Canto coral escolar: uma experiência estética e social
Munhoz, Angélica Vier
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A presente dissertação de Mestrado tem por objetivo investigar o canto coral enquanto uma experiência estética e social. Desse modo, busca acompanhar uma oficina de canto coral escolar desde a sua formação, atentando para os processos de aprender e ensinar, resultantes de tal experiência, assim como a relevância da atividade no meio escolar. O problema de pesquisa aborda as seguintes questões: De que maneira a participação no coral escolar pode contribuir para o processo de experiência estética e social? Essa experiência pode resultar em rupturas na maneira de pensar, agir e se relacionar dos jovens cantores? Para tanto, parte-se de um breve percurso histórico da música no Brasil desde 1500 até sua efetivação na escola nos dias atuais. Toma como referenciais teóricos as obras que se aproximam do percurso da música brasileira, tais como as de Bruno Kiefer (1997), Marisa Trench de Oliveira Fonterrada (2008), Heitor Villa-Lobos (2009), Juzamara Souza (2004, 2014), Vera Lúcia Passagno Bréscia (2011), além de autores que ajudam a pensar as propostas e legislação que inseriram, retiraram, modificaram e retomaram o ensino de música na escola. Para a investigação, utilizou-se a metodologia de abordagem qualitativa, através de um grupo focal, com oito alunos entre os componentes do coral escolar da E.M.E.F. Dr. Jairo Brum na cidade de
Guaporé, além da análise de materiais coletados em meio às entrevistas, anotações em diário de campo, fotos, áudios e vídeos. Ao final, foi possível perceber que a participação no coral escolar permitiu o empoderamento de alunos, no que diz respeito às habilidades auditivas e no cantar ou cantares como prova de capacidade outrora negada ou simplesmente ignorada.
This dissertation aims to investigate choral singing as an aesthetic and social experience. In this way, it seeks to accompany a choral singing workshop since its formation, paying attention to the processes of learning and teaching, resulting from such experience, as well as the relevance of the activity in the school environment. The research problem addresses the following questions: How can participation in school choir contribute to the process of aesthetic and social experience? Can this experience lead to ruptures in the way young people think, act, and relate? To do so, we start with a brief history of music in Brazil from 1500 until its implementation in the school today. It takes as theoretical references works that approach the path of Brazilian music, such as Bruno Kiefer (1997), Marisa Trench de Oliveira Fonterrada (2008), Heitor Villa-Lobos (2009), Juzamara Souza (2004, 2014), Vera Lúcia Passagno Brescia (2011), in addition to authors who help to think about the proposals and legislation that inserted, removed, modified and resumed the teaching of music in school. For the investigation, the methodology of qualitative approach was used, through a focus group, with eight students among the components of E.M.E.F school choir. Dr. Jairo Brum in the city of Guaporé, besides the analysis of materials collected through the interviews, notes in field diary, photos, audios and videos. In the end, it was possible to perceive that the participation in the school choir allowed the empowerment of students of the hearing abilities and of singing or singing as evidence of capacity once denied or simply ignored.
This dissertation aims to investigate choral singing as an aesthetic and social experience. In this way, it seeks to accompany a choral singing workshop since its formation, paying attention to the processes of learning and teaching, resulting from such experience, as well as the relevance of the activity in the school environment. The research problem addresses the following questions: How can participation in school choir contribute to the process of aesthetic and social experience? Can this experience lead to ruptures in the way young people think, act, and relate? To do so, we start with a brief history of music in Brazil from 1500 until its implementation in the school today. It takes as theoretical references works that approach the path of Brazilian music, such as Bruno Kiefer (1997), Marisa Trench de Oliveira Fonterrada (2008), Heitor Villa-Lobos (2009), Juzamara Souza (2004, 2014), Vera Lúcia Passagno Brescia (2011), in addition to authors who help to think about the proposals and legislation that inserted, removed, modified and resumed the teaching of music in school. For the investigation, the methodology of qualitative approach was used, through a focus group, with eight students among the components of E.M.E.F school choir. Dr. Jairo Brum in the city of Guaporé, besides the analysis of materials collected through the interviews, notes in field diary, photos, audios and videos. In the end, it was possible to perceive that the participation in the school choir allowed the empowerment of students of the hearing abilities and of singing or singing as evidence of capacity once denied or simply ignored.
Educação musical; Canto coral; Escola; Ensino
MESTRE, Francisco Paulo Rodrigues. Canto coral escolar: uma experiência estética e social. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 13 mar. 2018. Disponível em: