Avaliação das condições de sustentabilidade em empresas beneficiadoras de gemas com incorporação de tecnologias
Stülp, Simone
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A busca pela sustentabilidade caracteriza-se como um novo desafio para as empresas devido ao esgotamento de recursos e à degradação de ambientes naturais. Nesse contexto, esta tese teve o objetivo de propor a incorporação de tecnologias visando a recuperação e reciclagem de materiais em empresas que beneficiam gemas e avaliar suas condições de sustentabilidade a partir da proposição de indicadores de sustentabilidade. Para isso, foram desenvolvidas diferentes etapas, realizadas no período de julho de 2012 a junho de 2015, iniciando com o acompanhamento e análise do processo produtivo e a elaboração do inventário de entradas e saídas do processo, visando identificar os pontos críticos. Após, ocorreu a proposição de tecnologia que permite o tratamento do lodo e reciclagem de materiais. Por fim, elaborou-se uma proposta de indicadores de sustentabilidade direcionados para as empresas que compõem o setor e realizou-se a avaliação das condições de sustentabilidade em uma empresa pertencente ao setor. Os resultados alcançados contribuem, principalmente, com a proposição de tecnologia de filtração por trompa d’água, em escala piloto, para o tratamento do lodo, principal resíduo gerado no processo produtivo, favorecendo o desenvolvimento da produção em um contexto ambientalmente mais correto, e com a proposição de um quadro de indicadores de sustentabilidade direcionados para as empresas que beneficiam gemas, auxiliando na avaliação e no monitoramento das suas atividades em busca de uma condição de maior sustentabilidade.
The search for sustainability is characterized as a new challenge for companies due to the resource depletion and degradation of natural environments. In this context, this thesis intended to propose the incorporation of technologies aiming the recovery and recycling of materials in companies that process gems and to assess its sustainability conditions from the proposition of sustainability indicators. For this, different steps were developed, carried out in the period from July 2012 to June 2015, starting with the monitoring and analysis of the productive process and the elaboration of the inventory of inputs and outputs of the process, aiming to identify the critical points. After, there happened the technology proposition that allows the sludge treatment and the recycling of materials. Finally, there was elaborated a proposal of sustainability indicators directed to the companies that compose the sector and there was done the assessment of the sustainability conditions in a company of the sector. The results that were achieved contribute, mainly with the filtering technology proposition for water jet pump, on a pilot scale, for sludge treatment, main waste generated in the productive process, favoring the development of production in a more environmentally correct context, and with the proposition of a sustainability indicator table directed to the companies that process gems, assisting in assessment and monitoring of its activities in pursuit of a more sustainable condition.
The search for sustainability is characterized as a new challenge for companies due to the resource depletion and degradation of natural environments. In this context, this thesis intended to propose the incorporation of technologies aiming the recovery and recycling of materials in companies that process gems and to assess its sustainability conditions from the proposition of sustainability indicators. For this, different steps were developed, carried out in the period from July 2012 to June 2015, starting with the monitoring and analysis of the productive process and the elaboration of the inventory of inputs and outputs of the process, aiming to identify the critical points. After, there happened the technology proposition that allows the sludge treatment and the recycling of materials. Finally, there was elaborated a proposal of sustainability indicators directed to the companies that compose the sector and there was done the assessment of the sustainability conditions in a company of the sector. The results that were achieved contribute, mainly with the filtering technology proposition for water jet pump, on a pilot scale, for sludge treatment, main waste generated in the productive process, favoring the development of production in a more environmentally correct context, and with the proposition of a sustainability indicator table directed to the companies that process gems, assisting in assessment and monitoring of its activities in pursuit of a more sustainable condition.
Sustentabilidade; Tecnologias limpas; Reciclagem; Indicadores; Beneficiamento de gemas
SINDELAR, Fernanda Cristina Wiebusch. Avaliação das condições de sustentabilidade em empresas beneficiadoras de gemas com incorporação de tecnologias. 2015. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 29 out. 2015. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/986.