Avaliação do nível de sustentabilidade em três municípios localizados no norte do estado de Mato Grosso
Périco, Eduardo
Schreiber, Dusan
Dalmoro, Marlon
Konrad, Odorico
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A sustentabilidade busca o equilíbrio econômico, social, cultural, político, ambiental e espacial. A mensuração da sustentabilidade pode ocorrer mediante o uso de indicadores que avaliam o nível da qualidade existente em determinado sistema, por exemplo, um sistema pode ser uma empresa, uma região, um município, entre outros. Os municípios podem ser definidos como redes de intercâmbio, densos e complexos, de investimentos, informações, bens e pessoas, centros de inovação e gestão do conhecimento. O município é gerido pelo poder público, mas as instituições com e sem fins lucrativos e a própria sociedade podem influenciar positivamente nessa gestão. O tema desta pesquisa vincula-se a elaboração de uma metodologia para mensuração da sustentabilidade em municípios, pois tornou-se gradativamente urgente pelos formuladores de políticas públicas, organizações e a sociedade em geral, identificarem pontos a serem melhorados nos municípios com auxílio de indicadores de sustentabilidade. Neste contexto, o objetivo geral desta tese vincula- se a elaboração de uma metodologia de mensuração e avaliação da sustentabilidade de municípios em Mato Grosso, Brasil. A metodologia empregada tipifica-se como qualiquantitativa, pesquisa descritiva, e pesquisa survey por meio de questionário misto (aberto e fechado), documental primária e secundária e entrevistas não estruturadas. Os principais resultados revelam que o conjunto de indicadores de sustentabilidade apresentou um nível de consenso entre 63,3% e 72,9%, considerado mínimo para aceitação. A pesquisa apresentou um total de 27 indicadores, identificados e selecionados pela abordagem top-down e bottom-up. A normalização ocorreu mediante a Transformação logarítmica, a ponderação pelos métodos dos pesos iguais, e a agregação pela média aritmética. Os indicadores, subíndices e índice de sustentabilidade dos municípios apresentaram resultados consistentes e sólidos para auxiliarem os gestores municipais a gerirem de forma mais sustentável os seus recursos sociais, ambientais, econômicos e territoriais. Entretanto, a utilização deste modelo de mensuração deve ser utilizado com cautela, pois existem diversas complexidades e limitações que estão entrelaçadas na sua estruturação e na geração dos resultados.
Sustainability seeks economic, social, cultural, political, environmental and spatial balance. The measurement of sustainability can occur through the use of indicators that assess the level of quality existing in a given system, for example, a system can be a company, a region, a municipality, among others. Municipalities can be defined as dense and complex exchange networks for investments, information, goods and people, centers of innovation and knowledge management. The municipality is managed by the government, but non-profit and non-profit institutions and society itself can positively influence this management. The theme of this research is linked to the development of a methodology for measuring sustainability in municipalities, as it has gradually become urgent for public policy makers, organizations and society in general to identify points to be improved in municipalities with the help of indicators of sustainability. In this context, the general objective of this thesis is linked to the elaboration of a methodology for measuring and evaluating the sustainability of municipalities in Mato Grosso, Brazil. The methodology used is characterized as qualiquantitative, descriptive research, and survey research through a mixed questionnaire (open and closed), primary and secondary documentary and unstructured interviews. The main results reveal that the set of sustainability indicators presented a level of consensus between 63.3% and 72.9%, considered minimum for acceptance. The survey presented a total of 27 indicators, identified and selected by the top-down and bottom-up approach. The normalization occurred through the logarithmic transformation, the weighting by the equal weights methods, and the aggregation by the arithmetic mean. The indicators, sub-indices and sustainability index of the municipalities showed consistent and solid results to help municipal managers to manage their social, environmental, economic and territorial resources in a more sustainable way. However, the use of this measurement model should be used with caution, as there are several complexities and limitations that are intertwined in its structuring and in the generation of results.
Sustainability seeks economic, social, cultural, political, environmental and spatial balance. The measurement of sustainability can occur through the use of indicators that assess the level of quality existing in a given system, for example, a system can be a company, a region, a municipality, among others. Municipalities can be defined as dense and complex exchange networks for investments, information, goods and people, centers of innovation and knowledge management. The municipality is managed by the government, but non-profit and non-profit institutions and society itself can positively influence this management. The theme of this research is linked to the development of a methodology for measuring sustainability in municipalities, as it has gradually become urgent for public policy makers, organizations and society in general to identify points to be improved in municipalities with the help of indicators of sustainability. In this context, the general objective of this thesis is linked to the elaboration of a methodology for measuring and evaluating the sustainability of municipalities in Mato Grosso, Brazil. The methodology used is characterized as qualiquantitative, descriptive research, and survey research through a mixed questionnaire (open and closed), primary and secondary documentary and unstructured interviews. The main results reveal that the set of sustainability indicators presented a level of consensus between 63.3% and 72.9%, considered minimum for acceptance. The survey presented a total of 27 indicators, identified and selected by the top-down and bottom-up approach. The normalization occurred through the logarithmic transformation, the weighting by the equal weights methods, and the aggregation by the arithmetic mean. The indicators, sub-indices and sustainability index of the municipalities showed consistent and solid results to help municipal managers to manage their social, environmental, economic and territorial resources in a more sustainable way. However, the use of this measurement model should be used with caution, as there are several complexities and limitations that are intertwined in its structuring and in the generation of results.
Conjunto de indicadores; Indicadores de sustentabilidade; Índice de sustentabilidade; Set of indicators; Sustainability indicators; Sustainability index
RIBEIRO, Mariana Emídio Oliveira. Avaliação do nível de sustentabilidade em três municípios localizados no norte do estado de Mato Grosso. 2021. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 28 maio 2021. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/3163.