the life experiences of each class. As specific objectives of the research, the following were established: a) to understand the main concepts addressed in the research, through the study of different authors who have studied the subject; b) to identify how a teacher who works in Early Childhood Education mobilizes her look to observe the children, making use or not of systematized records; c) to verify if and how these observations reverberate on the planning of learning situations. The starting point was the hypothesis that the teacher's observation, looking and listening attentively to the children, reverberates on the teaching process. The teacher's actions gave meaning and intentionality to what was noticed, since, while planning, it is possible to revisit the observation records and bring to teaching practice aspects that emerge from everyday life, enhancing the children's experiences. In order to explore the theme in more depth, a qualitative approach was chosen and the generation of data was carried out through observations in an Early Childhood Education class of a private school in the city of Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul and recorded through a field diary, an interview with the respective teacher and the analysis of class planning documents. The data analysis seeks to understand, based on the articulation between the observations, the interview and the documental analysis, and in the light of the theoretical references, how the teaching movement of observation and attentive listening enhances the pedagogical practice of Early Childhood Education. In the course of the work, it was possible to verify that the class teacher organizes specific moments of observation, with one session per week dedicated to this practice. In addition, it is possible to notice that she tries to include in her planning different elements that come from this practice, which can be seen in the measure in which the interests and curiosities shown by the children are taken into account in the continuity of the work developed.
Planning in Early Childhood Education is of the highest importance for children's development. It is through looking, listening and interacting that the adult can understand their curiosities and interests. Through this research, I focused on investigating the role of observation in Early Childhood Education and the importance of this practice for educational planning. Jablon, Dombro and Dichtelmiller (2009) define observation as a look for learning, in which observing becomes a way of acquiring information for building relationships with children. In this sense, the observation enables a more meaningful look in relation to the child and their development, which seeks to understand their unique ways of dealing with learning and the way they act in relation to each one of them. The Final Paper entitled “To Look and to Plan: the importance of observation in Early Childhood Education” seeks to investigate the relevance of observation for planning in Early Childhood Education. The research focuses on a deeper understanding of how systematic and intentional observation can contribute to the formation and improvement of planning that takes children's voices into account, in other words, a planning that focuses on children, their curiosities and their needs, and that is coherent with the life experiences of each class. As specific objectives of the research, the following were established: a) to understand the main concepts addressed in the research, through the study of different authors who have studied the subject; b) to identify how a teacher who works in Early Childhood Education mobilizes her look to observe the children, making use or not of systematized records; c) to verify if and how these observations reverberate on the planning of learning situations. The starting point was the hypothesis that the teacher's observation, looking and listening attentively to the children, reverberates on the teaching process. The teacher's actions gave meaning and intentionality to what was noticed, since, while planning, it is possible to revisit the observation records and bring to teaching practice aspects that emerge from everyday life, enhancing the children's experiences. In order to explore the theme in more depth, a qualitative approach was chosen and the generation of data was carried out through observations in an Early Childhood Education class of a private school in the city of Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul and recorded through a field diary, an interview with the respective teacher and the analysis of class planning documents. The data analysis seeks to understand, based on the articulation between the observations, the interview and the documental analysis, and in the light of the theoretical references, how the teaching movement of observation and attentive listening enhances the pedagogical practice of Early Childhood Education. In the course of the work, it was possible to verify that the class teacher organizes specific moments of observation, with one session per week dedicated to this practice. In addition, it is possible to notice that she tries to include in her planning different elements that come from this practice, which can be seen in the measure in which the interests and curiosities shown by the children are taken into account in the continuity of the work developed.
Educação Infantil; Planejamento; Instrumento de observação; Early childhood education; Planning; Observation tool
GUTH, Bianca Carine. Olhar e planejar: a importância da observação na Educação Infantil. 2024. Monografia (Graduação em Pedagogia) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 10 dez. 2024. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/4819.