A implantação do PARFOR/UFOPA no município de Itaituba/PA: indicadores e resultados
Del Pino, José Claudio
Carvalho, Ednéa Do Nascimento
Oliveira, Eniz Conceição
Bedin, Everton
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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo fazer uma análise da implantação do Plano Nacional de Formação dos Professores da Educação Básica – PARFOR na Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará – UFOPA, com destaque para o município de Itaituba/PA. O PARFOR foi implantado no ano de 2009 para atender
emergencialmente uma demanda existente de professores em exercício na rede pública de ensino básico e que não possuíam a formação exigida pela Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional – LDBEN. A metodologia utilizada caracteriza-se como descritiva com enfoque quantitativo e nos procedimentos de
coleta de dados utilizou-se um levantamento realizado junto ao Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas – SIGAA/UFOPA, no qual foi gerado uma matriz de dados em que foram aplicados filtros que permitiram a quantificação das informações relacionadas aos professores/alunos ingressantes no programa na
Universidade e no município de Itaituba/PA. Após as análises iniciais foi realizado uma pesquisa de campo junto à coordenação de recursos humanos da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Itaituba/PA através de uma planilha de levantamento em que foram solicitados informações sobre os egressos do PARFOR/UFOPA que estão atuando na rede pública de ensino básico no município. Constatou-se que ingressaram 3.816 (três mil, oitocentos e dezesseis) professores/alunos nas 105 turmas abertas na Sede da UFOPA e em seus Campi Regionais e destes outorgaram grau 78,1%, bem acima da média nacional que é de 47,3%. Em Itaituba/PA ingressaram 374 (trezentos e setenta e quatro) professores/alunos dos quais 236 (duzentos e trinta e seis) concluíram os cursos de licenciatura ofertadas. Atualmente em Itaituba/PA, estão em exercício no ensino básico da rede pública municipal, 115 (cento e quinze) desses profissionais formados pelo programa
atuando tanto na zona urbana quanto na zona rural. As informações coletadas permitiram concluir que o PARFOR na UFOPA alcançou resultados expressivos mesmo tendo enfrentado dificuldades principalmente de infraestrutura para funcionamento das turmas nos municípios polo. Esses profissionais qualificados,
contribuem de maneira expressiva para a melhoria dos indicadores de qualidade da educação em todos os municípios da Região Sudoeste do Estado do Pará, entre eles o município de Itaituba/PA.
This dissertation aims to make an analysis of the implementation of the National Plan for Formation of Teachers for the Basic Education (PARFOR) on the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), highlighting the municipality of Itaituba/PA. The PARFOR was implemented in the year of 2009 to supply an existing emergency demand of teachers working at the public schools of basic education that did not have the necessary degrees required by the National Law of Guidelines and Bases for Education (LDBEN). The methodology used is descriptive with a quantitative focus, and on the data collection procedure a survey was performed on the Integrated System for Management of Academic Activities – SIGAA/UFOPA, in which a data matrix was generated using filters that allowed the quantification of the information related to the students/teachers enrolled in the program at the university and in the municipality of Itaituba/PA. After the initial analyzes a field survey was performed together with the human resources coordination of the Secretariat of Education of Itaituba, trough a spreadsheet in which information about the graduates under the program PARFOR/UFOPA that worked in the city’s basic public education schools was requested. The conclusion is that of the total of 3.816 (three thousand eight hundred and sixteen) students/teachers enrolled in the 105 groups started at the UFOPA main campus and in the Regional Campi, 78,1% graduated, well above the national average of 47,3%. At Itaituba 374 (three hundred and seventy four) students/teachers were enrolled of which 236 (two hundred and thirty six) concluded the license courses offered. Presently at Itaituba 115 (one hundred and fifteen) teachers that graduated under the program work in the public schools basic education system, both in the urban as well as in rural areas. The information collected led to the conclusion that the PARFOR at UFOPA obtained expressive results even at face of grave difficulties mainly with the infrastructure for the classes given in the host municipalities. These qualified professionals contribute in an expressive way to the improvement of the indicators of education quality in all the Southwest region of the state of Pará, including the municipality of Itaituba.
This dissertation aims to make an analysis of the implementation of the National Plan for Formation of Teachers for the Basic Education (PARFOR) on the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), highlighting the municipality of Itaituba/PA. The PARFOR was implemented in the year of 2009 to supply an existing emergency demand of teachers working at the public schools of basic education that did not have the necessary degrees required by the National Law of Guidelines and Bases for Education (LDBEN). The methodology used is descriptive with a quantitative focus, and on the data collection procedure a survey was performed on the Integrated System for Management of Academic Activities – SIGAA/UFOPA, in which a data matrix was generated using filters that allowed the quantification of the information related to the students/teachers enrolled in the program at the university and in the municipality of Itaituba/PA. After the initial analyzes a field survey was performed together with the human resources coordination of the Secretariat of Education of Itaituba, trough a spreadsheet in which information about the graduates under the program PARFOR/UFOPA that worked in the city’s basic public education schools was requested. The conclusion is that of the total of 3.816 (three thousand eight hundred and sixteen) students/teachers enrolled in the 105 groups started at the UFOPA main campus and in the Regional Campi, 78,1% graduated, well above the national average of 47,3%. At Itaituba 374 (three hundred and seventy four) students/teachers were enrolled of which 236 (two hundred and thirty six) concluded the license courses offered. Presently at Itaituba 115 (one hundred and fifteen) teachers that graduated under the program work in the public schools basic education system, both in the urban as well as in rural areas. The information collected led to the conclusion that the PARFOR at UFOPA obtained expressive results even at face of grave difficulties mainly with the infrastructure for the classes given in the host municipalities. These qualified professionals contribute in an expressive way to the improvement of the indicators of education quality in all the Southwest region of the state of Pará, including the municipality of Itaituba.
Formação de professores; PARFOR; UFOPA - Campus Itaituba; Egressos; Formation of teachers; UFOPA – Itaituba Campus; Graduates
MULLER, Fabiano Hector Lira. A implantação do PARFOR/UFOPA no município de Itaituba/PA: indicadores e resultados. 2019. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 22 nov. 2019. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/2877.