Branding Education
Kreutz, Elizete de Azevedo
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Uma marca é a representação de uma empresa, de um produto ou de um serviço, e também é um patrimônio, um ativo intangível cujo valor dependerá de sua reputação no mercado em que atua. Para que sua imagem-conceito seja positiva diante de seus públicos, deve haver coerência em seu Discurso Multimodal, o qual é constituído por todos os atos sociais da marca. Diante disso, o objetivo deste artigo é desenhar, para a Vinícola Aurora, um modelo de Brand(ing) Education, a educação formal em prol da marca, proporcionando o conhecimento necessário aos seus públicos, para que os mesmos possam atuar em favor da mesma. Além da marca gerar um valor financeiro para o mercado, ela gera valor emocional para as pessoas, que por si só justificaria este estudo. Contudo, o mesmo também se justifica diante da necessidade de analisarmos e aprimoramos as práticas profissionais sobre o branding, para que possam ser compreendidas e difundidas no meio acadêmico e empresarial, contribuindo com o desenvolvimento social. O presente artigo foi desenvolvido com base no método qualitativo exploratório-descritivo, teve como ferramentas metodológicas o estudo de caso e as pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e de internet. Esperamos que o mesmo possa contribuir com a academia, por meio das reflexões apresentadas sobre o tema Brand(ing) Education, e também com os profissionais da área que necessitam de constantes atualizações sobre o gerenciamento de marcas.
A brand is a representation of a company, a product or a service, and it is also property, an intangible asset whose value will depend on its reputation in the market in which it operates. In order for its concept-image to be positive before their public, there must be consistency in its multimodal speech, which is composed of all brand social acts. Thus, the purpose of this article is to draw, for the Aurora Winery, a model of Brand(ing) Education, a formal education for the brand, providing the necessary knowledge to their public so that they can act in favor of it. In addition to the brand generating a financial value for the market, it generates emotional value to people, which itself justifies this study. However, it is also justified by the need to analyze and to improve professional practices on branding, so that it can be understood and disseminated in the academic and industrial environment, contributing to social development. This article was developed based on exploratory and descriptive qualitative method. It had as the methodological tools the case study, the bibliographic, documentary and internet research. We hope that it can contribute to the academic environment, through the ideas presented about Brand(ing) Education, and also with professionals who are required constant updates about brand management.
A brand is a representation of a company, a product or a service, and it is also property, an intangible asset whose value will depend on its reputation in the market in which it operates. In order for its concept-image to be positive before their public, there must be consistency in its multimodal speech, which is composed of all brand social acts. Thus, the purpose of this article is to draw, for the Aurora Winery, a model of Brand(ing) Education, a formal education for the brand, providing the necessary knowledge to their public so that they can act in favor of it. In addition to the brand generating a financial value for the market, it generates emotional value to people, which itself justifies this study. However, it is also justified by the need to analyze and to improve professional practices on branding, so that it can be understood and disseminated in the academic and industrial environment, contributing to social development. This article was developed based on exploratory and descriptive qualitative method. It had as the methodological tools the case study, the bibliographic, documentary and internet research. We hope that it can contribute to the academic environment, through the ideas presented about Brand(ing) Education, and also with professionals who are required constant updates about brand management.
Marcas; Branding; Brand(ing) Education; Públicos; Vinícola Aurora
LUCAS, Daniela De. Branding Education. 2016. Artigo (MBA) – Curso de Branding & Business, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 30 jun. 2016. Disponível em: