O bem viver Kaingang: as conexões entre os princípios da teoria do Buen Vivir e os saberes tradicionais que orientam o seu modo de ser
Laroque, Luís Fernando da Silva
Turatti, Luciana
Pereira, Walmir Da Silva
Cenci, Daniel Rubens
Título do periódico
Título do Volume
Esta tese discute sobre o reconhecimento dos saberes tradicionais indígenas que orientam o modo de ser desses povos desde os tempos de Abya Yala, ou seja, antes da colonização da América, e como se perpetuou até sua positivação pelo Novo Constitucionalismo da América Latina e a incorporação do Buen Vivir, uma nova teoria fundamentada em antigas tradições. Assim, o problema que esta tese busca responder é: Quais as conexões existentes entre os princípios do Buen Vivir e os saberes tradicionais indígenas que orientam o modo de ser Kaingang em territórios da Bacia Hidrográfica Taquari-Antas, Caí e Sinos? Portanto, a tese
proposta é que: se em tempos mais remotos, os povos ameríndios conviviam em Abya Yala, uma terra sem males, e os antepassados dos Kaingang, igualmente, habitaram este continente. Estes ancestrais vivenciaram práticas que priorizam a cultura da vida, conectadas por sua vez com a sustentabilidade, identidade e cosmologia. Desse modo, acredita-se que os princípios que orientam o modo de ser Kaingang, em especial, aqueles aqui pesquisados, guardam afinidades com os princípios do Buen Vivir. O objetivo da pesquisa consistiu em analisar as conexões entre os princípios da teoria do Buen Vivir com os saberes tradicionais indígenas que orientam o modo de ser Kaingang em territórios da Bacia Hidrográfica Taquari-Antas, Caí e Sinos. Este estudo foi proposto com base em fontes bibliográficas, e em fontes documentais que se encontram no Ministério Público Federal de Lajeado e Novo Hamburgo e na Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Rio Grande do Sul. A pesquisa de campo foi desenvolvida nas Terras Indígenas: Jamã Tÿ Tãnh,em Estrela, Foxá, em Lajeado, Pó Mág, em Tabaí, Pã Nónh Mág e Ká Mág, em Farorupilha, e Por Fi Gâ, em São Leopoldo, sendo estes espaços localizados em territórios da Bacia Hidrográfica Taquari-Antas, Caí e Sinos, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, já que, tem como objetivo investigar traços culturais, atitudes, percepções, motivações e modo de vida do povo Kaingang, o qual representa o objeto de estudo. Ademais foi realizada pesquisa de campo, com o uso das técnicas de observação participante e entrevista. O método da História Oral foi utilizado para a aplicação das entrevistas. Foram realizadas 163 saídas de campo e 24 entrevistas, envolvendo indígenas e não indígenas. A pesquisa teve como aportes teóricos para análise, estudos sobre cultura e identidade, cosmologia e natureza, direitos humanos e
desenvolvimento e que a partir da apreciação do modo de ser Kaingang e suas relações com o ambiente, possibilitou constatar um movimento contra hegemônico de desenvolvimento. Por fim, a partir das aproximações entre os princípios norteadores da teoria do Buen Vivir e o modo de ser do Kaingang, confirma-se a Tese proposta, já que também constatou-se que os Kaingang vivenciam práticas que priorizam a cultura da vida, conectadas por sua vez com a sustentabilidade (ambiental e econômica), identidade e cosmologia. Desse modo, afirma-se que os princípios que orientam o modo de ser dos Kaingang em territórios da Bacia
Hidrográfica Taquari-Antas, Caí e Sinos, guardam afinidades com os princípios do Buen Vivir.
This thesis discusses the recognition of indigenous traditional knowledge that guides the way these peoples have been since the days of Abya Yala, that is, before the colonization of America, and how it was perpetuated until its positivation by the New Constitutionalism of Latin America and the incorporation of Buen Vivir, a new theory based on ancient traditions. Thus, the problem that this thesis seeks to answer is: What are the connections between the principles of Buen Vivir and the indigenous traditional knowledge that guide the way of being Kaingang in territories of the Taquari-Antas, Caí and Sinos Hydrographic Basin? Therefore, the proposal is: in more remote times, the Amerindian people convivium in Abya Yala, a land without evils, and the ancestors of the Kaingang, also, inhabited this continent. These ancestors lived practices that prioritize the culture of life, in turn connect with sustainability, identity and cosmology. In this way, it is believed that the principles that guide the way of acting are, in particular, those researched here, they maintain affinities with the principles of Buen Vivir. The objective of the research consisted in analyzing as options between the principles of the Taquari-Antas, Caí and Sinos Hydrographic Basin. This study was proposed based on bibliographic sources and documental sources that are in the Federal Public Ministry of Lajeado and Novo Hamburgo and at the State Secretariat of Education of Rio Grande do Sul. Field research was carried out in the Indigenous Lands: Jamã Tÿ Tãnh, Estrela, Foxá, Lajeado, Pó Mág, Tabaí, Pã Nónh Mág and Ká Mág, in Farorupilha, and Por Fi Gâ, in São Leopoldo. located in territories of the Taquari-Antas, Caí and Sinos Hydrographic Basin, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul / Brazil. It is a qualitative research, since, it aims to investigate cultural traits, attitudes, perceptions, motivations and way of life of the Kaingang people, which represents the object of study. In addition, field research was conducted using participant observation and interview techniques. The Oral History method was used to apply the interviews. There were 163 field trips and 24 interviews, involving indigenous and non-indigenous people. The research had as theoretical contributions for analysis, studies on culture and identity, cosmology and nature human rights and development and that, from the appreciation of the Kaingang way of being and its relations with the environment, made it possible to verify a movement against hegemonic development. Finally, from the approximations between the guiding principles of the theory of Buen Vivir and the way of being of the Kaingang, the proposed thesis is confirmed, since it was also verified that the Kaingang experience practices that prioritize the culture of life, connected in turn with sustainability (environmental and economic), identity and cosmology. Thus, it is stated that the principles that guide the way of being of the Kaingang in territories of the Basin Taquari-Antas, Caí and Sinos, maintain affinities with the principles of Buen Vivir.
This thesis discusses the recognition of indigenous traditional knowledge that guides the way these peoples have been since the days of Abya Yala, that is, before the colonization of America, and how it was perpetuated until its positivation by the New Constitutionalism of Latin America and the incorporation of Buen Vivir, a new theory based on ancient traditions. Thus, the problem that this thesis seeks to answer is: What are the connections between the principles of Buen Vivir and the indigenous traditional knowledge that guide the way of being Kaingang in territories of the Taquari-Antas, Caí and Sinos Hydrographic Basin? Therefore, the proposal is: in more remote times, the Amerindian people convivium in Abya Yala, a land without evils, and the ancestors of the Kaingang, also, inhabited this continent. These ancestors lived practices that prioritize the culture of life, in turn connect with sustainability, identity and cosmology. In this way, it is believed that the principles that guide the way of acting are, in particular, those researched here, they maintain affinities with the principles of Buen Vivir. The objective of the research consisted in analyzing as options between the principles of the Taquari-Antas, Caí and Sinos Hydrographic Basin. This study was proposed based on bibliographic sources and documental sources that are in the Federal Public Ministry of Lajeado and Novo Hamburgo and at the State Secretariat of Education of Rio Grande do Sul. Field research was carried out in the Indigenous Lands: Jamã Tÿ Tãnh, Estrela, Foxá, Lajeado, Pó Mág, Tabaí, Pã Nónh Mág and Ká Mág, in Farorupilha, and Por Fi Gâ, in São Leopoldo. located in territories of the Taquari-Antas, Caí and Sinos Hydrographic Basin, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul / Brazil. It is a qualitative research, since, it aims to investigate cultural traits, attitudes, perceptions, motivations and way of life of the Kaingang people, which represents the object of study. In addition, field research was conducted using participant observation and interview techniques. The Oral History method was used to apply the interviews. There were 163 field trips and 24 interviews, involving indigenous and non-indigenous people. The research had as theoretical contributions for analysis, studies on culture and identity, cosmology and nature human rights and development and that, from the appreciation of the Kaingang way of being and its relations with the environment, made it possible to verify a movement against hegemonic development. Finally, from the approximations between the guiding principles of the theory of Buen Vivir and the way of being of the Kaingang, the proposed thesis is confirmed, since it was also verified that the Kaingang experience practices that prioritize the culture of life, connected in turn with sustainability (environmental and economic), identity and cosmology. Thus, it is stated that the principles that guide the way of being of the Kaingang in territories of the Basin Taquari-Antas, Caí and Sinos, maintain affinities with the principles of Buen Vivir.
Buen Vivir; conhecimentos tradicionais; direitos humanos; indígenas Kaingang
PRESTES, Fabiane Da Silva. O bem viver Kaingang: as conexões entre os princípios da teoria do Buen Vivir e os saberes tradicionais que orientam o seu modo de ser. 2018. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 12 jul. 2018. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/2149.