Sobre a educação musical: o amor e o amadorismo do professor de educação infantil
Silva, Jacqueline Silva da
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A presente dissertação aborda a Educação Musical no contexto da Educação Infantil. Diante do atual cenário, em que a legislação vigente aponta para a obrigatoriedade do ensino da música na Educação Básica, e por outro lado, não há professores especialistas contratados na maioria das redes de ensino da região do Vale do Taquari/RS, especialmente na Educação Infantil, é repassado aos professores de Educação Infantil a responsabilidade pela Educação Musical das crianças. Partindo de uma concepção de Educação Musical que busque um ensino humanizador, a pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as ações educativas desenvolvidas por uma professora de Educação Infantil para potencializar as experiências sonoras das crianças da faixa etária de 0 a 5 anos. O estudo foi realizado junto a uma professora de Educação Infantil do município de Estrela/RS. A pesquisa buscou uma aproximação com o estudo de caso e a pesquisa-ação, investigando um recorte da realidade da Educação Infantil em que a pesquisadora esteve presente observando e interagindo com as crianças e a professora para contribuir com as ações educativas docentes. Como instrumentos de pesquisa, utilizou-se as observações-participantes, as entrevistas semiestruturadas, o diário de itinerância, as fotografias e as filmagens. Para a análise dos dados, buscou-se uma aproximação com a técnica da Análise de Conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2012), organizando os achados da pesquisa em três categorias, que foram as ações educativas da professora, as ações das crianças e as situações e aprendizagens inusitadas. A pesquisa mostrou que vários são os modos de ensinar no contexto da Educação Musical e que os inusitados são constantes e potentes para os espaços de criação dos professores. Embora não tivesse a formação específica na área de música, a formação continuada da professora de Educação Infantil foi imprescindível para despertar nela o amor pela Educação Musical, aliado aos demais aspectos do desenvolvimento das crianças em uma perspectiva holística. A presente pesquisa vem contribuir com as ações educativas de Educação Musical no contexto da Educação Infantil, inspirando outros professores de Educação Infantil a criarem possibilidades de ensino da música, valorizando a formação continuada entre os demais docentes das diversas áreas, incluindo o professor especialista em música.
This dissertation deals with Music Education in the context of Early Childhood Education. In view of the current scenario, where current legislation points to the compulsory teaching of music in Basic Education, and on the other hand, there are no specialist teachers hired in most of the education networks in the region of Vale do Taquari/RS, especially in Early Childhood Education, the responsibility for the children's Music Education is passed on to Early Childhood Education teachers. Based on a concept of Music Education that seeks a humanizing teaching, the research aimed to investigate the educational actions developed by a Kindergarten teacher to enhance the sound experiences of children aged 0 to 5 years. The study was carried out with a Kindergarten teacher from the city of Estrela/RS. The research sought an approach with the case study and the action research, investigating a cutout of the reality of Early Childhood Education in which the researcher was present observing and interacting with the children and the teacher to contribute to the educational teaching actions. As research tools, we used participant observations, semi-structured interviews, the itinerant diary, photographs and filming. To analyze the data, we sought an approximation with the technique of Content Analysis proposed by Bardin (2012), organizing the findings of the research into three categories, which were the educational actions of the teacher, the actions of children and unusual situations and learning. The research showed that there are several ways of teaching in the context of Music Education and that the unusual are constant and powerful for the spaces of creation of teachers. Although she did not have the specific training in the area of music, the continuous training of the Kindergarten teacher was essential to awaken in her the love for Music Education, combined with other aspects of children's development in a holistic perspective. This research contributes to the educational actions of Music Education in the context of Early Childhood Education, inspiring other Early Childhood Education teachers to create possibilities for teaching music, valuing the continuing education among other teachers in various areas, including the music specialist teacher.
This dissertation deals with Music Education in the context of Early Childhood Education. In view of the current scenario, where current legislation points to the compulsory teaching of music in Basic Education, and on the other hand, there are no specialist teachers hired in most of the education networks in the region of Vale do Taquari/RS, especially in Early Childhood Education, the responsibility for the children's Music Education is passed on to Early Childhood Education teachers. Based on a concept of Music Education that seeks a humanizing teaching, the research aimed to investigate the educational actions developed by a Kindergarten teacher to enhance the sound experiences of children aged 0 to 5 years. The study was carried out with a Kindergarten teacher from the city of Estrela/RS. The research sought an approach with the case study and the action research, investigating a cutout of the reality of Early Childhood Education in which the researcher was present observing and interacting with the children and the teacher to contribute to the educational teaching actions. As research tools, we used participant observations, semi-structured interviews, the itinerant diary, photographs and filming. To analyze the data, we sought an approximation with the technique of Content Analysis proposed by Bardin (2012), organizing the findings of the research into three categories, which were the educational actions of the teacher, the actions of children and unusual situations and learning. The research showed that there are several ways of teaching in the context of Music Education and that the unusual are constant and powerful for the spaces of creation of teachers. Although she did not have the specific training in the area of music, the continuous training of the Kindergarten teacher was essential to awaken in her the love for Music Education, combined with other aspects of children's development in a holistic perspective. This research contributes to the educational actions of Music Education in the context of Early Childhood Education, inspiring other Early Childhood Education teachers to create possibilities for teaching music, valuing the continuing education among other teachers in various areas, including the music specialist teacher.
Ensino; Educação Musical; Experiências Sonoras no Ensino de Música; Educação Infantil; Professor de Educação Infantil; Musical education; Sound Experiences in Music Teaching; Teaching; Early Childhood Education; Teacher of Early Childhood Education
RECKZIEGEL, Jordana. Sobre a educação musical: o amor e o amadorismo do professor de educação infantil. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 06 ago. 2020. Disponível em: