Inferências paleoclimáticas baseadas em análises de crescimento lenhoso de gimnospermas da floresta petrificada do Tocantins setentrional, permiano da bacia do Parnaíba
Jasper, André
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A Floresta Petrificada de Tocantins Setentrional (FPTS) é citada na literatura científica como uma das mais importantes associações lignoflorísticas de paleobioma temperado quente do Permiano no hemisfério sul. Parte desta floresta encontra-se situada no Monumento Natural das Árvores Fossilizadas do Tocantins (MNAFTO), uma unidade de preservação integral localizada a nordeste do Estado do Tocantins. Geologicamente, o MNAFTO encontra-se inserido na Bacia do Parnaíba, sendo que os lenhos aqui estudados são associados à Formação Motuca, Permiano Superior. O presente trabalho possui como objetivo estabelecer a influência dos processos climáticos ocorridos durante o Permiano Superior com a utilização de dados proxy obtidos através da análise de elementos vegetais preservados na FPTS. O material analisado corresponde a 32 fragmentos de lenhos gimnospérmicos provenientes de nove pontos de coleta localizados dentro e no entorno da área do parque. A fim de determinar padrões climáticos com base em crescimento lenhoso, foram feitas seções planas e lâminas petrográficas. Um total de 682 incrementos de crescimento em sessões planas foram verificados por meio de análises de sensibilidade média e anual. Em relação aos dados dendrológicos obtidos, os espécimes demostraram valores considerados sensitivos que indicam a vigência de um clima semiárido com precipitações aperiódicas.
The Northern Tocantins Petrified Forest (NTPF) is mentioned in the scientific literature as one of the most important Permian lignofloristic assemblage of warm temperate paleobiome in the South Hemisphere. Part of this forest is situated in the Tocantins Fossil Trees Natural Monument (TFTNM), which is an integral protection unit located in the northeast of the Tocantins state. Geologically, the TFTNM is inserted in the Parnaiba Basin, and the stems studied are associated to the Late Permian Motuca Formation. The aim of the present work is to establish the influence of the climatic process that occurred during the Late Permian with the use of proxy data obtained by the analysis of the floristics elements preserved in the (NTPF). The analyzed material corresponds to 32 gymnospermic fossil wood fragments derived from nine sampling points located inside and in the surroundings of the park area. In order to determine climatic patterns based on woody growth, plane sections cuts and petrographic plates were made. A total number of 682 growth increments in plane sections cuts were verified using average sensibility and annual sensibility analyses. With regard to the dendrological data obtained, the specimens show considerable sensitive values that indicate a semi arid clima with aperiodic rainfall.
The Northern Tocantins Petrified Forest (NTPF) is mentioned in the scientific literature as one of the most important Permian lignofloristic assemblage of warm temperate paleobiome in the South Hemisphere. Part of this forest is situated in the Tocantins Fossil Trees Natural Monument (TFTNM), which is an integral protection unit located in the northeast of the Tocantins state. Geologically, the TFTNM is inserted in the Parnaiba Basin, and the stems studied are associated to the Late Permian Motuca Formation. The aim of the present work is to establish the influence of the climatic process that occurred during the Late Permian with the use of proxy data obtained by the analysis of the floristics elements preserved in the (NTPF). The analyzed material corresponds to 32 gymnospermic fossil wood fragments derived from nine sampling points located inside and in the surroundings of the park area. In order to determine climatic patterns based on woody growth, plane sections cuts and petrographic plates were made. A total number of 682 growth increments in plane sections cuts were verified using average sensibility and annual sensibility analyses. With regard to the dendrological data obtained, the specimens show considerable sensitive values that indicate a semi arid clima with aperiodic rainfall.
Zonas de crescimento; Permiano superior; Inferências paleoclimáticas; Gondwana
BENÍCIO, José Rafael Wanderley. Inferências paleoclimáticas baseadas em análises de crescimento lenhoso de gimnospermas da floresta petrificada do Tocantins setentrional, permiano da bacia do Parnaíba. 2015. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, jan. 2015. Disponível em: