Impactos da lei 14.711/2023 nos contratos de alienação fiduciária de imóveis: um estudo sobre os benefícios para as partes envolvidas
Fontana, Eliane
Machado, Elenara Porto e Silva
Scariot, Caroline Reolon
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Trata-se de um artigo acadêmico intitulado “impactos da lei 14.711/2023 nos contratos de alienação fiduciária de imóveis: benefícios para as partes envolvidas” apresentado na Universidade do Vale do Taquari – Univates. Seu objetivo geral é o de apresentar e explicar os impactos e benefícios da Lei 14.711/2023 nos contratos garantidos por alienação fiduciária de imóveis para as partes envolvidas. O trabalho conduz-se por meio da problemática: quais os benefícios da Lei 14.711/2023 nos contratos garantidos por alienação fiduciária de imóveis para as partes envolvidas? E, complementarmente, quais os impactos que ela gera na execução dos contratos? O texto examina a alienação fiduciária em três seções principais: a primeira trata de sua constitucionalidade e da aplicação do princípio da função social da propriedade; a segunda analisa as mudanças legislativas na alienação fiduciária de imóveis, com foco na Lei 14.711/2023; e a última explora os benefícios do Marco Legal das Garantias para credores fiduciários, devedores e terceiros fiduciantes. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa resultou que as modificações do Marco Legal de Garantias na Lei 9.514/97 foram mais benéficas para os credores do que para o devedor e, se for o caso, terceiro fiduciante, sendo que, somadas, tornam-se um benefício para a sociedade. Conclui-se primeiramente, que as alterações beneficiam os devedores, assim como o terceiro fiduciante, vez que trazem dispositivos que os favorecem durante o procedimento da consolidação, assim como a possibilidade de alienação fiduciária superveniente, que é a grande novidade dentre as demais tratadas. O Estudo determina que o credor também é favorecido com o Marco Legal de Garantias, eis que institui obrigações para o devedor e esclarecem alguns pontos do procedimento, fazendo com que o destino final seja a renegociação entre as partes. A conclusão final é a de que, apesar dos credores e os devedores serem privilegiados, o maior beneficiário da promulgação da Lei 14.711/2023, é a comunidade como um todo, pois ao facilitar a concessão do crédito para o consumidor, cria-se um ambiente propício para o desenvolvimento financeiro. Trata-se de pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e explicativa, desenvolvida pelo método dedutivo.
This is an academic article entitled “Impacts of Law 14.711/2023 on real estate fiduciary alienation contracts: benefits for the parties involved” presented at the University of Vale do Taquari – Univates. Its general objective is to present and explain the impacts and benefits of Law 14.711/2023 on contracts guaranteed by fiduciary alienation of real estate for the parties involved. The work is conducted through the problem: what are the benefits of Law 14.711/2023 on contracts guaranteed by fiduciary alienation of real estate for the parties involved? And, additionally, what impacts does it generate on the execution of the contracts? The text examines fiduciary alienation in three main sections: the first deals with its constitutionality and the application of the principle of the social function of property; the second analyzes the legislative changes in the fiduciary alienation of real estate, focusing on Law 14.711/2023; and the last one explores the benefits of the Legal Framework for Guarantees for fiduciary creditors, debtors and third-party fiduciaries. In this sense, the research showed that the modifications to the Legal Framework for Guarantees in Law 9.514/97 were more beneficial to creditors than to the debtor and, if applicable, the third-party fiduciary, and that, when added together, they become a benefit to society. It is concluded firstly that the changes benefit debtors, as well as the third-party fiduciary, since they bring provisions that favor them during the consolidation procedure, as well as the possibility of subsequent fiduciary alienation, which is the great novelty among the others dealt with. The Study determines that the creditor is also favored by the Legal Framework for Guarantees, since it establishes obligations for the debtor and clarifies some points of the procedure, making the final destination renegotiation between the parties. The final conclusion is that, although creditors and debtors are privileged, the greatest beneficiary of the enactment of Law 14.711/2023 is the community as a whole, since by facilitating the granting of credit to the consumer, an environment conducive to financial development is created. This is exploratory, descriptive and explanatory research, developed using the deductive method.
This is an academic article entitled “Impacts of Law 14.711/2023 on real estate fiduciary alienation contracts: benefits for the parties involved” presented at the University of Vale do Taquari – Univates. Its general objective is to present and explain the impacts and benefits of Law 14.711/2023 on contracts guaranteed by fiduciary alienation of real estate for the parties involved. The work is conducted through the problem: what are the benefits of Law 14.711/2023 on contracts guaranteed by fiduciary alienation of real estate for the parties involved? And, additionally, what impacts does it generate on the execution of the contracts? The text examines fiduciary alienation in three main sections: the first deals with its constitutionality and the application of the principle of the social function of property; the second analyzes the legislative changes in the fiduciary alienation of real estate, focusing on Law 14.711/2023; and the last one explores the benefits of the Legal Framework for Guarantees for fiduciary creditors, debtors and third-party fiduciaries. In this sense, the research showed that the modifications to the Legal Framework for Guarantees in Law 9.514/97 were more beneficial to creditors than to the debtor and, if applicable, the third-party fiduciary, and that, when added together, they become a benefit to society. It is concluded firstly that the changes benefit debtors, as well as the third-party fiduciary, since they bring provisions that favor them during the consolidation procedure, as well as the possibility of subsequent fiduciary alienation, which is the great novelty among the others dealt with. The Study determines that the creditor is also favored by the Legal Framework for Guarantees, since it establishes obligations for the debtor and clarifies some points of the procedure, making the final destination renegotiation between the parties. The final conclusion is that, although creditors and debtors are privileged, the greatest beneficiary of the enactment of Law 14.711/2023 is the community as a whole, since by facilitating the granting of credit to the consumer, an environment conducive to financial development is created. This is exploratory, descriptive and explanatory research, developed using the deductive method.
Alienação Fiduciária de Imóveis; Benefícios; Marco Legal das Garantias; Fiduciary Alienation of Real Estate; Benefits; Legal Framework for Guarantees
PAGLIARINI, Laura Pederiva. Impactos da lei 14.711/2023 nos contratos de alienação fiduciária de imóveis: um estudo sobre os benefícios para as partes envolvidas. 2024. Artigo (Graduação) – Curso de Direito, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 10 dez. 2024. Disponível em: