Desbloqueios: gamificando o ensino de Educação Física Escolar
Strohschoen , Andreia Aparecida Guimarães
Martins, Silvana Neumann
Neuenfeldt, Derli Juliano
Carvalho, Lilian Amaral de
Espíndola, Hellem da Silva
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A presente Tese é resultado de uma pesquisa realizada em uma escola pública localizada no município de Bambuí, no estado de Minas Gerais. Este trabalho teve por objetivo investigar como as atividades gamificadas nas aulas de Educação Física do Ensino Técnico Integrado podem potencializar o ensino nesta unidade curricular. A gamificação é um tipo de metodologia ativa que envolve a aplicação dos elementos dos jogos, como as mecânicas, as dinâmicas e os componentes, em contextos não relacionados a jogos, a fim de aumentar o engajamento e a motivação. Esse modelo de ensino tira o aluno da passividade durante as aulas, fazendo com que ele seja o próprio construtor de seu conhecimento. Participaram da pesquisa 35 alunos do 1º ano do Ensino Técnico em Biotecnologia integrado ao Ensino Médio. A pesquisa propôs responder ao seguinte problema: “Como a gamificação pode potencializar o ensino de Educação Física Escolar no Ensino Técnico Integrado?” e buscou defender a tese: “A implementação dos elementos da gamificação (dinâmicas, mecânicas e componentes) como estratégia de ensino pode potencializar o ensino de Educação de Física no Ensino Técnico Integrado”. A metodologia utilizada para a realização desta Tese foi baseada em um estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, sendo um estudo de caso. Aproximando-se de uma pesquisa-ação, foi utilizado, como ferramenta de registro, o diário de bordo e, como técnica de análise de dados, a Análise de Conteúdo (Bardin, 2016). Verificou-se que a utilização do ensino gamificado nas aulas de Educação Física tornou-as atraente, resultando em um maior engajamento. A partir disso, os alunos obtiveram excelentes notas acadêmicas e maior motivação. Além disso, foram assíduos e pontuais nas aulas. Como fragilidade, notou-se dificuldade por parte dos alunos em executar atividades avaliativas nos aplicativos digitais, diminuindo seus desempenhos nestas atividades. Outra fragilidade encontrada foi a situação de correlação entre o engajamento e a motivação extrínseca na maioria das atividades (o engajamento ocorreu pelas recompensas em cumprir as missões e não em aprender e/ou gostar do conteúdo). Desta forma, observou-se que a utilização da gamificação no ensino de Educação Física promoveu o envolvimento dos alunos, diminuiu o abandono escolar, aumentando a produtividade e a retenção da aprendizagem.
This thesis is the result of a research carried out in a public school located in the municipality of Bambuí, in the state of Minas Gerais. This work aimed to investigate how gamified activities in Physical Education classes of Integrated Technical Education can enhance teaching in this curricular unit. Gamification is a type of active methodology that involves applying game elements, such as mechanics, dynamics, and components, in non-game contexts in order to increase engagement and motivation. This teaching model takes the student out of passivity during classes, making him the builder of his own knowledge. 35 students from the 1st year of Technical Education in Biotechnology integrated to High School participated in the research. The research proposed to answer the following problem: "How can gamification enhance the teaching of School Physical Education in Integrated Technical Education?" and sought to defend the thesis: "The implementation of the gamification elements (dynamics, mechanics and components) as a teaching strategy can enhance the teaching of Physical Education in Integrated Technical Education". The methodology used to carry out this Thesis was based on a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, being a case study. Approaching action research, the logbook was used as a recording tool and, as a data analysis technique, the Content Analysis (Bardin, 2016). It was found that the use of gamified teaching in Physical Education classes made them attractive, resulting in greater engagement. From this, students obtained excellent academic grades and greater motivation. In addition, they were assiduous and punctual in class. As a weakness, it was noted that students had difficulty in performing evaluative activities in digital applications, reducing their performance in these activities. Another weakness found was the correlation between engagement and extrinsic motivation in most activities (engagement occurred due to the rewards of completing the missions and not learning and/or liking the content). In this way, it was observed that the use of gamification in the teaching of Physical Education promoted student involvement, decreased school dropout, increasing productivity and learning retention.
This thesis is the result of a research carried out in a public school located in the municipality of Bambuí, in the state of Minas Gerais. This work aimed to investigate how gamified activities in Physical Education classes of Integrated Technical Education can enhance teaching in this curricular unit. Gamification is a type of active methodology that involves applying game elements, such as mechanics, dynamics, and components, in non-game contexts in order to increase engagement and motivation. This teaching model takes the student out of passivity during classes, making him the builder of his own knowledge. 35 students from the 1st year of Technical Education in Biotechnology integrated to High School participated in the research. The research proposed to answer the following problem: "How can gamification enhance the teaching of School Physical Education in Integrated Technical Education?" and sought to defend the thesis: "The implementation of the gamification elements (dynamics, mechanics and components) as a teaching strategy can enhance the teaching of Physical Education in Integrated Technical Education". The methodology used to carry out this Thesis was based on a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, being a case study. Approaching action research, the logbook was used as a recording tool and, as a data analysis technique, the Content Analysis (Bardin, 2016). It was found that the use of gamified teaching in Physical Education classes made them attractive, resulting in greater engagement. From this, students obtained excellent academic grades and greater motivation. In addition, they were assiduous and punctual in class. As a weakness, it was noted that students had difficulty in performing evaluative activities in digital applications, reducing their performance in these activities. Another weakness found was the correlation between engagement and extrinsic motivation in most activities (engagement occurred due to the rewards of completing the missions and not learning and/or liking the content). In this way, it was observed that the use of gamification in the teaching of Physical Education promoted student involvement, decreased school dropout, increasing productivity and learning retention.
Educação Física; Ensino gamificado; Ensino Técnico Integrado ao Ensino Médio; Physical education; Gamified teaching; Technical Education Integrated to High School
FERNANDES, Marcela de Melo. Desbloqueios: gamificando o ensino de Educação Física Escolar. 2024. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 29 nov. 2024. Disponível em: