Incubadoras gaúchas de empresas de base tecnológica (IEBT) com atuação na área do agronegócio: análise comparativa e disseminação de práticas sustentáveis
Stülp, Simone
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A presente tese assumiu como tema a análise de Incubadoras de Empresas de Base Tecnológica com área de atuação no agronegócio. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar comparativamente as Incubadoras de Empresas de Base Tecnológica, bem como suas empresas pré-incubadas, incubadas, graduadas ou associadas, situadas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, vinculadas à Rede Gaúcha de Ambientes de Inovação, com área de atuação no agronegócio. O levantamento de dados foi, majoritariamente, realizado por entrevistas face a face. Foi empregado o método de entrevista semiestruturada, utilizando-se questões abertas dispostas em um roteiro. Foram realizadas 16 entrevistas com gestores e consultores dos ecossistemas de inovação e 31 entrevistas com os empreendedores das empresas participantes da pesquisa. Adicionalmente, foi utilizado o método de coleta de dados baseado em observações diretas. Foram analisados aspectos relacionados à subjetividade do empreendedor, à atividade empresarial e à gestão de incubadoras. Acerca dos principais achados envolvendo incubadoras e empresas, convém elencar os seguintes: disponibilização de suporte material e intelectual aos empreendedores; promoção de cursos e treinamentos periódicos; inserção de mestres e doutores nas empresas, por intermédio de ações universitárias e programas governamentais específicos; identificação de ideias promissoras desde os cursos de graduação e incentivo à participação de alunos nos processos de incubação; tecnologias desenvolvidas plenamente inseridas no contexto da Agricultura 4.0; demanda por ferramentas gerenciais que vão além da administração tradicional; e oportunidades de melhoria nas áreas de gestão da propriedade intelectual e planejamento fiscal e tributário. Ao final do trabalho, foi proposta uma cartilha de práticas sustentáveis para gestão de incubadoras e empresas de base tecnológica com atuação no agronegócio, contemplando os principais achados da pesquisa.
The present thesis took as its theme the analysis of Technological Based Business Incubators with an area of expertise in agribusiness. The general objective of the research is to comparatively analyze the Technology-Based Business Incubators, as well as their pre- incubated, incubated, graduated or associated companies, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, linked to the Rio Grande do Sul’s Network of Innovation Environments, with an área of expertise in agribusiness. The data collection was mostly carried out through face-to-face interviews. The semi-structured interview method was used, using open questions arranged in a script. Sixteen interviews were conducted with managers and consultants of the innovation ecosystems and thirty-one interviews with the entrepreneurs of the companies participating in the research. Additionally, the data collection method based on direct observations was used. Aspects related to the subjectivity of the entrepreneur, business activity and incubator management were analyzed. Regarding the main findings involving incubators and companies, it is worth mentioning the following: provision of material and intelectual support to entrepreneurs; promotion of periodic courses and training; insertion of masters and doctors in companies, through university actions and specific government programs; identification of promising ideas from undergraduate courses and encouraging the participation of students in the incubation processes; developed technologies fully inserted in the context of Agriculture 4.0; demand for management tools that go beyond traditional management; and opportunities for improvement in the areas of intellectual property management and fiscal and tax planning. At the end of the work, a booklet of sustainable practices was proposed for the management of incubators and technology-based companies operating in agribusiness, covering the main findings of the research.
The present thesis took as its theme the analysis of Technological Based Business Incubators with an area of expertise in agribusiness. The general objective of the research is to comparatively analyze the Technology-Based Business Incubators, as well as their pre- incubated, incubated, graduated or associated companies, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, linked to the Rio Grande do Sul’s Network of Innovation Environments, with an área of expertise in agribusiness. The data collection was mostly carried out through face-to-face interviews. The semi-structured interview method was used, using open questions arranged in a script. Sixteen interviews were conducted with managers and consultants of the innovation ecosystems and thirty-one interviews with the entrepreneurs of the companies participating in the research. Additionally, the data collection method based on direct observations was used. Aspects related to the subjectivity of the entrepreneur, business activity and incubator management were analyzed. Regarding the main findings involving incubators and companies, it is worth mentioning the following: provision of material and intelectual support to entrepreneurs; promotion of periodic courses and training; insertion of masters and doctors in companies, through university actions and specific government programs; identification of promising ideas from undergraduate courses and encouraging the participation of students in the incubation processes; developed technologies fully inserted in the context of Agriculture 4.0; demand for management tools that go beyond traditional management; and opportunities for improvement in the areas of intellectual property management and fiscal and tax planning. At the end of the work, a booklet of sustainable practices was proposed for the management of incubators and technology-based companies operating in agribusiness, covering the main findings of the research.
Planejamento em Ciência e Tecnologia; Incubadoras de Empresas de Base Tecnológica; Tecnologias ambientais; Science and Technology Planning; Technology-based Business Incubators; Environmental technologies
QUINTAL, Renato Santiago. Incubadoras gaúchas de empresas de base tecnológica (IEBT) com atuação na área do agronegócio: análise comparativa e disseminação de práticas sustentáveis. 2020. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 15 jul. 2020. Disponível em: