A música como metodologia no ensino da língua espanhola para deficientes visuais em Açailândia – MA
Del Pino, José Claudio
Del Pino, José Claudio
Tauceda, Karen Cavalcanti
Oliveira, Eniz Conceição
Martins, Silvana Neumann
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A presente dissertação trata sobre o uso da música e de outras metodologias no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da língua espanhola por deficientes visuais. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida considerando o seguinte problema: De que forma o ensino da Língua Espanhola para deficientes visuais, norteados por metodologias com enfoque em recursos de áudio, como música e conversação, melhoram a aprendizagem? Para tanto, foi oferecido um curso de língua espanhola adaptado em código Braille para alunos com deficiência visual. Como os alunos não têm acesso ao estudo desta língua na escola regular, foi oferecido um curso de extensão para nove alunos, sendo quatro com cegueira total, dois com baixa visão e três videntes, que são acompanhantes dos alunos com deficiência visual. A turma teve um perfil heterogêneo tanto no que se refere à idade, que variou de dez a quarenta e oito anos, como no nível de escolaridade, pois contou com estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio a profissionais na área de educação que já possuem pós-graduação. A pesquisa foi realizada no município de Açailândia, estado do Maranhão, nas dependências do Instituto Federal do Maranhão. O curso oferecido teve duração de um ano e constou de 60 horas/aula. A metodologia de pesquisa foi de abordagem qualitativa-descritiva-analítica, caracterizando-se como um estudo de caso e pesquisa-ação, como uso de memorial descritivo e de entrevista semi-estruturadas para obtenção das informações empíricas, as quais foram analisadas na perspectiva teórica da análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2011). Partindo do princípio de que o deficiente visual usa a audição como canal fundamental na interação e aprendizagem, optou-se por explorar, além dos recursos tátil-cinestésico, os recursos auditivos para a aprendizagem da língua estrangeira, usando a música como uma das metodologias, no sentido de experienciar na prática seus efeitos, adaptações e dificuldades no uso do cotidiano da sala de aula com os estudantes cegos. O aporte teórico que fundamenta a pesquisa está baseado em autores que discutem as metodologias de ensino de língua estrangeira, o percurso da educação de cegos no Brasil, a música como recurso metodológico para o ensino de línguas e o processo de ensino e aprendizagem da língua estrangeira para cegos. Os resultados revelam que o processo de ensino de deficientes visuais é mais lento por conta da leitura em braile, no entanto a deficiência não impede seu aprendizado. Os estudantes se sentiram motivados pelas aulas pelo fato das mesmas serem dinâmicas, envolvendo metodologias que contribuíram para o aprendizado e por terem todo o material adaptado em Braille ou ampliado. A música contribuiu para aprender, memorizar, compreender a fonética e desenvolver o vocabulário.
The present dissertation is about use of music as a methodology in the process of teaching and learning the Spanish language for the visually impaired. In this sense, the research was developed considering the following problem: How does the teaching of the Spanish language for the blind, guided by methodologies with focus on audio, such as music and conversation, improve learning? To do so, was offered a Spanish language course in Braille Code adapted to students with visual impairment. As students do not have access to the study of this language in regular school, was offered an extension course for nine students, four with total blindness, two with low vision and three seers that are companions of students with visual impairment. The class had a heterogeneous profile, both as regards age, which ranged from 10 to 48 years old, as the level of education, are included elementary and high school students to professionals in the area of education have graduate degrees. The survey was conducted in the municipality of Açailândia, State of Maranhão, on the premises of the Instituto Federal do Maranhão. The course offered lasted a year and consisted of 60 hours. The research methodology was qualitative-descriptive-analytic approach, characterized as a case study and research-action, with the use of descriptive and semi-structured interview to obtain empirical information, which were analyzed on theoretical perspective of Bardin content analysis (2011). Assuming that the visually impaired use hearing as fundamental in the interaction and learning channel, we decided to explore, in addition to the features tactile-kinesthetic, auditory resources for foreign language learning, using music as a resource, in order to experience its effects in practice, adjustments and difficulties in the everyday use of the classroom with blind students. The theoretical contribution that justifies this research based on authors who discuss the methodologies of teaching a foreign language, the course of education for the blind in Brazil, the song as a methodological resource for language teaching and process and foreign language teaching and learning for the blind. The results reveal that the process of teaching the visually impaired is slower on the reading in Braille, however the disability does not prevent their learning. The students were motivated by the fact that the same classes are dynamic, involving methodologies that contributed to learning and for all material adapted in Braille or enlarged. The music contributed to learn, memorize, understand the Phonetics and develop the vocabulary.
The present dissertation is about use of music as a methodology in the process of teaching and learning the Spanish language for the visually impaired. In this sense, the research was developed considering the following problem: How does the teaching of the Spanish language for the blind, guided by methodologies with focus on audio, such as music and conversation, improve learning? To do so, was offered a Spanish language course in Braille Code adapted to students with visual impairment. As students do not have access to the study of this language in regular school, was offered an extension course for nine students, four with total blindness, two with low vision and three seers that are companions of students with visual impairment. The class had a heterogeneous profile, both as regards age, which ranged from 10 to 48 years old, as the level of education, are included elementary and high school students to professionals in the area of education have graduate degrees. The survey was conducted in the municipality of Açailândia, State of Maranhão, on the premises of the Instituto Federal do Maranhão. The course offered lasted a year and consisted of 60 hours. The research methodology was qualitative-descriptive-analytic approach, characterized as a case study and research-action, with the use of descriptive and semi-structured interview to obtain empirical information, which were analyzed on theoretical perspective of Bardin content analysis (2011). Assuming that the visually impaired use hearing as fundamental in the interaction and learning channel, we decided to explore, in addition to the features tactile-kinesthetic, auditory resources for foreign language learning, using music as a resource, in order to experience its effects in practice, adjustments and difficulties in the everyday use of the classroom with blind students. The theoretical contribution that justifies this research based on authors who discuss the methodologies of teaching a foreign language, the course of education for the blind in Brazil, the song as a methodological resource for language teaching and process and foreign language teaching and learning for the blind. The results reveal that the process of teaching the visually impaired is slower on the reading in Braille, however the disability does not prevent their learning. The students were motivated by the fact that the same classes are dynamic, involving methodologies that contributed to learning and for all material adapted in Braille or enlarged. The music contributed to learn, memorize, understand the Phonetics and develop the vocabulary.
Língua espanhola; Metodologias de ensino; Deficientes visuais; Música
REGO, Maria Sibelly Leite Santos Do. A música como metodologia no ensino da língua espanhola para deficientes visuais em Açailândia – MA. 2016. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 25 ago. 2016. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/1162.