A abordagem educativa de Loris Malaguzzi: possibilidade para o protagonismo e o empreendedorismo na Educação Infantil da América Latina
Silva, Jacqueline Silva da
Forneck, Kári Lúcia
Schneider, Mariângela Costa
Silva, Valdemir José Máximo Omena Da
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Esta tese propõe uma reflexão acerca da abordagem educativa de Reggio Emilia/Itália como possibilidade para desenvolver o protagonismo e potencializar o comportamento empreendedor na Educação Infantil, na América Latina. A Educação Infantil, denominada como a primeira etapa da Educação Básica, é constituída por uma geração de crianças e de educadores que são diariamente convocados a protagonizar e a empreender na construção de valores éticos, políticos e estéticos. A partir do entrelaçamento entre as inquietações da pesquisadora com o horizonte vislumbrado para o ensinar e o aprender na Educação Infantil, emergiu o problema de pesquisa que conduziu esta investigação: “Como a abordagem educativa de Loris Malaguzzi vem sendo desenvolvida na prática educativa de quatro professoras, que atuam em escolas de Educação Infantil, na América Latina, a fim de desenvolver o protagonismo infantil e potencializar o comportamento empreendedor das crianças?”. A partir dessa problemática, objetivou-se: 1º) conhecer como as práticas educativas de quatro professoras de escolas de Educação Infantil da América Latina se aproximam da abordagem educativa de Reggio Emilia/Itália; 2º) analisar como ocorre o desenvolvimento do protagonismo infantil nas práticas educativas de quatro professoras de escolas de Educação Infantil da América Latina; 3º) verificar se as práticas educativas de quatro professoras de escolas de Educação Infantil da América Latina potencializam o comportamento empreendedor das crianças; 4º) verificar se a documentação pedagógica está presente nas práticas educativas de quatro professoras de escolas de Educação Infantil da América Latina. E, se estiver presente, averiguar o que evidenciam. Para fins metodológicos, assumiu-se, nesta tese, uma abordagem qualitativa com pressupostos aproximados do estudo de casos múltiplos e da pesquisa documental. Foram envolvidas quatro professoras da América Latina que trabalham na Educação Infantil. Para a produção dos dados, foram utilizadas a análise documental e a entrevista semiestruturada. Dessa forma, os documentos oficiais de três escolas e de um ateliê, os planejamentos, os registros fotográficos, as documentações pedagógicas e as quatro entrevistas compuseram o corpus desta pesquisa. Os dados produzidos foram analisados seguindo-se a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo (Bardin, 2016) e, com base nessa análise, os dados foram categorizados e analisados mediante uma reflexão apoiada em autores como Dolabela (1999; 2002; 2003; 2008); Dornelas (2005; 2007; 2018); Filion (2000); Gandini (2016); Hoyuelos (2020), Malaguzzi (1963; 1980; 1993; 1998; 1999; 2001; 2016; 2017); Martins (2010); Oliveira (2004); Rinaldi (2017); Schneider (2020); Vecchi (2014; 2017; 2020), dentre outros. A partir dessa reflexão, identificou-se que, por meio do protagonismo e do empreendedorismo das professoras no decorrer de suas práticas educativas, é desenvolvido o protagonismo infantil e potencializado o comportamento empreendedor das crianças. Nas análises das documentações dos projetos educativos evidenciou-se a problematização social, investigações no campo social e a participação das crianças, dos professores, das famílias e da comunidade em ações sociais, direcionadas para o coletivo e para a preservação ambiental. Diante desse cenário, compreende-se que o desenvolvimento do protagonismo infantil e a potencialização do comportamento empreendedor das crianças, com aproximações da abordagem reggiana, surge como possibilidade para enfrentar os desafios da sociedade contemporânea.
This thesis proposes a reflection on the educational approach of Reggio Emilia/Italy as a possibility to develop protagonism and enhance entrepreneurial behavior in Early Childhood Education in Latin America. Early Childhood Education, considered the first stage of Basic Education, consists of a generation of children and educators who are daily called upon to take onleading roles and engage in the construction of ethical, political, and aesthetic values. From the intertwining of the researcher’s concerns with the envisioned horizon for teaching and learning in Early Childhood Education, the research problem emerged: "How has Loris Malaguzzi’s educational approach been implemented in the educational practices of four teachers working in Early Childhood Education schools in Latin America to develop children’s protagonist and enhance entrepreneurial behavior?". Based on this problem, the objectives were: 1) to understand how the educational practices of four teachers in Latin American Early Childhood Education schools align with the Reggio Emilia/Italy educational approach; 2) to analyze how the development of children’s protagonism occurs in the educational practices of four teachers in Latin American Early Childhood Education schools; 3) to verify if the educational practices of four teachers in Latin American Early Childhood Education schools enhance children’s entrepreneurial behavior; 4) to determine if pedagogical documentation is present in the educational practices of four teachers in Latin American Early Childhood Education schools, and if so, to investigate its content. For methodological purposes, a qualitative approach with assumptions close to multiple case studies and documentary research was adopted in this thesis. Four teachers from Latin America working in Early Childhood Education were involved. Documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews were used for data production. Official documents from three schools and one workshop, lesson plans, photographic records, pedagogical documents, and the four interviews constituted the corpus of this research. The produced data were analyze dosing Content Analysis technique (Bardin, 2016), and based on this analysis, the data were categorized and analyzed through reflection supported by authors such as Dolabela (1999; 2002; 2003; 2008), Dornelas (2005; 2007; 2018), Filion (2000), Gandini (2016), Hoyuelos (2020), Malaguzzi (1963; 1980; 1993; 1998; 1999; 2001; 2016; 2017), Martins (2010), Oliveira (2004), Rinaldi (2017), Schneider (2020), Vecchi (2014; 2017; 2020), among others. From this reflection, it was identified that through the protagonism and entrepreneurship of the teachers in their educational practices, children's protagonist is developed, and their entrepreneurial behaviors enhanced. The analysis of education a project documentation revealed social problematization, investigations in the social field, and the participation of children, teachers, families, and the community in social actions focused on collective efforts and environmental preservation. In this scenario, it is understood that the development of children’s protagonism and the enhancement of their entrepreneurial 8 behavior, with similarities to the Reggio Emilia approach, emerge as a possibility to address the challenges of contemporary society.
This thesis proposes a reflection on the educational approach of Reggio Emilia/Italy as a possibility to develop protagonism and enhance entrepreneurial behavior in Early Childhood Education in Latin America. Early Childhood Education, considered the first stage of Basic Education, consists of a generation of children and educators who are daily called upon to take onleading roles and engage in the construction of ethical, political, and aesthetic values. From the intertwining of the researcher’s concerns with the envisioned horizon for teaching and learning in Early Childhood Education, the research problem emerged: "How has Loris Malaguzzi’s educational approach been implemented in the educational practices of four teachers working in Early Childhood Education schools in Latin America to develop children’s protagonist and enhance entrepreneurial behavior?". Based on this problem, the objectives were: 1) to understand how the educational practices of four teachers in Latin American Early Childhood Education schools align with the Reggio Emilia/Italy educational approach; 2) to analyze how the development of children’s protagonism occurs in the educational practices of four teachers in Latin American Early Childhood Education schools; 3) to verify if the educational practices of four teachers in Latin American Early Childhood Education schools enhance children’s entrepreneurial behavior; 4) to determine if pedagogical documentation is present in the educational practices of four teachers in Latin American Early Childhood Education schools, and if so, to investigate its content. For methodological purposes, a qualitative approach with assumptions close to multiple case studies and documentary research was adopted in this thesis. Four teachers from Latin America working in Early Childhood Education were involved. Documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews were used for data production. Official documents from three schools and one workshop, lesson plans, photographic records, pedagogical documents, and the four interviews constituted the corpus of this research. The produced data were analyze dosing Content Analysis technique (Bardin, 2016), and based on this analysis, the data were categorized and analyzed through reflection supported by authors such as Dolabela (1999; 2002; 2003; 2008), Dornelas (2005; 2007; 2018), Filion (2000), Gandini (2016), Hoyuelos (2020), Malaguzzi (1963; 1980; 1993; 1998; 1999; 2001; 2016; 2017), Martins (2010), Oliveira (2004), Rinaldi (2017), Schneider (2020), Vecchi (2014; 2017; 2020), among others. From this reflection, it was identified that through the protagonism and entrepreneurship of the teachers in their educational practices, children's protagonist is developed, and their entrepreneurial behaviors enhanced. The analysis of education a project documentation revealed social problematization, investigations in the social field, and the participation of children, teachers, families, and the community in social actions focused on collective efforts and environmental preservation. In this scenario, it is understood that the development of children’s protagonism and the enhancement of their entrepreneurial 8 behavior, with similarities to the Reggio Emilia approach, emerge as a possibility to address the challenges of contemporary society.
Abordagem Educativa de Reggio Emilia/Itália; Educação Infantil; Empreendedorismo; Protagonismo; Reggio Emilia/Italy educational approach; Early childhood education; Entrepreneurship; Protagonism
GABRIEL, Aparecida Garcia Pacheco. A abordagem educativa de Loris Malaguzzi: possibilidade para o protagonismo e o empreendedorismo na educação infantil da América Latina . 2023. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 12 maio 2023. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/4336.