Os meios de publicidade e propaganda advocatícia através da rede social Facebook no Brasil
Magalhães, Loredana Gragnani
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Com o avanço da tecnologia, percebe-se que o advogado deve inovar, diante sua publicidade e propaganda para divulgar o seu trabalho, sendo assim, observa-se no dia-a-dia, que a as pessoas vivem, no mundo da conexão, afim de se manterem informadas sobre assuntos diversos. Diante disto, esta monografia tem por objetivo visa atingir seu objetivo geral, no qual se consiste em analisar as diretrizes ético-legais, diante da publicidade e propaganda dos advogados considerando o facebook. Para assim, hipoteticamente, ponderar limites mais flexíveis no campo da publicidade e propaganda no âmbito do Estatuto da Advocacia e da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (EAOAB), Código de Ética e Disciplina (CED), bem como no Tribunal de Ética
e Disciplina da OAB. Sendo assim adota-se, uma pesquisa qualitativa, no que consiste, ter uma visão mais ampla, para se chegar até a resposta do problema, utiliza-se também o método dedutivo através de análises para se ter uma resposta mais concreta para a conclusão, seguindo-se de um instrumento técnico bibliográfico, através de artigos, legislação, ementas, provimentos e jurisprudências. Sendo abordado a historicidade da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, bem como do EAOAB, traz a estrutura de cada órgão e também a importância do título privativo, para o advogado, com isto trazendo a importância da ética moral, tanto como a ética profissional para o advogado perante sua profissão e a sociedade, a qual necessita
de seu trabalho jurídico. Em seguida se busca diferenciar a publicidade e a propaganda, sendo que, poderá se observar qual será permitida perante o CED. Diante disto, procura-se debater sobre os artigos que regem sobre os meios de comunicação sociais, meios eletrônicos e internet, a partir disto critica-se a obscuridade destes, no sentido que se possa ter diversos entendimentos a cerca, cogitando uma nova maneira mais flexível de se proferir da propaganda através da rede social facebook. Por fim traz o entendimento da publicidade se proferir através da rede social e quais os meios o qual pode se utilizar deste meio, abordando em vedações e permissões.
With the advancement of technology, it is clear that the lawyer must innovate, given his publicity and publicity to spread his work, so it is observed in everyday life that people live in the world of connection, in order to keep themselves informed on various subjects. In the view of this, this work aims to achieve its general objective, which consists in analyzing the ethical-legal guidelines, before the advertising and merchandising of lawyers considering facebook. In order to hypothetically consider more flexible limits in the field of advertising and publicity within the scope of the Brazilian Statue of Brazilian Lawyer Association (EAOAB), Code of Ethics and Discipline (CED), as well as in the Ethics and Discipline Tribunal of OAB. Thus, a qualitative research, which consists of having a wide view, is used to reach at the answer of the problem, the deductive method is also used through analysis to have a more concrete answer to the conclusion, followed by a technical bibliographical instrument, through articles, legislation, articles, regulations and jurisprudence. The approach of the Brazilian Lawyer Association, as well as of the EAOAB, addresses the structure of each part and also the importance of the private title for the lawyer, bringing with it the importance of moral ethics, as well as the professional ethics for the lawyer before his profession and society, which needs his legal work. Next, we seek to differentiate advertising and merchandising, and we can observe what will be allowed before the CED. In view of this, we try to discuss the articles that govern the social media, electronic media and the internet, from this criticizes the obscurity of these, in the sense that one can have several understandings around, thinking about a new way more flexible to spread the word through facebook social network. Finally, it brings the understanding of the publicity to be made through the social network and what means can be used of this medium, approaching in fences and permissions.
With the advancement of technology, it is clear that the lawyer must innovate, given his publicity and publicity to spread his work, so it is observed in everyday life that people live in the world of connection, in order to keep themselves informed on various subjects. In the view of this, this work aims to achieve its general objective, which consists in analyzing the ethical-legal guidelines, before the advertising and merchandising of lawyers considering facebook. In order to hypothetically consider more flexible limits in the field of advertising and publicity within the scope of the Brazilian Statue of Brazilian Lawyer Association (EAOAB), Code of Ethics and Discipline (CED), as well as in the Ethics and Discipline Tribunal of OAB. Thus, a qualitative research, which consists of having a wide view, is used to reach at the answer of the problem, the deductive method is also used through analysis to have a more concrete answer to the conclusion, followed by a technical bibliographical instrument, through articles, legislation, articles, regulations and jurisprudence. The approach of the Brazilian Lawyer Association, as well as of the EAOAB, addresses the structure of each part and also the importance of the private title for the lawyer, bringing with it the importance of moral ethics, as well as the professional ethics for the lawyer before his profession and society, which needs his legal work. Next, we seek to differentiate advertising and merchandising, and we can observe what will be allowed before the CED. In view of this, we try to discuss the articles that govern the social media, electronic media and the internet, from this criticizes the obscurity of these, in the sense that one can have several understandings around, thinking about a new way more flexible to spread the word through facebook social network. Finally, it brings the understanding of the publicity to be made through the social network and what means can be used of this medium, approaching in fences and permissions.
Publicidade Advocatícia; Ética Profissional; Rede Social; Facebook; Advertising; Advocacy; Professional Ethics
SCHNEIDER, Júlio. Os meios de publicidade e propaganda advocatícia através da rede social Facebook no Brasil. 2019. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 02 jul. 2019. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/2584.