Ação docente na contemporaneidade: o que pensam os adolescentes?
Schwertner, Suzana Feldens
Schwertner, Suzana Feldens
Amado, Nélia
Dullius, Maria Madalena
Ohlweiler, Mariane
Quintas, Helena
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Ser professor requer uma variedade de atribuições, como habilidades, técnicas e competências para a ação docente com jovens estudantes. Diante disso, esta dissertação buscou dar voz a estudantes adolescentes acerca da importância do professor nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem. O estudo contemplou reflexões teóricas sobre a escola contemporânea, o ensino para adolescentes, os saberes e as competências do professor contemporâneo (SIBILIA, 2012; TARDIF, 2012; CANÁRIO, 2006; DUBET, 1997). A pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as percepções de jovens estudantes sobre a ação docente na escola contemporânea. Optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa, a partir do uso da técnica de grupo focais com estudantes de duas escolas, do segundo ano do Ensino Médio de um município do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A técnica de grupo focais busca compreender as perspectivas e os valores de um grupo, sendo que os insights gerados por meio das discussões permitem entender como o grupo processa e significa a temática pautada (BARBOUR, 2009). Por meio da análise textual discursiva (MORAES e GALIAZZI, 2011), dentre as narrativas apresentadas pelos estudantes, foi possível elencar quatro unidades: primeiro, os múltiplos papéis que o professor exerce nos dias de hoje; segundo, a importância do docente estabelecer relações afetivas e interpessoais entre professor-estudante; terceiro, a necessidade de aulas mais dinâmicas, para além do espaço da sala de aula, onde há a possibilidade de partilha de conhecimento oriundo tanto de estudantes como dos professores; e, por último, as competências do professor do século XXI. Como resultados, o estudo mostrou que os jovens consideram o professor como uma figura de ‘referência’, fonte de inspiração, figura indispensável no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. O docente precisa ser dinâmico e estar em permanente evolução, saber incentivar e estimular constantemente o estudante. Além disso, na visão dos estudantes, a relação professor-estudante precisa ser marcada por vínculos de afeto. Os jovens afirmaram que a escola ainda segue uma abordagem tradicional de ensino e sugeriram outros ambientes e ferramentas que favoreçam a aprendizagem. O professor do século XXI deve estar aberto para as mudanças nas relações professor-estudante e precisa estabelecer um espaço de ‘escuta’ e de troca, compartilhando seus saberes com os estudantes.
Being a teacher requires a variety of assignments such as skills, techniques and competencies for teaching actions with young students. So, this dissertation sought to give students voice about the importance of the teacher in the teaching and learning processes. The study contemplated theoretical reflections on the contemporary school, teaching for adolescents, knowledge and skills of the contemporary teacher (SIBILIA, 2012, TARDIF, 2012, CANARY, 2006, DUBET, 1997). That way the insights generated through the discussions allow us to understand how the group processes and gives meaning the subject addressed. (BARBOUR, 2009). Through the analysis of data, among the narratives presented by the students, we were able to list four units: first, the multiple roles that the teacher exercises these days; Second, the importance of the teacher to establish affective and interpersonal relationships between teacher-student; Third, the need for more dynamic classes, beyond the space of the classroom, where there is the possibility of sharing knowledge from both students and teachers; And, finally, the skills of the teacher of the 21st century. As results, the study showed that the young people consider the teacher as a figure of 'reference', source of inspiration, indispensable figure in the process of teaching and learning. The teacher needs to be dynamic and be in constant evolution, to know how to encourage and constantly stimulate the student. Moreover, in the students' view, the teacher-student relationship needs to be marked by bonds of affection. The young people stated that the school still follows a traditional teaching approach and suggested other environments and tools that favor learning. The 21st century teachers must be open to changes in the teacher-student relationships and must establish a space of 'listening' and exchange, sharing their knowledge with students.
Being a teacher requires a variety of assignments such as skills, techniques and competencies for teaching actions with young students. So, this dissertation sought to give students voice about the importance of the teacher in the teaching and learning processes. The study contemplated theoretical reflections on the contemporary school, teaching for adolescents, knowledge and skills of the contemporary teacher (SIBILIA, 2012, TARDIF, 2012, CANARY, 2006, DUBET, 1997). That way the insights generated through the discussions allow us to understand how the group processes and gives meaning the subject addressed. (BARBOUR, 2009). Through the analysis of data, among the narratives presented by the students, we were able to list four units: first, the multiple roles that the teacher exercises these days; Second, the importance of the teacher to establish affective and interpersonal relationships between teacher-student; Third, the need for more dynamic classes, beyond the space of the classroom, where there is the possibility of sharing knowledge from both students and teachers; And, finally, the skills of the teacher of the 21st century. As results, the study showed that the young people consider the teacher as a figure of 'reference', source of inspiration, indispensable figure in the process of teaching and learning. The teacher needs to be dynamic and be in constant evolution, to know how to encourage and constantly stimulate the student. Moreover, in the students' view, the teacher-student relationship needs to be marked by bonds of affection. The young people stated that the school still follows a traditional teaching approach and suggested other environments and tools that favor learning. The 21st century teachers must be open to changes in the teacher-student relationships and must establish a space of 'listening' and exchange, sharing their knowledge with students.
Ação docente; Adolescência; Competências do professor; Escola contemporânea
DIESEL, Daniela. Ação docente na contemporaneidade: o que pensam os adolescentes?. 2017. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 28 jul. 2017. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/1716.