A utilização do software Modellus para o ensino de Funções Trigonométricas por meio do Movimento Harmônico Simples
Neide, Ítalo Gabriel
Neide, Ítalo Gabriel
Rehfeldt, Marcia Jussara Hepp
Marchi, Miriam Ines
Gonzatti, Sônia Elisa Marchi
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Esta dissertação aborda a utilização do software Modellus no Ensino de Matemática e de Física como recurso na construção de conceitos de Funções Trigonométricas, associados às atividades envolvendo Movimento Harmônico Simples, cujo problema de pesquisa foi: Quais as implicações de utilizar o software Modellus, para ensinar os conceitos de Funções Trigonométricas por meio do Movimento Harmônico Simples, em uma turma do 3º ano do Ensino Médio da Educação Básica na cidade de Macapá – AP? O estudo foi realizado em uma escola pública da rede estadual do município de Macapá, Amapá, tendo como participantes, trinta e seis estudantes do 3º ano do Ensino Médio. Os objetivos específicos propostos na pesquisa foram: conhecer as concepções prévias dos alunos sobre as Funções Trigonométricas aplicadas por meio de atividades do Movimento Harmônico Simples; planejar e desenvolver atividades no software Modellus integrando as Funções Trigonométricas e o Movimento Harmônico Simples; verificar se os resultados obtidos durante a prática pedagógica indicam que o ensino desenvolvido com o uso de tecnologias pode possibilitar um caminho diferenciado para o ensino de Funções Trigonométricas. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa. Para levantamento dos dados, foram utilizados um questionário estruturado prévio, o desenvolvimento da atividade pedagógica utilizando o software Modellus e o questionário de avaliação da prática pedagógica, além de observações feitas em um diário de campo, fotos e filmagens. A análise dos dados apontou que: a) os alunos antes da intervenção pedagógica, apresentavam a falta de alguns conceitos de funções trigonométricas em especial, quando integrado ao movimento harmônico simples; b) o material produzido durante a prática pedagógica desenvolvida com os alunos apontou ser expressivo, pois contribuiu para que houvesse a compreensão e elaboração de conceitos de funções trigonométricas; c) os alunos, diante da proposta apresentada, mostraram-se predispostos a aprender os conceitos de funções trigonométricas quando integrados ao movimento harmônico simples; d) a análise das respostas dos alunos indicam que as atividades desenvolvidas com o software Modellus utilizado nos conceitos de funções trigonométricas, foram bem motivadoras quando integrado ao movimento harmônico simples.
This dissertation discusses the use of the software Modellus in Teaching of Mathematics and Physics as a resource in the construction of concepts of Trigonometric Functions, associated with activities involving Simple Harmonic Movement, whose research problem was: What are the implications around the use of the software Modellus to teach concepts of Trigonometric functions in a 3rd year high school class of basic education in the city of Macapá - AP? The study was conducted in a public state school in the city of Macapá, Amapá, having as participants, thirty-six 3rd year high school students. The specific objectives proposed in the survey were: take aware of students' preconceptions about Trigonometric Functions, applied through Simple Harmonic Movement activities; planning and developing activities in the software Modellus, integrated to the Trigonometric Functions and Simple Harmonic Movement; verifying that the results obtained during the pedagogical practice indicate that teaching developed using technologies can enable a differentiated way to the teaching of Trigonometric Functions. The research is qualitative. For data collection, we used a previous semi-structured questionnaire, development of pedagogical activities using the software Modellus and the satisfaction questionnaire, observations in a diary, photos and filming. The data showed that: a) students showed before the educational intervention the lack of some concepts of trigonometric functions, especially when integrated with simple harmonic movement; b) the material produced during the pedagogical practice developed with the students pointed being potentially significant because it contributed for the modification, enrichment and development of concepts of trigonometric functions; c) concerning the proposal that was introduced to them, the students showed to be predisposed to learn the concepts of trigonometric functions when integrated into simple harmonic movement, favoring the occurrence of learning of new concepts; d) the analysis of the student‟s answers indicated that activities developed with the software Modellus applied in concepts of trigonometric functions, pointed out be heartening when integrated to simple harmonic movement.
This dissertation discusses the use of the software Modellus in Teaching of Mathematics and Physics as a resource in the construction of concepts of Trigonometric Functions, associated with activities involving Simple Harmonic Movement, whose research problem was: What are the implications around the use of the software Modellus to teach concepts of Trigonometric functions in a 3rd year high school class of basic education in the city of Macapá - AP? The study was conducted in a public state school in the city of Macapá, Amapá, having as participants, thirty-six 3rd year high school students. The specific objectives proposed in the survey were: take aware of students' preconceptions about Trigonometric Functions, applied through Simple Harmonic Movement activities; planning and developing activities in the software Modellus, integrated to the Trigonometric Functions and Simple Harmonic Movement; verifying that the results obtained during the pedagogical practice indicate that teaching developed using technologies can enable a differentiated way to the teaching of Trigonometric Functions. The research is qualitative. For data collection, we used a previous semi-structured questionnaire, development of pedagogical activities using the software Modellus and the satisfaction questionnaire, observations in a diary, photos and filming. The data showed that: a) students showed before the educational intervention the lack of some concepts of trigonometric functions, especially when integrated with simple harmonic movement; b) the material produced during the pedagogical practice developed with the students pointed being potentially significant because it contributed for the modification, enrichment and development of concepts of trigonometric functions; c) concerning the proposal that was introduced to them, the students showed to be predisposed to learn the concepts of trigonometric functions when integrated into simple harmonic movement, favoring the occurrence of learning of new concepts; d) the analysis of the student‟s answers indicated that activities developed with the software Modellus applied in concepts of trigonometric functions, pointed out be heartening when integrated to simple harmonic movement.
Funções Trigonométricas; Movimento Harmônico Simples; Software Modellus
PASTANA, Claudionor De Oliveira. A utilização do software Modellus para o ensino de Funções Trigonométricas por meio do Movimento Harmônico Simples. 2017. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino de Ciências Exatas, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 21 fev. 2017. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/1568.