Secretoma de Beauveria bassiana relacionado à infecção no carrapato bovino Rhipicephalus microplus
Santi, Lucélia
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O controle biológico é considerado uma ferramenta natural e alternativa ecológica para superar os problemas causados pela utilização de métodos químicos no controle de pragas. Além disso, os biocontroladores apresentam inúmeras vantagens quando comparados aos seus análogos químicos, principalmente quanto ao impacto ambiental, custo, manuseio, especificidade e desenvolvimento de resistência. Entre os diversos microrganismos utilizados no controle biológico, os fungos se destacam e, entre estes, o fungo filamentoso e patógeno de artrópodes Beauveria bassiana está entre os mais estudados e aplicados. Neste estudo, utilizando proteômica e ferramentas de bioinformática, foram identificadas um total de 256 proteínas. Proteínas envolvidas em diferentes processos importantes para o biocontrole como degradação da cutícula (proteases, lipases), defesa/antioxidantes (catalases, oxidoredutases) e efetoras (glicosil hidrolases) foram observadas. A maioria destas proteínas parecem ser secretadas, seja por rotas clássicas como não clássicas. A identificação dos mecanismos moleculares de infecção do fungo em pragas específicas possibilita o entendimento mais refinado do biocontrole e, consequentemente, no desenvolvimento de estratégias para otimizar este processo. A identificação de proteínas em um sistema que mimetiza as condições de infecção possibilita a busca orientada de microrganismos mais eficientes com maior virulência e especificidade no controle biológico do artrópode R. microplus.
The biological control is considered a natural and ecological alternative tool to overcome the problems caused by the use of chemical methods in pest control. In addition, the biocontrol presents several advantages when compared to its chemical analogues, regarding to environmental impact, cost, handling, specificity and resistance development. Among microorganisms used in biological control, fungi stand out and, the filamentous fungus and arthropod pathogen Beauveria bassiana. This fungus is one of the most studied and applied worldwide. In this study, using proteomics and bioinformatics approaches, a total of 256 proteins were identified. Proteins involved in different important processes for the biocontroling, including degradation of the cuticle (proteases, lipase), defense/antioxidants (catalases, oxidoreductases) and effectors (glycoside hydrolases) were observed. The identification of the molecular mechanisms involved in the fungal infection on specific pests provides understanding of biocontrol and consequently helping to develop strategies to optimize this process. The identification of proteins in a model that mimics the infection condition enables the oriented search for more efficient micro-organisms with greater virulence and specificity in the biological control of R. microplus tick.
The biological control is considered a natural and ecological alternative tool to overcome the problems caused by the use of chemical methods in pest control. In addition, the biocontrol presents several advantages when compared to its chemical analogues, regarding to environmental impact, cost, handling, specificity and resistance development. Among microorganisms used in biological control, fungi stand out and, the filamentous fungus and arthropod pathogen Beauveria bassiana. This fungus is one of the most studied and applied worldwide. In this study, using proteomics and bioinformatics approaches, a total of 256 proteins were identified. Proteins involved in different important processes for the biocontroling, including degradation of the cuticle (proteases, lipase), defense/antioxidants (catalases, oxidoreductases) and effectors (glycoside hydrolases) were observed. The identification of the molecular mechanisms involved in the fungal infection on specific pests provides understanding of biocontrol and consequently helping to develop strategies to optimize this process. The identification of proteins in a model that mimics the infection condition enables the oriented search for more efficient micro-organisms with greater virulence and specificity in the biological control of R. microplus tick.
Controle biológico; Beauveria bassiana; Rhipicephalus microplus; Protêomica
KLEIN, Lisete Aparecida Silva. Secretoma de Beauveria bassiana relacionado à infecção no carrapato bovino Rhipicephalus microplus. 2016. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Biotecnologia, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 24 nov. 2016. Disponível em: