Extrafiscalidade às avessas: análise da constitucionalidade de normas de concessão de benefícios fiscais a agrotóxicos à luz da proteção à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente
Turatti, Luciana
Mazzarino, Jane Márcia
Buffon, Marciano
Luz, Josiane Paula Da
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A Constituição Federal de 1988 construiu um sistema amplo e complexo de princípios fundamentais do Estado, conferindo proteção especial aos direitos fundamentais à saúde e ao meio ambiente, vinculando a atividade do ente público à promoção e proteção da saúde e responsabilizando solidariamente a sociedade civil e o Poder Público pela proteção e preservação do meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado. O respeito às disposições constitucionais, em última análise, garante a manutenção da superlegalidade da norma constitucional que fundamenta o Estado e, portanto, sua qualidade de norma superiormente hierárquica no ordenamento jurídico. Esta vinculação é garantida mediante mecanismos de controle de constitucionalidade da produção de normas infraconstitucionais. A tributação, enquanto exercício dos poderes do Estado se sujeita, naturalmente, às normas constitucionais e, por conseguinte, ao controle de constitucionalidade. O exercício da competência tributária pelo Estado é uma das formas mais eficientes de intervenção do ente público na realidade social, sendo ferramenta apta a induzir ou dissuadir determinadas condutas por parte do contribuinte e de fomentar ou desestimular setores da economia. Dentro desta perspectiva e considerando a Constituição Federal como um sistema normativo internamente harmônico e unitário, pode-se afirmar que o Estado tem o dever de observar os direitos e garantias fundamentais previstos constitucionalmente na persecução de seus objetivos e, consequentemente, na adoção de políticas públicas, dentre os quais estão a proteção e a preservação ambiental. A partir daí, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a constitucionalidade de normas tributárias de concessão de benefícios fiscais destinadas a agrotóxicos, cujos malefícios à saúde e ao meio ambiente são denunciados há décadas por pesquisadores de diferentes áreas científicas, tendo como fio condutor o direito fundamental à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente equilibrado e, como inevitável pano de fundo, a crise ambiental global atual. Do ponto de vista metodológico, foram utilizados os procedimentos técnicos de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, especialmente em legislação federal e estadual sobre as diferentes espécies tributárias. A pesquisa é integrada por uma estimativa de perda de arrecadação de ICMS, imposto de competência dos Estados e do Distrito Federal, em razão da concessão de benefícios fiscais às operações com agrotóxicos. A hipótese que se apresenta é a de que o controle repressivo de constitucionalidade de normas é papel exclusivo do Poder Judiciário e a Constituição Federal de 1988 proíbe a edição de normas voltadas ao incentivo fiscal para agrotóxicos quando há colisão com os direitos fundamentais à saúde e ao ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado.
The 1988 Federal Constitution built a broad and complex system of fundamental State principles, giving special protection to fundamental rights to health and the environment, linking public activity to health promotion and protection and holding civil society and the society Public Power for the protection and preservation of the ecologically balanced environment. Respect for the constitutional provisions guarantees the maintenance of the superlegality of the constitutional norm that bases the State and, therefore, its quality as a superiorly hierarchical norm in the legal system. This mandatory bound is guaranteed through mechanisms to control the constitutionality of the production of infraconstitutional rules. Taxation, as an exercise of State powers, is naturally subject to constitutional rules and, therefore, to constitutionality control. The exercise of tax competence by the State is one of the most efficient forms of intervention by the public entity in the social reality, being a tool capable of inducing or deterring certain behaviors on the part of the taxpayer and of encouraging or discouraging sectors of the economy. Within this perspective and considering the Federal Constitution as an internally harmonious and unitary normative system, it can be said that the State has a duty to observe the fundamental rights and guarantees provided for by the constitution in pursuit of its objectives and, consequently, in the adoption of public policies, among which are environmental protection and preservation. Thereafter, this dissertation aims to analyze the constitutionality of tax rules for granting tax benefits for pesticides, whose harm to health and the environment have been denounced for decades by researchers from different scientific areas, with the right of the law fundamental to human health and a balanced environment and, as an inevitable backdrop, the current global environmental crisis. From a methodological point of view, technical procedures for bibliographic and documentary research were used, especially in federal and state legislation on different tax species. The research is integrated by a loss estimate of the ICMS, a tax incumbent on the States and the Federal District, due to the granting of tax benefits to pesticide operations. The hypothesis that is presented is that the repressive control of the constitutionality of norms is the exclusive role of the Judiciary and the Federal Constitution of 1988 prohibits the edition of norms aimed at the tax incentive for pesticides when there is a collision with the fundamental rights to health and health. ecologically balanced environment.
The 1988 Federal Constitution built a broad and complex system of fundamental State principles, giving special protection to fundamental rights to health and the environment, linking public activity to health promotion and protection and holding civil society and the society Public Power for the protection and preservation of the ecologically balanced environment. Respect for the constitutional provisions guarantees the maintenance of the superlegality of the constitutional norm that bases the State and, therefore, its quality as a superiorly hierarchical norm in the legal system. This mandatory bound is guaranteed through mechanisms to control the constitutionality of the production of infraconstitutional rules. Taxation, as an exercise of State powers, is naturally subject to constitutional rules and, therefore, to constitutionality control. The exercise of tax competence by the State is one of the most efficient forms of intervention by the public entity in the social reality, being a tool capable of inducing or deterring certain behaviors on the part of the taxpayer and of encouraging or discouraging sectors of the economy. Within this perspective and considering the Federal Constitution as an internally harmonious and unitary normative system, it can be said that the State has a duty to observe the fundamental rights and guarantees provided for by the constitution in pursuit of its objectives and, consequently, in the adoption of public policies, among which are environmental protection and preservation. Thereafter, this dissertation aims to analyze the constitutionality of tax rules for granting tax benefits for pesticides, whose harm to health and the environment have been denounced for decades by researchers from different scientific areas, with the right of the law fundamental to human health and a balanced environment and, as an inevitable backdrop, the current global environmental crisis. From a methodological point of view, technical procedures for bibliographic and documentary research were used, especially in federal and state legislation on different tax species. The research is integrated by a loss estimate of the ICMS, a tax incumbent on the States and the Federal District, due to the granting of tax benefits to pesticide operations. The hypothesis that is presented is that the repressive control of the constitutionality of norms is the exclusive role of the Judiciary and the Federal Constitution of 1988 prohibits the edition of norms aimed at the tax incentive for pesticides when there is a collision with the fundamental rights to health and health. ecologically balanced environment.
Pesticidas; Controle de constitucionalidade; Normas constitucionais; Tributação; Isenções fiscais; Pesticides; Taxation; Constitutionality control; Constitutional rules; Tax- free
CORATTO, Bruno Pinto. Extrafiscalidade às avessas: análise da constitucionalidade de normas de concessão de benefícios fiscais a agrotóxicos à luz da proteção à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 18 dez. 2020. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/2982.