Machado, Neli Teresinha Galarce
Weizenmann, Jamile Maria da Silva
Périco, Eduardo
Relly, Eduardo
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Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o contexto histórico, urbano e ambiental do bairro Morro 25, situado no município de Lajeado, no Vale do Taquari, Rio Grande do Sul. A pesquisa parte da premissa de que o entendimento de um bairro periférico e das dinâmicas de morar de seus habitantes é fundamental para o reconhecimento das potencialidades e deficiências que impactam o desenvolvimento urbano e regional. O bairro Morro 25, inserido em um cenário de crescimento e transformação urbana, é caracterizado pela sua configuração espacial histórica e pelas particularidades de seu processo de ocupação. A pesquisa busca responder a questões centrais, como quem habita o bairro, como ocorreu a ocupação histórica do espaço, a conexão deste com os demais bairros da cidade, a percepção dos moradores sobre a sua vivência no local e sua integração com o município. Através da análise da morfologia urbana do bairro, que abrange desde os aspectos físicos da cidade até as relações socioculturais que moldam o ambiente, foram investigados os parâmetros técnicos e históricos da evolução do espaço urbano. A pesquisa também se propôs a traçar um perfil socioeconômico dos moradores e a refletir sobre os conceitos de morar, viver, abrigar, espaço, território, paisagem, lugar e territorialidade, a fim de compreender a dinâmica do morar sob a ótica dos habitantes. A partir de uma abordagem metodológica que incluiu pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas com moradores e lideranças locais, e análise dos dados obtidos, este estudo contribui para a compreensão da relação dos habitantes com seu bairro e as dificuldades e potencialidades percebidas na interação com a gestão pública e a cidade em geral. A pesquisa também aborda como os impactos ambientais e históricos influenciam a qualidade de vida dos moradores, especialmente após eventos adversos como as enchentes que afetaram a cidade em 2024. Neste contexto, destaca-se a relevância do protagonismo dos moradores do bairro Morro 25 para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa acadêmica, uma vez que suas vozes, experiências e percepções sobre o espaço urbano são fundamentais para a construção de um conhecimento mais completo e fiel à realidade local. Esta pesquisa valoriza o olhar dos sujeitos diretamente envolvidos com a transformação do bairro, permitindo que suas histórias e práticas sejam documentadas e compreendidas de maneira acadêmica. Além disso, contar a história do espaço e das pessoas que nele habitam tem um papel na promoção de um desenvolvimento urbano mais inclusivo e equitativo. Esse protagonismo é essencial para a construção da identidade do bairro e para a formulação de políticas públicas que atendam de maneira mais precisa às necessidades da comunidade, alinhando-se aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), especialmente o ODS 10 (Redução das Desigualdades) e o ODS 11 (Cidades e Comunidades Sustentáveis). Ao integrar as experiências locais no debate acadêmico, este estudo contribui para a criação de um espaço de reflexão que se alinha com a promoção da justiça social, sustentabilidade e o fortalecimento da cidadania.
This study aims to analyze the historical, urban and environmental context of the Morro 25 neighborhood, in the city of Lajeado, in the Taquari Valley, Rio Grande do Sul. The research is based on the premise that understanding a peripheral neighborhood and the dynamics of how its inhabitants live is fundamental to recognizing the potentialities and deficiencies that impact urban and regional development. The Morro 25 neighborhood, inserted in a scenario of urban growth and transformation, is characterized by its historical spatial configuration and the particularities of its occupation process. The research seeks to answer central questions, such as who lives in the neighborhood, how the historical occupation of the space occurred, its connection with other neighborhoods in the city, the perception of residents about their experience in the area and its integration with the municipality. By analyzing the urban morphology of the neighborhood, which ranges from the physical aspects of the city to the socio-cultural relationships that shape the environment, the technical and historical parameters of the evolution of the urban space were investigated. The research also set out to draw up a socio-economic profile of the residents and to reflect on the concepts of living, dwelling, sheltering, space, territory, landscape, place and territoriality, in order to understand the dynamics of living from the perspective of the inhabitants. Based on a methodological approach that included bibliographical research, interviews with residents and local leaders, and analysis of the obtained data, this study contributes to understanding the relationship between the inhabitants and their neighborhood and the difficulties and potentialities they perceive in interacting with public management and the city in general. The research also addresses how environmental and historical impacts influence residents' quality of life, especially after adverse events such as the floods that affected the city in 2024. In this context, we highlight the importance of the role of the residents of the Morro 25 neighborhood in the development of academic research, since their voices, experiences and perceptions of the urban space are fundamental to the construction of a more complete and faithful knowledge of the local reality. This research values the views of those directly involved in the transformation of the neighborhood, allowing their stories and practices to be documented and understood in an academic way. In addition, telling the story of the space and the people who inhabit it plays an important role in promoting more inclusive and equitable urban development. This protagonism is essential to build the identity of the neighborhood and to create public policies that more accurately meet the needs of the community, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 10 (Reducing Inequalities) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). By integrating local experiences into the academic debate, this study contributes to the creation of a space for reflection that aligns with the promotion of social justice, sustainability and the strengthening of citizenship.
This study aims to analyze the historical, urban and environmental context of the Morro 25 neighborhood, in the city of Lajeado, in the Taquari Valley, Rio Grande do Sul. The research is based on the premise that understanding a peripheral neighborhood and the dynamics of how its inhabitants live is fundamental to recognizing the potentialities and deficiencies that impact urban and regional development. The Morro 25 neighborhood, inserted in a scenario of urban growth and transformation, is characterized by its historical spatial configuration and the particularities of its occupation process. The research seeks to answer central questions, such as who lives in the neighborhood, how the historical occupation of the space occurred, its connection with other neighborhoods in the city, the perception of residents about their experience in the area and its integration with the municipality. By analyzing the urban morphology of the neighborhood, which ranges from the physical aspects of the city to the socio-cultural relationships that shape the environment, the technical and historical parameters of the evolution of the urban space were investigated. The research also set out to draw up a socio-economic profile of the residents and to reflect on the concepts of living, dwelling, sheltering, space, territory, landscape, place and territoriality, in order to understand the dynamics of living from the perspective of the inhabitants. Based on a methodological approach that included bibliographical research, interviews with residents and local leaders, and analysis of the obtained data, this study contributes to understanding the relationship between the inhabitants and their neighborhood and the difficulties and potentialities they perceive in interacting with public management and the city in general. The research also addresses how environmental and historical impacts influence residents' quality of life, especially after adverse events such as the floods that affected the city in 2024. In this context, we highlight the importance of the role of the residents of the Morro 25 neighborhood in the development of academic research, since their voices, experiences and perceptions of the urban space are fundamental to the construction of a more complete and faithful knowledge of the local reality. This research values the views of those directly involved in the transformation of the neighborhood, allowing their stories and practices to be documented and understood in an academic way. In addition, telling the story of the space and the people who inhabit it plays an important role in promoting more inclusive and equitable urban development. This protagonism is essential to build the identity of the neighborhood and to create public policies that more accurately meet the needs of the community, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 10 (Reducing Inequalities) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). By integrating local experiences into the academic debate, this study contributes to the creation of a space for reflection that aligns with the promotion of social justice, sustainability and the strengthening of citizenship.
Comunidade Periférica; Direito à Cidade; Morfologia Urbana; Peripheral communities; Right to the City; Urban Morphology
MACIEL, Fernanda. NOTAS SOBRE O HABITAR: UM OLHAR ACERCA DO LUGAR DE MORAR E O ESPAÇO URBANO NO BAIRRO MORRO 25, MUNICÍPIO DE LAJEADO, RIO GRANDE DO SUL. 2025. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 10 jan. 2025. Disponível em: