Sustentabilidade: Avaliação da produção de biogás em um biodigestor de pequena escala
Konrad, Odorico
Spinelli, Rodrigo
Flores, Josmar Almeida
Ethur, Eduardo Miranda
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A grande evolução tecnológica emergiu com inúmeras soluções para problemas da nossa sociedade, mas concomitantemente gerou outros, e para estes se busca incessantemente alternativas. Dentro da agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, estruturantes do plano de ação para erradicar a pobreza, proteger o planeta e garantir que as pessoas alcancem a paz e a prosperidade, o uso do biodigestor escolhido para avaliação neste trabalho promove 12 dos 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). Como alternativa para os modelos convencionais e não renováveis a biomassa é uma das fontes para produção de energia renovável. A partir da decomposição anaeróbica de diversos tipos de biomassas e substratos temos o produto metabólico chamado biogás, uma mistura de metano, dióxido de carbono e pequenas quantidades de outros gases como o gás sulfídrico. Estudos apontam o uso de biorreatores de pequena escala em áreas urbanas e principalmente em áreas rurais sendo economicamente viável e eficientes. O biodigestor escolhido como objeto dessa pesquisa denominado Homebiogas é um sistema pequeno com reator de 1,2 m3 e capacidade de armazenamento de biogás em um gasômetro de 0,7 m3. Na primeira fase do experimento o foco foi avaliar a qualidade e a quantidade do biogás gerado com a utilização de resíduos orgânicos oriundos de ambiente universitário como substrato. Na segunda fase, após o consumo total da matéria orgânica, o sistema foi suplementado com óleo residual de cozinha com objetivo de potencializar a produção de biogás e avaliar separadamente o gás gerado com cada substrato. Na terceira e última fase se retornou a alimentação com os resíduos orgânicos alimentares. A temperatura ambiente influenciou diretamente a temperatura do reator, sendo esse um fator chave para o desempenho do sistema que demonstrou efetividade na conversão dos resíduos orgânicos em biogás, mas a conversão do óleo residual não foi representativa. As taxas de Metano (CH4) na composição do biogás gerado foram em média 64,34%, bom resultado em termos de qualidade para a sua utilização energética. A média de produção de biogás com temperaturas acima de 28 Co e atividade plena das bactérias foi de 656 litros por dia, equivalente a 164 L.kgBiomassa-1 . Os resultados obtidos reforçam o uso de biodigestores de pequena escala como uma solução para a transformação descentralizada de resíduos orgânicos em biogás, mas advertem sobre a necessidade de instalação desses equipamentos em locais de plena incidência de luz solar e calor para um melhor desempenho na conversão da matéria orgânica e produção do biogás.
The great technological evolution has emerged with innumerable solutions to our society's problems, but at the same time it has generated others, and for these, alternatives are constantly being sought. Within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, structuring the action plan to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure that people achieve peace and prosperity, the use of the biodigester chosen for evaluation in this work promotes 12 of the 17 Development Goals of Sustainable Development (SDG). As an alternative to conventional and non- renewable models, biomass is one of the sources for the production of renewable energy. From the anaerobic decomposition of different types of biomass and substrates, we have the metabolic product called biogas, a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and small amounts of other gases such as hydrogen sulphide. Studies indicate the use of small-scale bioreactors in urban areas and mainly in rural areas, being economically viable and efficient. The biodigester chosen as the object of this research called Homebiogas is a small system with a 1.2 m3 reactor and a biogas storage capacity in a 0.7 m3 gasometer. In the first phase of the experiment, the focus was to assess the quality and quantity of the biogas generated using organic waste from the university environment as a substrate. After the total consumption of organic matter, in the second phase the system was supplemented with residual cooking oil in order to enhance the biogas production. The evaluation of generated gas with each substrate occurred separately. The ambient temperature directly influenced the reactor temperature, which is a key factor for the performance of the system, which has not shown effectiveness in converting organic waste into biogas, but the conversion of residual oil was not representative. In the third and last phase returned the food waste input. Methane (CH4) rates in the composition of the biogas generated were on average 65.34%, an excellent result in terms of quality for its energy use. The average production of biogas with temperatures above 28 ° C and full activity of the bacteria was 656 liters per day. The results obtained reinforce the use of small-scale biodigesters as a good solution for the decentralized transformation of organic waste into biogas, but warn about the need to install this equipment in places with full incidence of sunlight and heat for a better conversion performance of organic matter and biogas production.
The great technological evolution has emerged with innumerable solutions to our society's problems, but at the same time it has generated others, and for these, alternatives are constantly being sought. Within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, structuring the action plan to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure that people achieve peace and prosperity, the use of the biodigester chosen for evaluation in this work promotes 12 of the 17 Development Goals of Sustainable Development (SDG). As an alternative to conventional and non- renewable models, biomass is one of the sources for the production of renewable energy. From the anaerobic decomposition of different types of biomass and substrates, we have the metabolic product called biogas, a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and small amounts of other gases such as hydrogen sulphide. Studies indicate the use of small-scale bioreactors in urban areas and mainly in rural areas, being economically viable and efficient. The biodigester chosen as the object of this research called Homebiogas is a small system with a 1.2 m3 reactor and a biogas storage capacity in a 0.7 m3 gasometer. In the first phase of the experiment, the focus was to assess the quality and quantity of the biogas generated using organic waste from the university environment as a substrate. After the total consumption of organic matter, in the second phase the system was supplemented with residual cooking oil in order to enhance the biogas production. The evaluation of generated gas with each substrate occurred separately. The ambient temperature directly influenced the reactor temperature, which is a key factor for the performance of the system, which has not shown effectiveness in converting organic waste into biogas, but the conversion of residual oil was not representative. In the third and last phase returned the food waste input. Methane (CH4) rates in the composition of the biogas generated were on average 65.34%, an excellent result in terms of quality for its energy use. The average production of biogas with temperatures above 28 ° C and full activity of the bacteria was 656 liters per day. The results obtained reinforce the use of small-scale biodigesters as a good solution for the decentralized transformation of organic waste into biogas, but warn about the need to install this equipment in places with full incidence of sunlight and heat for a better conversion performance of organic matter and biogas production.
Biogás; Biorreatores de pequena escala; Resíduos orgânicos alimentares; Energia renovável; Biogas; Small-scale bioreactors; Organic food waste; Renewable energy
SILVA, Carlos Emílio Vieira Da. Sustentabilidade: Avaliação da produção de biogás em um biodigestor de pequena escala. 2021. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 29 mar. 2021. Disponível em: