Contribuições do ensino da geriatria para a prática médica
Quartieri, Marli Teresinha
Schuck, Rogério José
Martins, Silvana Neumann
Moreschi, Claudete
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Em países desenvolvidos, idoso é, de acordo com a definição cronológica, o indivíduo com idade superior a 65 anos. Já em países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, considera-se idoso o indivíduo com mais de 60 anos. Acerca desse assunto, é preciso considerar que o envelhecimento populacional é um fenômeno mundial. Segundo projeções do IBGE (2018), no ano de 2031, haverá mais idosos do que jovens no país. Essa tendência implica uma demanda aumentada de profissionais especializados e/ou com formação básica para atendimento desse grupo populacional. Entretanto, o Brasil não está preparado para atender às necessidades de saúde dessa população, pois o currículo de menos da metade das instituições de ensino médico do país contempla conteúdos acerca do processo do envelhecimento. Assim, buscou-se, com esta pesquisa, investigar as contribuições do ensino da Geriatria na graduação médica e suas consequências para a prática profissional. Para isso, realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com alunos de uma faculdade de Medicina do interior da Bahia, e com profissionais médicos que trabalham com idosos. A partir das entrevistas, emergiram dados que foram agrupados em três categorias. A primeira, intitulada ‘A importância do ensino da Geriatria na graduação médica’, discutiu a percepção dos alunos e profissionais médicos entrevistados acerca da necessidade do ensino da Geriatria na graduação. A segunda categoria, denominada ‘Perspectivas sobre o ensino da Geriatria na graduação médica’, abordou a forma como a Geriatria deve ser ensinada, os profissionais que devem estar à frente da docência e a estruturação do currículo. Já a terceira, intitulada ‘Consequências da ausência da Geriatria na graduação na prática médica’, contemplou as dificuldades encontradas por profissionais médicos e os obstáculos que os egressos provavelmente terão que enfrentar, baseando-se em currículos que, de um modo geral, não são estruturados para atender às necessidades de saúde do idoso de uma forma global. Por meio do estudo, constatou-se que o ensino de Geriatria deveria ser obrigatório nas instituições de Medicina, que o conteúdo teria que ser visto durante vários semestres do curso e que a teoria deveria ser ensinada atrelada à prática, objetivando um atendimento humanizado e centrado nas necessidades de saúde do idoso.
Elderly, according to the chronological definition, is the individual aged over 65 years in developed countries and older than 60 years in those in development, such as Brazil. Population aging is a worldwide phenomenon. According to IBGE projections (2018), in the year 2031 there will be more elderly people than young people in the country. This trend implies an increased demand for specialized professionals and / or with basic training to serve this population group. However, Brazil is not prepared to meet the health needs of this population. Less than half of the country's medical education institutions have content about the aging process. Thus, this research sought to investigate the contributions of Geriatrics teaching in medical graduation and its consequences for professional practice. For this, semi-structured interviews were carried out with students from a medical school in the interior of Bahia, and with doctors who work with the elderly. From the interviews, data emerged that were grouped into three categories. The first, entitled The Importance of teaching geriatrics in medical graduation, discussed the perception of students and doctors interviewed about the need for teaching geriatrics in graduation. The second category called Perspectives on the teaching of geriatrics in medical graduation, addressed the way that geriatrics should be taught, the professionals who should be in charge of teaching and the structuring of the curriculum. The third, entitled Consequences of the absence of geriatrics in undergraduate medical practice, contemplated the difficulties encountered by medical professionals and the obstacles that graduates are likely to face, based on curricula that, in general, are not structured to meet the health needs of the elderly globally. Through the study, it was found according to the subjects of this research, the teaching of geriatrics must be mandatory in medical institutions, the content must be seen during several semesters of the course and the theory must be taught linked to practice, aiming at a humanized care focused on the health needs of the elderly.
Elderly, according to the chronological definition, is the individual aged over 65 years in developed countries and older than 60 years in those in development, such as Brazil. Population aging is a worldwide phenomenon. According to IBGE projections (2018), in the year 2031 there will be more elderly people than young people in the country. This trend implies an increased demand for specialized professionals and / or with basic training to serve this population group. However, Brazil is not prepared to meet the health needs of this population. Less than half of the country's medical education institutions have content about the aging process. Thus, this research sought to investigate the contributions of Geriatrics teaching in medical graduation and its consequences for professional practice. For this, semi-structured interviews were carried out with students from a medical school in the interior of Bahia, and with doctors who work with the elderly. From the interviews, data emerged that were grouped into three categories. The first, entitled The Importance of teaching geriatrics in medical graduation, discussed the perception of students and doctors interviewed about the need for teaching geriatrics in graduation. The second category called Perspectives on the teaching of geriatrics in medical graduation, addressed the way that geriatrics should be taught, the professionals who should be in charge of teaching and the structuring of the curriculum. The third, entitled Consequences of the absence of geriatrics in undergraduate medical practice, contemplated the difficulties encountered by medical professionals and the obstacles that graduates are likely to face, based on curricula that, in general, are not structured to meet the health needs of the elderly globally. Through the study, it was found according to the subjects of this research, the teaching of geriatrics must be mandatory in medical institutions, the content must be seen during several semesters of the course and the theory must be taught linked to practice, aiming at a humanized care focused on the health needs of the elderly.
Ensino; Geriatria; Egressos; Prática Médica; Teaching; Graduates; Geriatrics; Medical Practice
AZUL, Paula Conceição Gonçalves Serra. Contribuições do ensino da geriatria para a prática médica. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 16 dez. 2020. Disponível em: