Avaliação dos potenciais citotóxico e antiinflamatório dos extratos etanólico e hexânico da Calyptranthes grandifolia O.Berg em cultura celular
Goettert, Marcia Ines
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Na medicina tradicional, as plantas tem sido utilizadas para o tratamento de diversas doenças ao longo dos séculos e são consideradas uma das maiores fontes para o desenvolvimento de novas drogas. Com o objetivo de contribuir com o conhecimento cientifico no estudo e desenvolvimento de novas drogas procurou-se com este trabalho, identificaros principais constituintes fitoquímicosda Calyptranthes grandifolia, avaliar seus potenciais citotóxicos e antioxidantes e também identificar e avaliar o efeito terapêutico, através de vias específicas e já conhecidas por seu envolvimento no processo inflamatório, como o TNF- α. Para todos os experimentos, foram utilizados extratos etanólico e hexânico das folhas da C.grandifolia, coletada no entorno do município de Lajeado.Foi realizada a análise fitoquímica de esteroides/terpenoides, taninos, flavonoides, cumarinas, quinonas, alcaloides e saponinas, utilizando metodologias descritas na literatura. O potencial citotóxico in vitro foi avaliado pelo método de Alamar Blue, utilizando células não metabolizadoras CHO-K1 e a atividade antioxidante foi realizada pelo método2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazila (DPPH). A análise da liberação do TNF-α utilizou células RAW 264.7, tratadas com os extratos vegetais e posterior estimulação com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS). A quantificação de liberação do TNF-α foi feita pelo método de ELISA. Os resultados dos ensaios indicaram a presença de esteroides/terpenoides, taninos e flavonoides no extrato etanólico. O potencial citotóxico, não apresentou citotoxicidade considerável no extrato etanólico e manteve a viabilidade celular aumentada na maioria das concentrações, com uma diminuição não significativa da viabilidade em 200 μg/mL, de forma semelhante para o extrato hexânico a redução da viabilidade celular pode ser observada somente na concentração de 200 μg/mL. A atividade antioxidante esteve presente apenas no extrato etanólico de maneira dose-dependente, com IC50 de 21.3±1.7μg/mL.O extrato etanólico também apresentou melhores resultados em relação à inibição do TNF-α, tendo sido significativa na concentração de 200 μg/mL, frente ao controle positivo (LPS). O extrato hexânico não apresentou inibição da liberação do TNF-α na concentração de 200 μg/mL de forma significativa quando comparada ao LPS. Os resultados deste estudo mostram indícios de atividades anti-inflamatórias nos extratos testados, havendo um melhor desempenho do extrato etanólico. A presença de polifenóis e esteroides/terpenoides encontradas neste extrato podem ser a resposta para uma melhor avaliação das atividades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias. Estudos futuros podem indicar um potencial anti-inflamatório promissor para esta planta, lembrando ainda que processos inflamatórios fazem parte do processo de carcinogênese, havendo portanto uma porta de entrada para maiores pesquisas avaliando o potencial anticâncer da C. grandifolia.
In traditional medicine, plants have been used in the treatment of several diseases throughout centuries and are considered as one of the largest sources for the development of new drugs. However, the bioactive components and action mechanisms are not entirely known. Aiming to contribute with scientific knowledge towards the study and development of new drugs, this work sought to identify their main phytochemical components, evaluate their cytotoxic and antioxidant potentials, as well as identifying and evaluating the therapeutic effect of Calyptranthesgrandifolia, through specific and known paths for their involvement in the inflammatory and carcinogenic process, such as TNF- α. Ethanolic and hexanic extracts from C. grandifolialeaves, gathered within the Lajeado municipality, were used in all experiments. The phytochemical analysis of steroids/terpenoids, tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, quinones, alkaloids and saponins were characterized using methodologies described in literature. The in vitro cytotoxic potential was evaluated through the Alamar Blue method using non drug-metabolizing CHOK1 cells and the antioxidant activity was performed through the DPPH method. The analysis of TNF-α release used RAW 264.7 cells, treated with vegetal extracts and posterior stimulation with LPS. The quantification of TNF-α release was quantified using ELISA method. The experiment results indicated the presence of steroids/terpenoids, tannins and flavonoids in the ethanolic extract. The cytotoxic potential did not present considerable cytotoxicity in the ethanolic extract and maintained increased cellular viability in most concentrations, only presenting a slight reduction in viability at 200 μg/mL. Similarly, cellular viability reduction could only be observed in the hexanic extract at the 200 μg/mL concentration. The antioxidant activity was only present in the ethanolic extract at a dose-dependant manner, with an IC50 value of 21.3±1.7μg/mL. The ethanolic extract also presented better results concerning the inhibition of TNF-α, given that it was significant at the 200 μg/mL concentration in comparison with the positive control (LPS). The hexanic extract also presented higher TNF-α inhibition at the 200 μg/mL concentration, however, there was no significant difference in comparison with LPS. The results of this study demonstrate that there are evidences of antiinflammatory activity in the tested extracts, with better performance in the ethanolic extract. The presence of polyphenols and steroids/terpenoids found in this extract may be the answer for its better evaluation concerning antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Future studies may indicate a promising anti-inflammatory potential for this plant, also reminding that inflammatory processes are part of the carcinogenesis process, therefore, this is an entry path for larger researches evaluating the anticarcinogenic potential in C. grandifolia extracts.
In traditional medicine, plants have been used in the treatment of several diseases throughout centuries and are considered as one of the largest sources for the development of new drugs. However, the bioactive components and action mechanisms are not entirely known. Aiming to contribute with scientific knowledge towards the study and development of new drugs, this work sought to identify their main phytochemical components, evaluate their cytotoxic and antioxidant potentials, as well as identifying and evaluating the therapeutic effect of Calyptranthesgrandifolia, through specific and known paths for their involvement in the inflammatory and carcinogenic process, such as TNF- α. Ethanolic and hexanic extracts from C. grandifolialeaves, gathered within the Lajeado municipality, were used in all experiments. The phytochemical analysis of steroids/terpenoids, tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, quinones, alkaloids and saponins were characterized using methodologies described in literature. The in vitro cytotoxic potential was evaluated through the Alamar Blue method using non drug-metabolizing CHOK1 cells and the antioxidant activity was performed through the DPPH method. The analysis of TNF-α release used RAW 264.7 cells, treated with vegetal extracts and posterior stimulation with LPS. The quantification of TNF-α release was quantified using ELISA method. The experiment results indicated the presence of steroids/terpenoids, tannins and flavonoids in the ethanolic extract. The cytotoxic potential did not present considerable cytotoxicity in the ethanolic extract and maintained increased cellular viability in most concentrations, only presenting a slight reduction in viability at 200 μg/mL. Similarly, cellular viability reduction could only be observed in the hexanic extract at the 200 μg/mL concentration. The antioxidant activity was only present in the ethanolic extract at a dose-dependant manner, with an IC50 value of 21.3±1.7μg/mL. The ethanolic extract also presented better results concerning the inhibition of TNF-α, given that it was significant at the 200 μg/mL concentration in comparison with the positive control (LPS). The hexanic extract also presented higher TNF-α inhibition at the 200 μg/mL concentration, however, there was no significant difference in comparison with LPS. The results of this study demonstrate that there are evidences of antiinflammatory activity in the tested extracts, with better performance in the ethanolic extract. The presence of polyphenols and steroids/terpenoids found in this extract may be the answer for its better evaluation concerning antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Future studies may indicate a promising anti-inflammatory potential for this plant, also reminding that inflammatory processes are part of the carcinogenesis process, therefore, this is an entry path for larger researches evaluating the anticarcinogenic potential in C. grandifolia extracts.
Câncer; Produtos naturais; Anti-inflamatório; TNF-α C.grandifolia
DELVING, Luciana Knabben De Oliveira Becker. Avaliação dos potenciais citotóxico e antiinflamatório dos extratos etanólico e hexânico da Calyptranthes grandifolia O.Berg em cultura celular. 2015. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Biotecnologia, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, jan. 2015. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/833.