Panorama do Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos na cidade de Boa Vista - RR, no contexto da Lei Federal no 12.305/2010, que institui a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos
Périco, Eduardo
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O Gerenciamento dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos das cidades se tornou um desafio da sociedade contemporânea, que busca medidas e soluções no sentido de conter os impactos ambientais causados pela ação muitas vezes equivocada no gerenciamento de resíduos. A questão principal e de ordem prioritária em relação à geração de resíduos pauta-se em sua gestão e gerenciamento de acordo com a legislação vigente, que traz em seu bojo princípios da não geração, redução, reutilização, reciclagem, tratamento dos resíduos gerados e principalmente uma disposição final ambientalmente correta. O estudo pautou-se na comparação da realidade do gerenciamento dos RSU da cidade de Boa Vista com a aplicação e efetivação Lei Federal no 12.305, de 02 de agosto de 2010, que instituiu a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos Brasil, identificando seus instrumentos e métodos utilizados no gerenciamento dos RSU na cidade de Boa Vista, RR. A pesquisa seguiu quatro etapas distintas, mas que se completaram na medida em que as atividades foram sendo concretizadas, sendo elas: a descrição do estudo, descrição da área de estudo, coleta e análise dos dados obtidos. De modo a considerar a efetiva aplicação da Lei, constata-se que o Município de Boa Vista está distante de seu cumprimento. Diversas ações que poderiam ser desenvolvidas, no Município independente da lei, não são efetivadas pelo Executivo municipal. O mais grave nesse processo está na disposição final dos resíduos gerados no Município, onde o que era para ser um Aterro Sanitário controlado tornou-se um depósito de lixo a céu aberto que mais tem a ver com um lixão. Não se percebe o cumprimento das normas e legislação em uma verdadeira afronta ao que se podia chamar de uma conduta ambiental correta e racional.
The Management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in the cities has become a challenge in today's society that seeks solutions and measures to contain the environmental impacts caused by the action often misguided in waste management. The main issue and priority order regarding waste generation is guided in its management and management in accordance with current legislation, which brings with it the principles of non-generation, reduction, reuse, recycling, treatment of waste generated and mostly one environmentally correct disposal. The study was based on comparing the reality of management of MSW in the city of Boa Vista in applying and enforcing Federal Law No. 12,305 of August 2, 2010, which established the National Policy on Solid Waste in Brazil, identifying their instruments and methods used the management of MSW in the city of Boa Vista, RR. The research followed four distinct stages, but it completed to the extent that the activities were being implemented, as follows: a description of the study, description of the studied area, data collection and data analysis. In order to consider the effective implementation of the Act, it appears that the city of Boa Vista is far from compliance. Several actions that could be developed in the city regardless of the law, are not effected by the executive council. The most serious case is that in the final disposal of the waste generated in the city, where it was to be a controlled landfill, became a garbage dump that has more to do with a dump. It is not clear compliance with standards and legislation in a real affront to what one could call a rational and correct environmental behavior.
The Management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in the cities has become a challenge in today's society that seeks solutions and measures to contain the environmental impacts caused by the action often misguided in waste management. The main issue and priority order regarding waste generation is guided in its management and management in accordance with current legislation, which brings with it the principles of non-generation, reduction, reuse, recycling, treatment of waste generated and mostly one environmentally correct disposal. The study was based on comparing the reality of management of MSW in the city of Boa Vista in applying and enforcing Federal Law No. 12,305 of August 2, 2010, which established the National Policy on Solid Waste in Brazil, identifying their instruments and methods used the management of MSW in the city of Boa Vista, RR. The research followed four distinct stages, but it completed to the extent that the activities were being implemented, as follows: a description of the study, description of the studied area, data collection and data analysis. In order to consider the effective implementation of the Act, it appears that the city of Boa Vista is far from compliance. Several actions that could be developed in the city regardless of the law, are not effected by the executive council. The most serious case is that in the final disposal of the waste generated in the city, where it was to be a controlled landfill, became a garbage dump that has more to do with a dump. It is not clear compliance with standards and legislation in a real affront to what one could call a rational and correct environmental behavior.
Legislação; Gerenciamento; Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos
SCACABAROSSI, Haroldo. Panorama do Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos na cidade de Boa Vista - RR, no contexto da Lei Federal no 12.305/2010, que institui a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 23 out. 2013. Disponível em: