Ensino Ressocializador: potencializando atitudes empreendedoras nos alunos do Ensino Fundamental
Silva, Jacqueline Silva da
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A presente dissertação, que aborda a temática, a prática do Ensino Ressocializador na potencialização de atitudes empreendedoras nos alunos, objetivou investigar como o Ensino Ressocializador pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de atitudes empreendedoras em alunos do 7o ano do Ensino Fundamental. O estudo foi realizado a partir da reflexão acerca da prática da professora de Língua Portuguesa do Colégio Ágape Estudos, situado na cidade de Crato-CE. Como percurso metodológico, optei pela abordagem qualitativa, realizando a análise documental, documentos relacionados à instituição pesquisada, fazendo uma aproximação da pesquisa-ação e do estudo de caso, usando a estratégia da escuta sensível dos participantes da pesquisa. Os dados foram coletados a partir de instrumentos como a entrevista, diário de campo e analisados tomando como base a técnica de análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2012). Através de pesquisa bibliográfica, estudei a ressocialização como processo de ensino a fim de embasar o conceito de Ensino Ressocializador, bem como, o entendimento da professora acerca do referido ensino e de como as práticas desse ensino estão organizadas nos planos de aula. Apresento algumas definições, a contextualização e reflexões acerca de conceitos com foco no empreendedorismo, no papel e nas atitudes do docente e do aluno nessa construção de conhecimento. Também investiguei como as práticas de Ensino
Ressocializador promovidas pela professora possibilitam atitudes empreendedoras nos alunos; como eles percebem essas práticas e de que forma a professora reage em relação às atitudes manifestadas por eles. A principal contribuição desse estudo no campo da educação está na importância da prática do Ensino Ressocializador para o processo de ensino e da humanização dos sujeitos e para a potencialização de atitudes empreendedoras nos alunos através das práticas de ensino. O ensino enquanto processo ressocializador traduz momentos significativos na história da escola, de tal forma que as intervenções são vistas e materializadas nas ações e falas dos alunos. Ao redimensionar o ensino, a professora busca
desenvolver sujeitos empreendedores, criativos, determinados a mudanças, inovadores, a fim de descobrirem possibilidades significativas e criativas para o convívio cotidiano em sociedade.
This dissertation addresses the theme of the practice of resocializing teaching in the potentialization of entrepreneurial attitudes in students. Aiming to investigate how Resocializing Teaching can contribute to the development of entrepreneurial attitudes in 7th grade rieu students, a study carried out based on the reflection on the practice of the Portuguese Language Teacher of the Agape Estudos College, located in the city of Crato-CE. In the methodological path I sought as a path the qualitative approach, performing the documentary analysis, documents related to the institution researched, making an approximation with the action research and the case study; using the strategy of sensitive listening of the research participants, the data were collected making use of which instruments and analyzed from an approximation of the content analysis technique proposed by Bardin(2012), I was able to investigate the object of Study. Through bibliographic research, I carried out the study on resocialization as a teaching process, I present the theoretical framework that underlies the concept about Resocializing Teaching, as well as the teacher's understanding of this teaching and how teaching practices are organized in their lesson plans. I present some definitions, contextualization and reflection about concepts that turn to entrepreneurship, the role and attitudes of the teacher and student in this construction of knowledge; as resocializing teaching practices promoted by the teacher enable entrepreneurial attitudes in students, how they perceive these practices and how the teacher is faced with the attitudes manifested by them. The main contribution of this study in the field of education is the importance of the practice of resocializing teaching for the teaching process, humanization of subjects and the enhancement of entrepreneurial attitudes in students through teaching practices. Teaching as a resocializing process translates significant moments in the history of the school, so that interventions are seen and materialized in the actions and statements of students. By resizing teaching, the teacher seeks to develop entrepreneurial subjects, creative, determined to change, innovative, in order to discover significant and creative possibilities for daily and in society.
This dissertation addresses the theme of the practice of resocializing teaching in the potentialization of entrepreneurial attitudes in students. Aiming to investigate how Resocializing Teaching can contribute to the development of entrepreneurial attitudes in 7th grade rieu students, a study carried out based on the reflection on the practice of the Portuguese Language Teacher of the Agape Estudos College, located in the city of Crato-CE. In the methodological path I sought as a path the qualitative approach, performing the documentary analysis, documents related to the institution researched, making an approximation with the action research and the case study; using the strategy of sensitive listening of the research participants, the data were collected making use of which instruments and analyzed from an approximation of the content analysis technique proposed by Bardin(2012), I was able to investigate the object of Study. Through bibliographic research, I carried out the study on resocialization as a teaching process, I present the theoretical framework that underlies the concept about Resocializing Teaching, as well as the teacher's understanding of this teaching and how teaching practices are organized in their lesson plans. I present some definitions, contextualization and reflection about concepts that turn to entrepreneurship, the role and attitudes of the teacher and student in this construction of knowledge; as resocializing teaching practices promoted by the teacher enable entrepreneurial attitudes in students, how they perceive these practices and how the teacher is faced with the attitudes manifested by them. The main contribution of this study in the field of education is the importance of the practice of resocializing teaching for the teaching process, humanization of subjects and the enhancement of entrepreneurial attitudes in students through teaching practices. Teaching as a resocializing process translates significant moments in the history of the school, so that interventions are seen and materialized in the actions and statements of students. By resizing teaching, the teacher seeks to develop entrepreneurial subjects, creative, determined to change, innovative, in order to discover significant and creative possibilities for daily and in society.
Ensino Ressocializador; Práticas de ensino; Atitudes empreendedoras; Resocializing Teaching; Teaching practices; Entrepreneurial attitudes
BRASILEIRO, Thereza Denise Luna Parente. Ensino Ressocializador: potencializando atitudes empreendedoras nos alunos do Ensino Fundamental. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 20 fev. 2020. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/2879.