Conteúdos ambientais em currículos de cursos de licenciatura: estudo comparativo em duas instituições universitárias do Rio Grande do Sul
Oliveira, Eniz Conceição
Oliveira, Eniz Conceição
Giongo, Ieda Maria
Sparemberger, Raquel Fabiana Lopes
Ethur, Eduardo Miranda
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Este trabalho é uma investigação sobre os conteúdos ambientais que permeiam currículos de cursos superiores destinados à formação de professores. A presente pesquisa percorre um caminho investigatório, procurando demonstrar a indissociabilidade entre a educação ambiental e a construção de valores voltados para uma relação mais equilibrada entre seres humanos e natureza. Para sua sobrevivência, o homem domina o meio natural, fazendo uso insustentável dos recursos naturais, poluindo e degradando o meio ambiente. No Brasil não tem sido diferente, sendo que a legislação do país recorre à educação para a mudança de hábitos da população e conter a problemática ambiental. Dadas as circunstâncias, o trabalho analisa como educadores estão sendo informados sobre a crise ambiental planetária, com base na Política Nacional da Educação Ambiental que enquadra a educação ambiental como componente essencial e permanente da educação nacional, incumbindo às instituições educativas, promovê-la de maneira integrada aos programas educacionais que desenvolvem. Para análise, foi feito o estudo dos currículos de cursos de licenciatura de duas instituições de ensino superior, bem como de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, de literatura especializada e de pressupostos legais na área de educação ambiental. Os resultados encontrados indicam que muito pouco sobre a temática ambiental vem sendo abordado nos cursos destinados à formação de professores.
This work is an investigationabout the environmental content on academic programs of graduation courses for the formation of teachers. This research follows an investigatory path in order to demonstrate the inseparability between environmental education and the construction of values geared toward a more balanced relationship between human beings and nature. For its survival, men dominate the natural environment, making unsustainable use of natural resources, polluting and degrading the environment. In Brazil it has been no different, but Brazilian laws are using education in order to promote a change in the habits of the population and contain the environmental problems. Under these circumstances, this work analyzes how educators are being informed about the global environmental crisis, based on the National Environmental Education Policy which places the environmental education as an essential part and permanent component of education and also instructs educational institutions to promote it in an integrated way on their academic programs. For the analysis, a study of academic programs of graduation courses for the formation of teachers of two universities was carried out as well as bibliographic and documentary research and specialized literature and legal requirements in the area of environmental education.The results found indicate that very little about the environmental issues have been addressed in courses for the formation of teachers.
This work is an investigationabout the environmental content on academic programs of graduation courses for the formation of teachers. This research follows an investigatory path in order to demonstrate the inseparability between environmental education and the construction of values geared toward a more balanced relationship between human beings and nature. For its survival, men dominate the natural environment, making unsustainable use of natural resources, polluting and degrading the environment. In Brazil it has been no different, but Brazilian laws are using education in order to promote a change in the habits of the population and contain the environmental problems. Under these circumstances, this work analyzes how educators are being informed about the global environmental crisis, based on the National Environmental Education Policy which places the environmental education as an essential part and permanent component of education and also instructs educational institutions to promote it in an integrated way on their academic programs. For the analysis, a study of academic programs of graduation courses for the formation of teachers of two universities was carried out as well as bibliographic and documentary research and specialized literature and legal requirements in the area of environmental education.The results found indicate that very little about the environmental issues have been addressed in courses for the formation of teachers.
Conteúdos ambientais; Cursos de licenciatura; Educação ambiental; Meio ambiente; Universidades
SUSIN, Elizete Brando. Conteúdos ambientais em currículos de cursos de licenciatura: estudo comparativo em duas instituições universitárias do Rio Grande do Sul. 2015. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, mar. 2015. Disponível em: