Percepções de professoras dos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola do município de Santa Brígida (BA) acerca do ensino de Língua Portuguesa na perspectiva dos multiletramentos
Forneck, Kári Lúcia
Eckert, Kleber
Juchum, Maristela
Martins, Silvana Neumann
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O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender as percepções de professoras acerca da concretização da proposta pedagógica no ensino de Língua Portuguesa na perspectiva dos multiletramentos, nos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental. Objetivou-se, mais especificamente, conhecer as percepções de professoras dos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental sobre as principais orientações do ensino de Língua Portuguesa, a partir do enfoque da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) e analisar as percepções de professoras acerca das abordagens do ensino dos letramentos e dos multiletramentos nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa. Para proceder a essa análise, foram utilizados conceitos propostos pela BNCC (2018) e pelos referenciais teóricos de autores como Rojo (2009; 2012; 2013); Tfouni (2010); Dias (2012); Garcia, Silva e Felício (2012); Antunes (2014); Street (2014); Coscarelli e Kersch (2016); Cani e Coscarelli (2016); Kersch e Rabello (2016); Fantin (2021); Camargo (2021); Luna e Lima (2021); Melo (2021); Pereira (2021); Soares (2021; 2022a; 2022b); Arantes (2022); Zenere (2023), entre outros. Em relação à metodologia, a pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, caracterizou-se como descritiva, convergindo com os pressupostos da pesquisa de campo, conforme Moreira (2002) e Gil (2019). Os sujeitos envolvidos foram cinco professoras que atuam num colégio dos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental, localizada na sede do município de Santa Brígida-BA, onde foi realizada a pesquisa. A produção de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, sendo os dados qualitativos analisados com base em uma aproximação aos pressupostos metodológicos da Análise Textual Discursiva (Moraes; Galiazzi, 2016). A partir das análises do conjunto de dados, emergiram três categorias: 1. Estudo e ação de criação: professores, agentes de decisão e participação; 2. Práticas de linguagens: professores, agentes pedagógicos; 3. Multiletramentos e ensino de Língua Portuguesa: professores, agentes sociais. Como principais resultados e discussões, observou-se que as professoras envolvidas na pesquisa participaram de algumas formações continuadas voltadas para o ensino de Língua Portuguesa e da elaboração do Documento Curricular Referencial Municipal - DCRM, com foco na BNCC. As professoras demonstraram ter uma compreensão limitada sobre o conceito de multiletramentos, ao exemplificarem como exploram esses conceitos nas suas aulas. No entanto, elas também demonstraram estar cientes da necessidade de realizar práticas de ensino voltadas para as abordagens dos multiletramentos no ensino de Língua Portuguesa, que valorizem o contexto escolar, social e cultural dos estudantes, além da necessidade de participarem de mais formação continuada. Assim, esta pesquisa contribui com resultados que podem servir de subsídios para refletir sobre os principais referenciais surgidos nos últimos anos, no ensino de Língua Portuguesa, com foco no ensino e na aprendizagem dos multiletramentos, nos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental.
The objective of this study was to understand teachers' perceptions regarding the implementation of the pedagogical proposal in teaching Portuguese Language from the perspective of multiliteracies, in the Final Years of Elementary School. The objective, more specifically, was to understand the perceptions of teachers in the Final Years of Elementary School about the main guidelines for teaching the Portuguese Language, based on the National Common Curricular Base (NCCB) approach, and to analyze the perceptions of teachers regarding of approaches to teaching literacy and multiliteracies in Portuguese language classes. To carry out this analysis, were used concepts proposed by NCCB (2018) and theoretical references from authors, such as Rojo (2009; 2012; 2013); Tfouni (2010); Dias (2012); García, Silva and Felício (2012); Antunes (2014); Street (2014); Cani and Coscarelli (2016); Coscarelli and Kersch (2016); Kersch and Rabello (2016); Fantin (2021); Camargo (2021); Luna and Lima (2021); Melo (2021); Pereira (2021); Soares (2021; 2022a; 2022b); Arantes (2022); Zenere (2023), between others. Regarding the methodology, the research, with a qualitative approach, was characterized as descriptive, converging with the assumptions of field research, according to Moreira (2002) and Gil (2019). The subjects involved were five teachers who work at a School for the Final Years of Elementary Education, located in the municipality of Santa Brígida-BA, where the research was carried out. Data production was carried out through semi-structured interviews, with qualitative data being analyzed based on an approach to the methodological assumptions of Discursive Textual Analysis (Moraes; Galiazzi, 2016). From the analysis of the data set, three categories emerged: 1. Study and creative action: teachers, decision-making and participation agents; 2. Language practices: teachers, pedagogical agents; 3. Multiliteracies and Portuguese Language teaching: teachers, social agents. As main results and discussions, it was observed that the teachers involved in the research participated in some ongoing training aimed at teaching Portuguese Language and in the preparation of the Municipal Curriculum Reference Document - MCRD, focusing on NCCB. The teachers demonstrated that they had a limited understanding of the concept of multiliteracies, when they exemplified how they explored these concepts and how they included students in the production and authorship process in their classes. However, they also demonstrated that they were aware of the need to carry out teaching practices aimed at multiliteracies approaches in teaching Portuguese Language, which value the students' academic, social and cultural context, in addition to the need to participate in more ongoing training, which improve literate and multiliterate practices. Thus, this research contributes with results and discussions that can serve as input to reflect on the main references that have emerged in recent years, in the teaching of the Portuguese Language, with a focus on teaching and learning multiliteracies, in the Final Years of Elementary School.
The objective of this study was to understand teachers' perceptions regarding the implementation of the pedagogical proposal in teaching Portuguese Language from the perspective of multiliteracies, in the Final Years of Elementary School. The objective, more specifically, was to understand the perceptions of teachers in the Final Years of Elementary School about the main guidelines for teaching the Portuguese Language, based on the National Common Curricular Base (NCCB) approach, and to analyze the perceptions of teachers regarding of approaches to teaching literacy and multiliteracies in Portuguese language classes. To carry out this analysis, were used concepts proposed by NCCB (2018) and theoretical references from authors, such as Rojo (2009; 2012; 2013); Tfouni (2010); Dias (2012); García, Silva and Felício (2012); Antunes (2014); Street (2014); Cani and Coscarelli (2016); Coscarelli and Kersch (2016); Kersch and Rabello (2016); Fantin (2021); Camargo (2021); Luna and Lima (2021); Melo (2021); Pereira (2021); Soares (2021; 2022a; 2022b); Arantes (2022); Zenere (2023), between others. Regarding the methodology, the research, with a qualitative approach, was characterized as descriptive, converging with the assumptions of field research, according to Moreira (2002) and Gil (2019). The subjects involved were five teachers who work at a School for the Final Years of Elementary Education, located in the municipality of Santa Brígida-BA, where the research was carried out. Data production was carried out through semi-structured interviews, with qualitative data being analyzed based on an approach to the methodological assumptions of Discursive Textual Analysis (Moraes; Galiazzi, 2016). From the analysis of the data set, three categories emerged: 1. Study and creative action: teachers, decision-making and participation agents; 2. Language practices: teachers, pedagogical agents; 3. Multiliteracies and Portuguese Language teaching: teachers, social agents. As main results and discussions, it was observed that the teachers involved in the research participated in some ongoing training aimed at teaching Portuguese Language and in the preparation of the Municipal Curriculum Reference Document - MCRD, focusing on NCCB. The teachers demonstrated that they had a limited understanding of the concept of multiliteracies, when they exemplified how they explored these concepts and how they included students in the production and authorship process in their classes. However, they also demonstrated that they were aware of the need to carry out teaching practices aimed at multiliteracies approaches in teaching Portuguese Language, which value the students' academic, social and cultural context, in addition to the need to participate in more ongoing training, which improve literate and multiliterate practices. Thus, this research contributes with results and discussions that can serve as input to reflect on the main references that have emerged in recent years, in the teaching of the Portuguese Language, with a focus on teaching and learning multiliteracies, in the Final Years of Elementary School.
Ensino de Língua Portuguesa; Práticas pedagógicas; Multiletramentos; BNCC; Teaching Portuguese Language; Pedagogical practices; Multiliteracies; National Common Curricular Base
SANTOS, Maria Lúcia da Silva. Percepções de professoras dos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola do município de Santa Brígida (BA) acerca do ensino de Língua Portuguesa na perspectiva dos multiletramentos. 2024. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 24 set. 2024. Disponível em: