Geração de identidade descentralizada e assinatura de documentos utilizando a Blockchain
Wolf, Alexandre Stürmer
Dertzbacher, Juliano
Diemer, Mouriac Halen
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O surgimento da blockchain possibilitou a criação das criptomoedas, porém o seu uso vai muito além disto. Apoiado na blockchain da moeda virtual Ethereum Classic, este trabalho tem como objetivo criar uma identidade descentralizada, que garante o reconhecimento de que o indivíduo é de fato quem diz ser, através do confronto de informações em um sistema público. Uma vez comprovada identidade é possível fazer assinatura de documentos digitais, como contratos de compra e venda, aluguel, financiamento, serviço, terceirizado, copyright ou qualquer outro documento que implique em acordo entre várias partes, obrigando assim o comprimento do que foi acordado entre as partes sob certas condições. Para alcançar os objetivos foi desenvolvido uma API nas linguagens de programação Java, Kotlin com apoio do framework spring que realiza a integração de dados com Serpro, e valida os dados do indivíduo. A Blockchain por sua vez armazena a identidade descentralizada e executa a assinatura dos contratos. Após testes realizados conclui-se que é possível comprovar a identidade fornecida pelo indivíduo, criando assim uma identidade descentralizada na blockchain, que por sua vez possibilita a assinatura de documentos na forma digital e imutável, eliminando a terceira parte confiável.
The blockchain was created to enable the creation of cryptocurrencies, but its use goes far beyond that. Supported by the virtual currency blockchain Ethereum Classic, this work aims to create a decentralized identity, which guarantees the recognition that the individual is in fact who he says he is, through the confrontation of information in a public system. Once identity is proven, it is possible to sign digital documents, such as purchase and sale contracts, rent, financing, service, outsourced, copyright or any other document that implies an agreement between several parties, thus enforcing the length of what was agreed between the parties under certain conditions. To achieve the goals, an API was developed in Java programming languages, Kotlin with support from the spring framework that performs data integration with Serpro, which validates the individual's data. The Blockchain in turn stores the decentralized identity and executes the signing of contracts. After tests carried out, it is concluded that it is possible to prove the identity provided by the individual, thus creating a decentralized identity in the blockchain, which in turn enables the signing of documents in digital and immutable form, eliminating the trusted third party.
The blockchain was created to enable the creation of cryptocurrencies, but its use goes far beyond that. Supported by the virtual currency blockchain Ethereum Classic, this work aims to create a decentralized identity, which guarantees the recognition that the individual is in fact who he says he is, through the confrontation of information in a public system. Once identity is proven, it is possible to sign digital documents, such as purchase and sale contracts, rent, financing, service, outsourced, copyright or any other document that implies an agreement between several parties, thus enforcing the length of what was agreed between the parties under certain conditions. To achieve the goals, an API was developed in Java programming languages, Kotlin with support from the spring framework that performs data integration with Serpro, which validates the individual's data. The Blockchain in turn stores the decentralized identity and executes the signing of contracts. After tests carried out, it is concluded that it is possible to prove the identity provided by the individual, thus creating a decentralized identity in the blockchain, which in turn enables the signing of documents in digital and immutable form, eliminating the trusted third party.
Blockchain; Spring; Kotlin; Java; Autenticação; Identidade; Identity; Authentication
KRAMER, Jhonatan Cassiano
. GERAÇÃO DE IDENTIDADE DESCENTRALIZADA E ASSINATURA DE DOCUMENTOS UTILIZANDO A BLOCKCHAIN. 2021. Monografia (Graduação em Sistemas de Informação) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 10 dez. 2021. Disponível em: