Projeto integrador em tempos fluídos: uma proposta pedagógica para um curso de direito
Giongo, Ieda Maria
Dullius, Maria Madalena
Santos, Aline Sueli De Salles
Quartieri, Marli Teresinha
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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo problematizar o que expressa um grupo de professores de um Curso de Direito de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES), localizada no interior do Estado do Tocantins, acerca do desenvolvimento do Projeto Integrador centrado nas culturas e experiências dos estudantes. O referencial teórico está sustentado em ideias de autores que problematizam o ensino na pós- modernidade, envolvendo conceitos como modernidade líquida/fluída, experiência, interdisciplinaridade e estratégias de ensino. De natureza qualitativa e inspirações etnográficas, o material de pesquisa se constituiu de enunciações dos docentes e da proposta metodológica para o Projeto Integrador do Curso de Direito da IES pesquisada. Os materiais emergentes foram analisados por meio da análise textual discursiva como proposta por Moraes (2003) e Moraes e Galiazzi (2006). Os resultados apontaram duas unidades de análise: a) Favorecimento da interação dos componentes curriculares, contanto que, efetivamente, ocorra a interdisciplinaridade; b) Estudar e pesquisar para melhorar o local em que o estudante vive: a função social do Projeto Integrador. Esses resultados permitiram que fossem elencadas algumas sugestões para a coordenação pedagógica da Instituição, a saber: a) O tema do Projeto Integrador deve partir da observação do contexto em que o acadêmico vive, ou seja, das suas experiências e culturas; b) O retorno à sociedade para apresentar os resultados da investigação é importante; c) Pensar a interdisciplinaridade de maneira que os componentes curriculares realmente se comuniquem com o assunto escolhido; d) Oportunizar ao acadêmico a escolha do número de disciplinas envolvidas no Projeto desde que ocorra a interação com os conteúdos desenvolvidos no semestre estudado.
The purpose of this thesis is to problematize what is expressed by a group of Law professors from a Higher Education Institution (HEI), located in the countryside of the state of Tocantins/Brazil, about the development of an Integrating Project focusing on students’ cultures and experiences. The theoretical framework is supported by the ideas of authors who analyze the teaching in postmodernity, thus encompassing concepts such as liquid/fluid modernity, experiences, interdisciplinarity, and teaching strategies. The research material - qualitative in nature and with ethnographic aspects – was constituted of the professors’ enunciations and the methodological proposal of the Integrating Project regarding the Law Program of the HEI researched. The emerging materials were analyzed through the discursive textual analysis as proposed by Moraes (2003) and Moraes and Galiazzi (2006). The outcomes pointed to two analysis units: a) Enhanced interaction of syllabus components, providing interdisciplinarity occurs; b) Studying and researching to improve the place where students live: the social function of the Integrating Project. Moreover, these outcomes also produced some suggestions for the teaching coordination of the institution, namely a) The theme of the Integrating Project should arise from observing the surroundings where students live, that is, from their experiences and cultures; b) The feedback to the community presenting the investigation outcomes is relevant; c) Working with interdisciplinarity in such a way that the syllabus components indeed interact with the theme chosen; d) Providing students with choosing the number of courses within this Project as long as there is an interaction with the contents developed in the term.
The purpose of this thesis is to problematize what is expressed by a group of Law professors from a Higher Education Institution (HEI), located in the countryside of the state of Tocantins/Brazil, about the development of an Integrating Project focusing on students’ cultures and experiences. The theoretical framework is supported by the ideas of authors who analyze the teaching in postmodernity, thus encompassing concepts such as liquid/fluid modernity, experiences, interdisciplinarity, and teaching strategies. The research material - qualitative in nature and with ethnographic aspects – was constituted of the professors’ enunciations and the methodological proposal of the Integrating Project regarding the Law Program of the HEI researched. The emerging materials were analyzed through the discursive textual analysis as proposed by Moraes (2003) and Moraes and Galiazzi (2006). The outcomes pointed to two analysis units: a) Enhanced interaction of syllabus components, providing interdisciplinarity occurs; b) Studying and researching to improve the place where students live: the social function of the Integrating Project. Moreover, these outcomes also produced some suggestions for the teaching coordination of the institution, namely a) The theme of the Integrating Project should arise from observing the surroundings where students live, that is, from their experiences and cultures; b) The feedback to the community presenting the investigation outcomes is relevant; c) Working with interdisciplinarity in such a way that the syllabus components indeed interact with the theme chosen; d) Providing students with choosing the number of courses within this Project as long as there is an interaction with the contents developed in the term.
Ensino; Projeto Integrador; Curso de Direito; Culturas; Experiências; Teaching; Integrating Project; Law Program; Cultures; Experiences
RIEDLINGER, Camila De Bortoli Rossatto. Projeto integrador em tempos fluídos: uma proposta pedagógica para um curso de direito. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 18 dez. 2020. Disponível em: