Movimentos sociais, aprendizagem e mulheres do povoado de Coquelândia/Imperatriz/Maranhão
Machado, Neli Teresinha Galarce
Machado, Neli Teresinha Galarce
Munhoz, Angélica Vier
Jasper, André
Witter, Nikelen Acosta
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Este trabalho notabiliza os movimentos sociais como espaços não-formais de ensino e aprendizagem, tornando-se ambientes propícios para a construção paulatina de novos e significativos saberes de luta e conscientização de mulheres quebradeiras de coco babaçu na busca de conquista de direitos, autonomia e qualidade de vida. Essa dissertação intitulada Movimentos Sociais, Aprendizagem e Mulheres do Povoado de Coquelândia / Imperatriz / Maranhão tem como objetivo geral verificar se os movimentos sociais, enquanto espaços não-formais de ensino e de aprendizagem possibilitam o empoderamento das mulheres quebradeiras de coco babaçu do povoado de Coquelândia no município de Imperatriz – MA. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram dezessete mulheres quebradeiras de coco babaçu, moradoras do povoado de Coquelândia, pertencente ao município de Imperatriz/MA, inseridas no Movimento Interestadual das Quebradeiras de Coco Babaçu (MIQCB). A pesquisa delineada neste trabalho é de caráter etnográfico, com análise qualitativa, sendo que todos os registros foram feitos a partir da observação participante nos espaços do cotidiano das mulheres, em suas atividades de coleta e quebra do coco, assim como nos mais variados espaços de movimentação social, fruto da participação direta ou indireta no MIQCB. Para alcançar os objetivos fez-se também o uso de entrevista semi-estruturada e da história de vida. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o movimento social, enquanto espaços não-formais de ensino e de aprendizagem, propiciam às mulheres quebradeiras de coco babaçu a garantir um identidade coletiva, elaborada e ressiginificada a partir das construções coletivas, possibilitando que essas mulheres garantam a identidade de ser mulher e quebradeira de coco e, principalmente, possibilitando-lhes a busca pelo empoderamento.
This work makes notable social movements and non- formal spaces for teaching and learning , making it conducive environments for the gradual construction of new and significant knowledge of struggle and awareness breakers women babaçu coconut in seeking rights achievement, autonomy and quality life. This dissertation entitled: Social Movements, Learning and Women of the Village of Coquelândia / Imperatriz / Maranhão,The study has the general objective to verify if the social movements, while non- formal spaces for teaching and learning enable the empowerment of women babaçu coconut breakers Coquelândia of the village in the municipality of Imperatriz - MA. The research subjects were seventeen women babaçu coconut breakers, village residents of Coquelândia , in the municipality of Imperatriz / MA, inserted into the Interstate Movement of Babaçu Coconut breakers (MIQCB). The research outlined in this paper is ethnographic, qualitative analysis, and all records were made from the participant observation in women's everyday spaces in their collection and Coconut break activities, as well as in various spaces social movement, the result of direct or indirect participation in the MIQCB. To achieve the objectives was also made using semi -structured interviews and life history. The results show that the social movement, while non- formal spaces for teaching and learning, to provide breakers women babaçu coconut to ensure a collective identity, drafted and a new means from collective constructions, enabling these women to ensure the identity of being a woman and coconut crash and, above all, enabling them to search for empowerment.
This work makes notable social movements and non- formal spaces for teaching and learning , making it conducive environments for the gradual construction of new and significant knowledge of struggle and awareness breakers women babaçu coconut in seeking rights achievement, autonomy and quality life. This dissertation entitled: Social Movements, Learning and Women of the Village of Coquelândia / Imperatriz / Maranhão,The study has the general objective to verify if the social movements, while non- formal spaces for teaching and learning enable the empowerment of women babaçu coconut breakers Coquelândia of the village in the municipality of Imperatriz - MA. The research subjects were seventeen women babaçu coconut breakers, village residents of Coquelândia , in the municipality of Imperatriz / MA, inserted into the Interstate Movement of Babaçu Coconut breakers (MIQCB). The research outlined in this paper is ethnographic, qualitative analysis, and all records were made from the participant observation in women's everyday spaces in their collection and Coconut break activities, as well as in various spaces social movement, the result of direct or indirect participation in the MIQCB. To achieve the objectives was also made using semi -structured interviews and life history. The results show that the social movement, while non- formal spaces for teaching and learning, to provide breakers women babaçu coconut to ensure a collective identity, drafted and a new means from collective constructions, enabling these women to ensure the identity of being a woman and coconut crash and, above all, enabling them to search for empowerment.
Movimentos sociais; Ensino e aprendizagem; Identidade; Empoderamento
PINTO, Rosyjane Paula Farias. Movimentos sociais, aprendizagem e mulheres do povoado de Coquelândia/Imperatriz/Maranhão. 2015. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 30 out. 2015. Disponível em: