Contribuições de uma sequência didática no ensino de formas geométricas espaciais para estudante autista em Sala de Recursos Multifuncionais
Horn, Cláudia Inês
Agapito, Francisca Melo
Silva, Jacqueline Silva da
Rehfeldt, Márcia Jussara Hepp
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Este estudo objetivou investigar o desenvolvimento de uma sequência didática e analisar suas contribuições para o ensino de formas geométricas espaciais a um estudante com Transtorno do Espectro Autista, no contexto de uma Sala de Recursos Multifuncionais. A fundamentação teórica baseia-se em estudos de Educação Especial, Autismo e o uso de materiais manipuláveis e jogos digitais, para a sistematização de conhecimentos de Geometria espacial. De natureza qualitativa e com abordagem de estudo de caso, os dados foram obtidos por meio de registros, fotografias, observações, pesquisa documental, entrevista semiestruturada com a professora da Sala de Recursos Multifuncionais e registros no diário de campo. A sequência didática que desencadeou a pesquisa de campo foi desenvolvida ao longo de dez encontros de uma hora, na Sala de Recursos Multifuncionais, com um estudante autista do Ensino Fundamental, numa Escola Estadual de Várzea Grande/MT. Para a análise dos dados, foi seguida uma aproximação com a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo, conforme o referencial metodológico de Bardin (2011), utilizando procedimentos sistemáticos e específicos para a descrição objetiva das mensagens. A partir da análise, emergiram três resultados: “A importância das conexões afetivas e rotinas estruturadas no apoio ao desenvolvimento do estudante autista”, que destaca a relevância das relações afetivas e de um ambiente previsível; “O potencial dos materiais manipuláveis em uma sequência didática”, que demonstra como esses recursos tornam o ensino mais dinâmico; e “Uma grande jogada: a sistematização dos conhecimentos por meio dos jogos digitais”, que analisa o papel dos jogos digitais na organização e evidencia como essas ferramentas podem potencializar o aprendizado de forma interativa e eficiente. Desta investigação, emergiu um Produto Educacional que é uma sequência didática envolvendo situações de aprendizagem voltadas às formas geométricas espaciais. Tal produto objetiva qualificar o planejamento de professores, oferecendo um produto replicável e adaptável a diferentes realidades escolares. Conclui-se que esta pesquisa reafirma a importância de uma abordagem pedagógica afetiva, estruturada e dinâmica, evidenciando que o uso de materiais manipuláveis e jogos digitais foi essencial para a potencialização da aprendizagem de um estudante com TEA.
This study aimed to investigate the development of a didactic sequence and analyze its contributions to teaching spatial geometric shapes to a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder, in the context of a Multifunctional Resource Room. The theoretical foundation is based on studies of Special Education, Autism, and the use of manipulable materials and digital games, for the systematization of knowledge of spatial geometry. Qualitative in nature and with a case study approach, the data were obtained through records, photographs, observations, documentary research, semi-structured interviews with the Multifunctional Resource Room teacher and records in the field diary. The didactic sequence that triggered the field research was developed over ten one-hour meetings in the Multifunctional Resource Room, with an autistic student from Elementary School, in a State School of Várzea Grande/MT. For data analysis, an approach using the Content Analysis technique was followed, according to the methodological framework of Bardin (2012), using systematic and specific procedures for the message’s objective description. From the analysis, three results emerged: "The importance of affective connections and structured routines in supporting the development of the autistic student", which highlights the relevance of affective relationships and a predictable environment; "The potential of manipulable materials in a didactic sequence", which demonstrates how these resources make teaching more dynamic; and "A great play: the systematization of knowledge through digital games", which analyzes the role of digital games in the organization and shows how these tools can enhance learning in an interactive and efficient way. From this investigation, an educational product emerged, which is a didactic sequence involving learning situations focused on spatial geometric shapes. This product aims to qualify teacher planning, offering a product that is replicable and adaptable to different school realities. It is concluded that this research reaffirms the importance of an affective, structured, and dynamic pedagogical approach, showing that the use of manipulable materials and digital games was essential for the enhancement of the ASD student’s learning.
This study aimed to investigate the development of a didactic sequence and analyze its contributions to teaching spatial geometric shapes to a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder, in the context of a Multifunctional Resource Room. The theoretical foundation is based on studies of Special Education, Autism, and the use of manipulable materials and digital games, for the systematization of knowledge of spatial geometry. Qualitative in nature and with a case study approach, the data were obtained through records, photographs, observations, documentary research, semi-structured interviews with the Multifunctional Resource Room teacher and records in the field diary. The didactic sequence that triggered the field research was developed over ten one-hour meetings in the Multifunctional Resource Room, with an autistic student from Elementary School, in a State School of Várzea Grande/MT. For data analysis, an approach using the Content Analysis technique was followed, according to the methodological framework of Bardin (2012), using systematic and specific procedures for the message’s objective description. From the analysis, three results emerged: "The importance of affective connections and structured routines in supporting the development of the autistic student", which highlights the relevance of affective relationships and a predictable environment; "The potential of manipulable materials in a didactic sequence", which demonstrates how these resources make teaching more dynamic; and "A great play: the systematization of knowledge through digital games", which analyzes the role of digital games in the organization and shows how these tools can enhance learning in an interactive and efficient way. From this investigation, an educational product emerged, which is a didactic sequence involving learning situations focused on spatial geometric shapes. This product aims to qualify teacher planning, offering a product that is replicable and adaptable to different school realities. It is concluded that this research reaffirms the importance of an affective, structured, and dynamic pedagogical approach, showing that the use of manipulable materials and digital games was essential for the enhancement of the ASD student’s learning.
Educação Especial; Transtorno do Espectro Autista; Ensino; Salas de Recursos Multifuncionais; formas geométricas espaciais; Special Education; Autism Spectrum Disorder; teaching; Multifunctional Resource Rooms; spatial geometric shapes
ALABARCES, Suzilei Magosso Araujo. Contribuições de uma sequência didática no ensino de formas geométricas espaciais para estudante autista em Sala de Recursos Multifuncionais. 2024. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino de Ciências Exatas, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 27 nov. 2024. Disponível em: