Macrofauna edáfica e mirmecofauna (hymenoptera: formicidae) em diferentes paisagens e sistemas de usos do solo no bioma cerrado, Brasil
Périco, Eduardo
Silva, Guilherme Liberato Da
Silveira, Eliane Fraga Da
Dalzochio, Marina Schmidt
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O Cerrado segundo maior bioma Neotropical e reconhecido como um importante hotspot, sofre ameaças antrópicas causada pela exploração excessiva de seus recursos, que afeta as paisagens naturais e altera as propriedades químicas e físicas do solo. A macrofauna edáfica e a mirmecofauna são suscetíveis a variações temporais e espaciais e têm sido utilizadas como indicadores ecológicos dos efeitos antropogênicos dos sistemas de uso e cobertura do solo em regiões com alta biodiversidade e endemismo como o Cerrado. O principal objetivo desta tese foi caracterizar a macrofauna edáfica e mirmecofauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em relação às alterações no uso e cobertura do solo em áreas naturais e de manejo antrópico, no bioma Cerrado. Para tanto, selecionou-se ambientes que reúnem características naturais (Cerradão e Mata dos Cocais) e formações do Cerrado que sofreram perturbações antrópicas (Corte e Queima, Eucalipto e Pastagem). Os resultados mostraram uma redução da riqueza e abundância de comunidades de invertebrados/formicídeos em áreas de perturbação antrópica. Os grupos funcionais da macrofauna edáfica como da mirmecofauna realizam diversas atividades nos ambientes que regulam os processos físicos, químicos e biológicos que ocorrem no solo, promovendo equilíbrio ecológico nessas áreas. Conclui-se que os efeitos da sazonalidade, cobertura e uso do solo, e perfil das paisagens determinam a composição taxonômica e funcional da macrofauna edáfica e a mirmecofauna. Nos ambientes antropizados os grupos funcionais generalistas são mais abundantes, enquanto que nos ambientes naturais os grupos são mais especializados. Assim, tanto a diversidade e funcionalidade da macrofauna e mirmecofauna desempenham atividades reguladoras dos processos físicos, químicos e biológicos no solo, que favorecem o equilíbrio e o funcionamento do bioma.
The Cerrado, largest second Neotropical biome and recognized as an important hotspot, suffers from anthropic threats caused by the excessive exploitation of its resources, which affects natural landscapes and changes the chemical and physical properties of the soil. The soil macrofauna and ant fauna are susceptible to temporal and spatial variations and have been used as ecological indicators of the anthropogenic effects of land use and cover systems in regions with high biodiversity and endemism such as the Cerrado. The main objective of this thesis was to characterize the soil macrofauna and ant fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in relation to changes in land use and cover in natural and anthropic management areas, in the Cerrado biome. Selected environments that combine natural characteristics (Cerradão and Mata dos Cocais) and Cerrado formations that suffered anthropic disturbances (Cut and Burn, Eucalyptus and Pasture). Results showed a reduction in the richness and abundance of invertebrate / ant killer communities in areas of anthropic disturbance. Functional groups of the soil macrofauna as well as of the ant fauna carry out various activities in the environments that regulate the physical, chemical and biological processes that occur in the soil, promoting ecological balance in these areas. It is concluded that the effects of seasonalityins, coverage and soil use, and landscape profile determine the taxonomic and functional composition of the soil macrofauna and the ant fauna. Anthropized environments generalist functional groups are more abundant, while in natural environments groups are more specialized. Both the diversity and functionality of the macrofauna and ant fauna play a role in regulating the physical, chemical and biological processes in the soil, which favor the balance and functioning of the biome.
The Cerrado, largest second Neotropical biome and recognized as an important hotspot, suffers from anthropic threats caused by the excessive exploitation of its resources, which affects natural landscapes and changes the chemical and physical properties of the soil. The soil macrofauna and ant fauna are susceptible to temporal and spatial variations and have been used as ecological indicators of the anthropogenic effects of land use and cover systems in regions with high biodiversity and endemism such as the Cerrado. The main objective of this thesis was to characterize the soil macrofauna and ant fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in relation to changes in land use and cover in natural and anthropic management areas, in the Cerrado biome. Selected environments that combine natural characteristics (Cerradão and Mata dos Cocais) and Cerrado formations that suffered anthropic disturbances (Cut and Burn, Eucalyptus and Pasture). Results showed a reduction in the richness and abundance of invertebrate / ant killer communities in areas of anthropic disturbance. Functional groups of the soil macrofauna as well as of the ant fauna carry out various activities in the environments that regulate the physical, chemical and biological processes that occur in the soil, promoting ecological balance in these areas. It is concluded that the effects of seasonalityins, coverage and soil use, and landscape profile determine the taxonomic and functional composition of the soil macrofauna and the ant fauna. Anthropized environments generalist functional groups are more abundant, while in natural environments groups are more specialized. Both the diversity and functionality of the macrofauna and ant fauna play a role in regulating the physical, chemical and biological processes in the soil, which favor the balance and functioning of the biome.
Biodiversidade; Funcionalidade; Indicadores ecológicos; Invertebrados do solo; Paisagens; Biodiversity; Functionality; Ecological indicators; Soil invertebrates; Landscapes
LIMA, Charlyan De Sousa. Macrofauna edáfica e mirmecofauna (hymenoptera: formicidae) em diferentes paisagens e sistemas de usos do solo no bioma cerrado, Brasil. 2020. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 16 dez. 2020. Disponível em: