Gestão integrada dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares urbanos da cidade de Belém, estado do Pará, e a relação com a PNRS (Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos)
Freitas, Elisete Maria
Johann, Liana
Barros, Andrea Almeida
Flores, Josmar Almeida
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O crescente aumento da geração de resíduos sólidos, deflagrado por uma lógica de consumo inconsciente, muito presente no contexto brasileiro, tem implicado no incremento das discussões sobre a gestão integrada dos resíduos, principalmente em relação ao destino adequado destes. Considerando tal premissa, este estudo objetivou verificar a gestão integrada dos resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) na cidade de Belém, estado do Pará e a percepção da população acerca desta temática, bem como a sua relação com a Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos. Para tanto, um questionário foi elaborado e enviado, via Google Forms, à comunidade via Whatsapp, Instagram e Facebook. Obteve-se a participação de 832 pessoas de 39 bairros e todos os respondentes concordaram com o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE). De acordo com os representantes das cooperativas de catadores de resíduos sólidos, os membros não se veem integrados às políticas públicas do município. Ainda segundo eles, é preciso reforçar as ações atuais pelo governo, principalmente no que tange à educação da população de Belém, como por exemplo, não jogar os resíduos em qualquer lugar. Além disso, a mídia tem um papel fundamental neste sentido e esta deve contribuir, colaborando por meio de informações adequadas acerca da forma de separação dos resíduos sólidos, bem como a relevância de destinar os materiais recicláveis às associações e cooperativas de catadores. O representante do Ministério Público entrevistado asseverou que algumas associações/cooperativas de catadores recebem apoio direto ou indireto da prefeitura de Belém, no entanto ainda não é suficiente esta participação. O MP acrescentou que estas deveriam receber mais apoio como exemplo, receber crédito, espaço físico, galpões estruturados com maquinários, treinamentos, incentivos, estímulos tributários e, assim, ter-se-ia uma participação mais forte. Verificou-se que, infelizmente, poucas ações de educação ambiental são realizadas pela gestão municipal com ênfase na redução dos resíduos que chegam à disposição final. Conclui-se que a gestão municipal de Belém ainda precisa colocar em prática ações, de fato, efetivas referentes ao planejamento estratégico e sistemático dos resíduos sólidos. Para isso, faz-se necessário o uso de indicadores, acompanhamento analítico e contínuo destas ações, as quais deverão ser adotadas pela prefeitura. Outrossim, a educação ambiental necessita ser mais efetiva e com a responsabilidade compartilhada entre todos os atores sociais.
The growing increase in the generation of solid waste, triggered by a logic of unconscious consumption, very present in the Brazilian context, has implied an increase in discussions about the integrated management of waste, mainly in relation to its proper destination. Considering this premise, this study aimed to verify the integrated management of urban solid waste (RSU) in the city of Belém-Pará and the perception of the population of Belém-Pará about this theme, as well as its relationship with the National Policy on Solid Waste. To this end, a questionnaire was prepared and sent via Google Forms to the community via Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook. The participation of 832 people from 39 neighborhoods was obtained and all respondents agreed with the Free and Informed Consent Form (TCLE). According to the representatives of the solid waste collectors' cooperatives, the members don’t see themselves as integrated into the public policies of the municipality. Still, according to them, it’s necessary to reinforce the current actions by the government, mainly regarding the education of the population of Belém, such as, for example, don’t throw waste anywhere. In addition, the media has a fundamental role in this sense and it must contribute, collaborating through adequate information about the way of separating solid waste, as well as the importance of allocating recyclable materials to associations and cooperatives of collectors. The representative of the Public Ministry interviewed asserted that some associations/cooperatives of collectors receive direct or indirect support from the city of Belém, however this participation is still not enough. The interviewed added that these should receive more support as, for instance, to receive credit, physical space, sheds, structured with machinery, training, incentives, tax incentives and, thus, there would be a stronger participation. It was verified that, unfortunately, few environmental education actions are carried out by the municipal management with emphasis on the reduction of waste which reaches the final disposal. It’s concluded that the municipal management of Belém still needs to put into practice effective actions related to the strategic and systematic planning of solid waste. For this, it’s necessary to use indicators, analytical and continuous monitoring of these actions, which must be adopted by the city hall. Furthermore, environmental education needs to be more effective and with shared responsibility among all social actors.
The growing increase in the generation of solid waste, triggered by a logic of unconscious consumption, very present in the Brazilian context, has implied an increase in discussions about the integrated management of waste, mainly in relation to its proper destination. Considering this premise, this study aimed to verify the integrated management of urban solid waste (RSU) in the city of Belém-Pará and the perception of the population of Belém-Pará about this theme, as well as its relationship with the National Policy on Solid Waste. To this end, a questionnaire was prepared and sent via Google Forms to the community via Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook. The participation of 832 people from 39 neighborhoods was obtained and all respondents agreed with the Free and Informed Consent Form (TCLE). According to the representatives of the solid waste collectors' cooperatives, the members don’t see themselves as integrated into the public policies of the municipality. Still, according to them, it’s necessary to reinforce the current actions by the government, mainly regarding the education of the population of Belém, such as, for example, don’t throw waste anywhere. In addition, the media has a fundamental role in this sense and it must contribute, collaborating through adequate information about the way of separating solid waste, as well as the importance of allocating recyclable materials to associations and cooperatives of collectors. The representative of the Public Ministry interviewed asserted that some associations/cooperatives of collectors receive direct or indirect support from the city of Belém, however this participation is still not enough. The interviewed added that these should receive more support as, for instance, to receive credit, physical space, sheds, structured with machinery, training, incentives, tax incentives and, thus, there would be a stronger participation. It was verified that, unfortunately, few environmental education actions are carried out by the municipal management with emphasis on the reduction of waste which reaches the final disposal. It’s concluded that the municipal management of Belém still needs to put into practice effective actions related to the strategic and systematic planning of solid waste. For this, it’s necessary to use indicators, analytical and continuous monitoring of these actions, which must be adopted by the city hall. Furthermore, environmental education needs to be more effective and with shared responsibility among all social actors.
Gestão Ambiental; Legislação; Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos; Resíduos Sólidos Domiciliares; Environmental Management; Legislation; National Solid Waste Policy; Household Solid Waste
MONTEIRO, Elane Botelho. GESTÃO INTEGRADA DOS RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS DOMICILIARES URBANOS DA CIDADE DE BELÉM, ESTADO DO PARÁ, E A RELAÇÃO COM A PNRS (POLÍTICA NACIONAL DOS RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS). 2023. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Sistemas Ambientais Sustentáveis, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 27 mar. 2023. Disponível em: