Gestão escolar democrática na Educação Infantil: possibilidades e desafios
Horn, Cláudia Inês
Pasini, Juliana Fatima Serraglio
Silva, Jacqueline Silva Da
Martins, Silvana Neumann
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Esta dissertação propõe uma reflexão acerca da gestão escolar democrática na Educação Infantil e tem como objetivo geral Investigar como professoras e técnicos administrativos educacionais profissionalizados percebem as relações entre a gestão escolar democrática e as práticas de ensino desenvolvidas em uma escola de Educação Infantil. A partir disso, objetivou-se investigar as práticas de ensino e a relação existente com a gestão escolar democrática e, mais especificamente: a) conhecer e apresentar as relações existentes entre a gestão escolar democrática e as práticas de ensino das professoras e técnicos administrativos educacionais profissionalizados; b) analisar as contribuições e os desafios percebidos pelas professoras e técnicos administrativos educacionais profissionalizados em suas práticas de ensino, considerando o trabalho de uma gestora escolar; e c) verificar quais ações específicas de uma gestão democrática têm potencial para promover o aprimoramento das práticas de ensino das professoras e técnicos administrativos educacionais profissionalizados. Para dar conta de tal problemática, reflexões teóricas, apoiadas em dispositivos legais e documentos orientadores da Educação Infantil, se fizeram necessárias, bem como os autores: Lück (2000; 2009; 2014), Libâneo (1998; 2004), Silva (2009), Malaguzzi (1999; 2016), Paro (2010; 2016), Freire (2005), dentre outros. Para fins metodológicos, assumiu-se uma abordagem qualitativa, aproximando-se de pressupostos do Estudo de Caso e da investigação da própria prática, enquanto gestora na Educação Infantil. Para tanto, participaram da pesquisa de campo, vinte e cinco professoras e técnicos administrativos educacionais profissionalizados, que trabalham com crianças da Educação Infantil na Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil “Construindo o Saber”, da cidade de Apiacás/MT. Para a produção de dados foi aplicado um questionário no Google Forms com perguntas abertas dissertativas e fechadas. Os dados produzidos foram analisados seguindo a técnica de análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2020) e, a partir desta análise, emergiram três categorias assim intituladas: a) A gestão escolar democrática e as práticas de ensino de professoras e técnicos administrativos educacionais profissionalizados; b) Percepção das professoras e técnicos administrativos educacionais profissionalizados referente às contribuições e os desafios na perspectiva de uma gestão escolar democrática; e c) Ações de uma gestão democrática com potencial para promover o aprimoramento das práticas de ensino na Educação Infantil. Em relação à primeira categoria, identificou-se que as profissionais possuem conhecimento sobre a temática da gestão democrática e elencam a participação coletiva na tomada de decisões; o trabalho em conjunto e a gestão participativa; a mediação com a comunidade; a formação; o trabalho com transparência; o trabalho com eficiência, o estar aberto ao diálogo, como elementos centrais na relação da gestão democrática com as práticas de ensino. Sobre as contribuições e os desafios na gestão escolar democrática, temática da segunda categoria, emergiram como contribuições no âmbito didático-pedagógico: o suporte pedagógico; a autonomia nas práticas; e, no âmbito relacional: a parceria; colocar-se à disposição; e que a gestão busca melhorias. Em relação aos desafios percebidos pelas Respondentes, em suas práticas de ensino, surgiram: a falta de participação da família; a falta de interesse dos alunos e regras; a evasão; as inovações tecnológicas; a inclusão e a falta de profissionais qualificados; a dificuldade de inclusão; a desigualdade social e educacional; as dificuldades estruturais e de investimento na manutenção e estrutura da escola, bem como nos recursos e investimentos na educação. Na terceira categoria, que versa sobre as ações da gestão democrática com potencial para promover o aprimoramento das práticas de ensino na Educação Infantil, foram elencadas ações como: acolher opiniões; trabalhar de forma colaborativa; liderar; aproximar a família e a escola; possibilitar cursos de formação continuada; dar suporte pedagógico aos professores e técnicos administrativos educacionais profissionalizados, assim como contribuir com as práticas de ensino. Compreende-se que as sugestões que emergiram nesta investigação podem colaborar para o desenvolvimento da Educação Infantil de forma integral e promover ações e reflexões que fortaleçam o ensino, a partir de uma perspectiva da gestão escolar democrática.
This dissertation proposes a reflection on democratic school management in Early Childhood Education and aims to investigate how professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff perceive the relationship between democratic school management and the teaching practices developed in an Early Childhood Education school. From this, the objectives were to investigate the teaching practices and their relationship with democratic school management, and more specifically: a) to understand and present the relationships between democratic school management and the teaching practices of professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff; b) to analyze the contributions and challenges perceived by the teachers and educational administrative staff in their teaching practices, considering the work of a school manager; and c) to identify which specific actions of democratic management have the potential to enhance the teaching practices of professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff. To address this issue, theoretical reflections, supported by legal frameworks and guiding documents for Early Childhood Education, were necessary, as well as the works of authors such as Lück (2000; 2009; 2014), Libâneo (1998; 2004), Silva (2009), Malaguzzi (1999; 2016), Paro (2010; 2016), Freire (2005), among others. In methodological terms, a qualitative approach was adopted, drawing on case study assumptions and the investigation of the practice itself, particularly as a school manager in Early Childhood Education. For this purpose, twenty-five professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff, working with children in Early Childhood Education at the "Construindo o Saber" Municipal Early Childhood Education School in Apiacás/MT, participated in the field research. Data collection was carried out through a Google Forms questionnaire containing both open-ended and closed-ended questions. The data produced were analyzed following Bardin’s (2020) content analysis technique. Based on this analysis, three categories emerged, titled: a) Democratic school management and the teaching practices of professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff; b) Perception of professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff regarding contributions and challenges in the context of democratic school management; and c) Actions of democratic management with the potential to enhance teaching practices in Early Childhood Education. Regarding the first category, it was identified that the professionals have knowledge of the theme of democratic management and highlight collective participation in decision-making; teamwork and participatory management; mediation with the community; training; transparency; efficiency; and openness to dialogue as central elements in the relationship between democratic management and teaching practices. On the contributions and challenges of democratic school management, which is the focus of the second category, the following emerged as contributions in the didactic-pedagogical realm: pedagogical support and autonomy in practices; and in the relational sphere: partnership, availability, and the pursuit of improvements by the management. Regarding the challenges perceived by the respondents in their teaching practices, the following were identified: lack of family participation; lack of student interest and adherence to rules; school dropout; technological innovations; inclusion; lack of qualified professionals; difficulty in inclusion; social and educational inequality; structural challenges and lack of investment in school maintenance and infrastructure, as well as in education resources and investments. In the third category, which discusses actions of democratic management with the potential to enhance teaching practices in Early Childhood Education, actions such as: listening to opinions, working collaboratively, leading, bridging the gap between family and school, providing continuous professional development courses, offering pedagogical support to teachers and educational administrative staff, and contributing to teaching practices were highlighted. It is understood that the suggestions that emerged from this research can contribute to the comprehensive development of Early Childhood Education and promote actions and reflections that strengthen teaching from the perspective of democratic school management.
This dissertation proposes a reflection on democratic school management in Early Childhood Education and aims to investigate how professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff perceive the relationship between democratic school management and the teaching practices developed in an Early Childhood Education school. From this, the objectives were to investigate the teaching practices and their relationship with democratic school management, and more specifically: a) to understand and present the relationships between democratic school management and the teaching practices of professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff; b) to analyze the contributions and challenges perceived by the teachers and educational administrative staff in their teaching practices, considering the work of a school manager; and c) to identify which specific actions of democratic management have the potential to enhance the teaching practices of professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff. To address this issue, theoretical reflections, supported by legal frameworks and guiding documents for Early Childhood Education, were necessary, as well as the works of authors such as Lück (2000; 2009; 2014), Libâneo (1998; 2004), Silva (2009), Malaguzzi (1999; 2016), Paro (2010; 2016), Freire (2005), among others. In methodological terms, a qualitative approach was adopted, drawing on case study assumptions and the investigation of the practice itself, particularly as a school manager in Early Childhood Education. For this purpose, twenty-five professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff, working with children in Early Childhood Education at the "Construindo o Saber" Municipal Early Childhood Education School in Apiacás/MT, participated in the field research. Data collection was carried out through a Google Forms questionnaire containing both open-ended and closed-ended questions. The data produced were analyzed following Bardin’s (2020) content analysis technique. Based on this analysis, three categories emerged, titled: a) Democratic school management and the teaching practices of professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff; b) Perception of professionalized teachers and educational administrative staff regarding contributions and challenges in the context of democratic school management; and c) Actions of democratic management with the potential to enhance teaching practices in Early Childhood Education. Regarding the first category, it was identified that the professionals have knowledge of the theme of democratic management and highlight collective participation in decision-making; teamwork and participatory management; mediation with the community; training; transparency; efficiency; and openness to dialogue as central elements in the relationship between democratic management and teaching practices. On the contributions and challenges of democratic school management, which is the focus of the second category, the following emerged as contributions in the didactic-pedagogical realm: pedagogical support and autonomy in practices; and in the relational sphere: partnership, availability, and the pursuit of improvements by the management. Regarding the challenges perceived by the respondents in their teaching practices, the following were identified: lack of family participation; lack of student interest and adherence to rules; school dropout; technological innovations; inclusion; lack of qualified professionals; difficulty in inclusion; social and educational inequality; structural challenges and lack of investment in school maintenance and infrastructure, as well as in education resources and investments. In the third category, which discusses actions of democratic management with the potential to enhance teaching practices in Early Childhood Education, actions such as: listening to opinions, working collaboratively, leading, bridging the gap between family and school, providing continuous professional development courses, offering pedagogical support to teachers and educational administrative staff, and contributing to teaching practices were highlighted. It is understood that the suggestions that emerged from this research can contribute to the comprehensive development of Early Childhood Education and promote actions and reflections that strengthen teaching from the perspective of democratic school management.
Educação Infantil; Gestão Escolar Democrática; Práticas de Ensino; Early Childhood Education; Democratic School Management; Teaching Practices
CRUZ, Rosângela Feitoza Fracasso. GESTÃO ESCOLAR DEMOCRÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL: POSSIBILIDADES E DESAFIOS. 2024. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 17 dez. 2024. Disponível em: