A formação continuada de professores auxiliando na construção de projetos científicos para feiras de ciências
Martins, Silvana Neumann
Martins, Silvana Neumann
Rehfeldt, Márcia J. H.
Rempel, Claudete
Marchi, Miriam Ines
Bockel, Wolmir
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O presente estudo é resultado da investigação realizada a partir de uma intervenção pedagógica com um grupo de cinco professores que ministram aulas na segunda etapa do Ensino Fundamental, no Estado de Roraima. O problema central está em detectar em quais aspectos as atividades desenvolvidas em um curso de formação continuada de professores, com foco na elaboração de Projetos Científicos, podem auxiliar na melhoria da construção de Projetos em uma Feira de Ciências na escola. Como objetivo geral propôs-se investigar como a formação continuada de professores pode auxiliar os docentes na elaboração de Projetos Científicos. O referencial teórico segue pressupostos que abordam a formação continuada, Feira de Ciências, Projetos Científicos e interdisciplinaridade. A metodologia utilizada para realizar o estudo foi de cunho qualitativo com foco na pesquisa-ação. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de três questionários aplicados antes, durante e depois do curso de formação, compostos de perguntas abertas e fechadas; transcrições de filmagens e diário de campo. Na análise de resultados, foi possível verificar que o curso de formação continuada de professores trouxe mudanças para a comunidade escolar, pois, na Feira de Ciências de 2014, quatro projetos orientados pelos professores que participaram do curso foram selecionados para a Feira Estadual. Tendo em vista que as mudanças no setor educacional não acontecem repentinamente, mas sim, gradativamente, acredita-se que mudanças mais significativas nessa comunidade ainda estão por vir.
The present project is the result of research conducted from a pedagogical intervention with a group of five teachers who teach classes in the second stage of elementary school, in the State of Roraima. The central problem is to detect in which aspects the activities developed in a course of continuing education of teachers, with a focus on the development of Scientific Projects, may assist in improving the construction of projects in a science fair at school. As a general purpose set out to investigate how the continuous formation of teachers can assist teachers in developing Scientific Projects. The theoretical assumptions that address follows the continuing education, science fair, science projects and interdisciplinarity. The methodology used to conduct the study was qualitative oriented with focus on researchaction. The data were collected through three questionnaires applied before, during and after the course of training, open and closed questions compounds; transcripts of filming and field journal. In the analysis of results, it was possible to verify that the course of continuous formation of teachers brought changes to the school community, because, at the science fair for 2014, three projects guided by teachers who participated in the course were selected for the State fair. Considering that the changes in the educational sector do not happen suddenly, but gradually, it is believed that the most significant changes in this community are still to come.
The present project is the result of research conducted from a pedagogical intervention with a group of five teachers who teach classes in the second stage of elementary school, in the State of Roraima. The central problem is to detect in which aspects the activities developed in a course of continuing education of teachers, with a focus on the development of Scientific Projects, may assist in improving the construction of projects in a science fair at school. As a general purpose set out to investigate how the continuous formation of teachers can assist teachers in developing Scientific Projects. The theoretical assumptions that address follows the continuing education, science fair, science projects and interdisciplinarity. The methodology used to conduct the study was qualitative oriented with focus on researchaction. The data were collected through three questionnaires applied before, during and after the course of training, open and closed questions compounds; transcripts of filming and field journal. In the analysis of results, it was possible to verify that the course of continuous formation of teachers brought changes to the school community, because, at the science fair for 2014, three projects guided by teachers who participated in the course were selected for the State fair. Considering that the changes in the educational sector do not happen suddenly, but gradually, it is believed that the most significant changes in this community are still to come.
Formação continuada de professores; Projeto Científico; Feira de Ciências; Interdisciplinaridade; Aprendizagem
MATOS, Aldinelle Fontenelle De. A formação continuada de professores auxiliando na construção de projetos científicos para feiras de ciências. 2014. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino de Ciências Exatas, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 16 dez. 2014. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/718.