Saneamento básico e desenvolvimento humano: um estudo de caso no município de Imperatriz/MA a partir da abordagem das capacitações
Barden, Júlia Elisabete
Barden, Júlia Elisabete
Konrad, Odorico
Rempel, Claudete
Carreno, Ioná
Bagolin, Izete Pengo
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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar como a falta de saneamento básico priva a vida das pessoas e como essas privações afetam suas liberdades. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo de caso na Vila João Castelo, cidade de Imperatriz/Maranhão/Brasil. Foram entrevistadas 11 famílias e os dados foram analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Também se fez uso da técnica de observação não participante para descrever a situação sanitária do bairro. Investigou-se como as condições sanitárias nas quais os moradores vivem afetam capacitações representativas do bem-estar, tais como saúde, educação, valores sociais, segurança e acesso aos materiais básicos para a vida. O estudo permite considerar que as famílias estão sendo privadas em todas as capacitações analisadas. A segurança pessoal tem sido muito afetada, uma vez que as pessoas não são capazes de controlar o próprio ambiente nem ter segurança na posse de seus bens. Observou-se que a falta de saneamento no bairro priva as pessoas do acesso à educação, de exercerem seus valores sociais, de terem acesso a bens materiais básicos para a vida e de terem autoestima elevada. A condição de agente delas também foi prejudicada. Em relação à política pública como forma de expandir as liberdades das pessoas, no caso analisado esta agiu de forma contrária, restringindo ainda mais as liberdades das famílias quando da realização da obra de saneamento realizada pela prefeitura no bairro. Verificou-se que, quando a situação do bairro é analisada a partir da lista de capacitações humanas centrais de Nussbaum, pode-se afirmar que os moradores não estão sendo verdadeiramente humanos, pois todas as dez capacitações estão sendo afetadas. Quando se analisa o saneamento a partir da Abordagem das Capacitações amplia-se a compreensão de seus efeitos na vida das pessoas para além da análise de presença ou ausência de doenças causadas pela falta de drenagem, esgoto, água potável e coleta de lixo.
This study aimed to examine how the lack of sanitation deprives people's lives and how these deprivations affect their freedoms. To this end, a case study was conducted in Vila João Castelo, Imperatriz/Maranhão/Brasil. Eleven families were interviewed and the data analyzed using the technique of content analysis. Also made use of the technique of non-participant observation to describe the health of the neighborhood residents. This research examined how the sanitary conditions in which people live affect welfare representative capabilities, such as health, education, social values, security and access to basic materials for life. The study suggests that families are being deprived in all capabilities analyzed. Personal security is the most affected, since people are not able to control their own environment and not have secure possession of their property.It was observed that the lack of sanitation in the neighborhood deprives people of access to education, to exercise their social values, to have access to basic material goods for life and have high self-esteem. The agent condition of these was also impaired.Regarding public policy, as a way of expanding the freedoms of individuals, in this case analyzed it has acted contrary, further restricting the freedoms of families, when the city hall performed the sanitation job in the neighborhood.It was found that when the situation is analyzed in the neighborhood from The Nussbaum's List of the Central Capabilities, it can be stated that residents are not being truly humans, because all ten capabilities are being affected. When analyzing the sanitation from the Capability Approach expands the understanding of its effects on people's lives beyond the analysis of the presence or absence of diseases caused by poor drainage, sewage, drinking water and garbage collection.
This study aimed to examine how the lack of sanitation deprives people's lives and how these deprivations affect their freedoms. To this end, a case study was conducted in Vila João Castelo, Imperatriz/Maranhão/Brasil. Eleven families were interviewed and the data analyzed using the technique of content analysis. Also made use of the technique of non-participant observation to describe the health of the neighborhood residents. This research examined how the sanitary conditions in which people live affect welfare representative capabilities, such as health, education, social values, security and access to basic materials for life. The study suggests that families are being deprived in all capabilities analyzed. Personal security is the most affected, since people are not able to control their own environment and not have secure possession of their property.It was observed that the lack of sanitation in the neighborhood deprives people of access to education, to exercise their social values, to have access to basic material goods for life and have high self-esteem. The agent condition of these was also impaired.Regarding public policy, as a way of expanding the freedoms of individuals, in this case analyzed it has acted contrary, further restricting the freedoms of families, when the city hall performed the sanitation job in the neighborhood.It was found that when the situation is analyzed in the neighborhood from The Nussbaum's List of the Central Capabilities, it can be stated that residents are not being truly humans, because all ten capabilities are being affected. When analyzing the sanitation from the Capability Approach expands the understanding of its effects on people's lives beyond the analysis of the presence or absence of diseases caused by poor drainage, sewage, drinking water and garbage collection.
Saúde; Liberdades; Desenvolvimento humano; Saneamento básico
OLIVEIRA, Diego Maciel De. Saneamento básico e desenvolvimento humano: um estudo de caso no município de Imperatriz/MA a partir da abordagem das capacitações. 2014. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 30 jun. 2014. Disponível em: