Análise do potencial neuroprotetor de inibidores de MAPK em células de neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y

dc.contributor.advisor1Goettert, Márcia Inês
dc.contributor.referee1Timmers, Luís Fernando Saraiva Macedo
dc.contributor.referee1Pedrosa, Rui Filipe Pinto
dc.contributor.referee1Morrone, Fernanda Bueno
dc.creatorRehfeldt, Stephanie Cristine Hepp
dc.description.abstractOs tratamentos atuais para doenças neurodegenerativas (ND) são sintomáticos e não afetam a progressão da doença. Retardar esse avanço continua sendo uma necessidade crucial não atendida para os pacientes e suas famílias. Truncamento e e agregação de proteínas, metabolismo mitocondrial alterado, disfunção sináptica, estresse oxidativo, excitotoxicidade, neuroinflamação e morte celular são marcas de ND conhecidas por ativar a via de proteína quinases ativadas por mitógenos (MAPK), como a quinase N-terminal c-Jun (JNK). Nesse caso, os inibidores de JNK3 podem desempenhar um papel importante na neuroproteção. Assim, no artigo de revisão “c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Inhibitors as Potential Leads for New Therapeutics for Alzheimer's Disease”, o papel de JNK na doença de Alzheimer foi destacado e os tratamentos experimentais baseados em inibidores de JNK sintéticos são descritos e discutidos. No entanto, os produtos naturais também se mostraram eficazes no tratamento de ND, conforme discutido no capítulo do livro "Approaches for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases related to natural products". Esta pesquisa, portanto, teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos neuroprotetor, antiinflamatório e antioxidante de duas moléculas (FMU200 e luteolina-7-O-glucoside (LUT7OG)) nas linhagens celulares SH-SY5Y e RAW264.7. Células SH-SY5Y indiferenciadas e diferenciadas por ácido retinóico (RA) foram pré-tratadas com FMU200 ou LUT7OG e incubadas com 6-hidroxidopamina (6-OHDA) ou peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2). A viabilidade celular e o efeito neuroprotetor foram avaliados com o ensaio MTT. A análise de citometria de fluxo foi realizada para discriminar a apoptose celular. A geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) induzida por H2O2 ou 6-OHDA e o potencial de membrana mitocondrial (ΔΨm) foram avaliados pelos ensaios DCFDA e JC-1, respectivamente. A capacidade antioxidante de LUT7OG foi determinada por ensaios DPPH, FRAP, ORAC e a atividade da caspase-3 e o dano nuclear foram determinados após o tratamento com LUT7OG em células induzidas por 6-OHDA. A fosforilação de JNK foi avaliada por western blot após tratamento com FMU200 em células SH-SY5Y induzidas por H2O2. A liberação de TNF-α, IL-6 e IL-10 (efeito antiinflamatório) foi determinada em células RAW264.7 induzidas por LPS por ensaio ELISA. Em células SH-SY5Y indiferenciadas, FMU200 reverteu a neurotoxicidade induzida por 6-OHDA em cerca de 20%, enquanto LUT7OG aumentou a viabilidade celular em 13% após 24h. Em células diferenciadas por RA, o FMU200 reverteu a morte celular em aproximadamente 40% e 90% após 24 e 48h de tratamento, respectivamente, enquanto LUT7OG aumentou a viabilidade celular em aproximadamente 30% e 112% após 24 e 48h, respectivamente. FMU200 reduziu as células apoptóticas precoces e tardias, diminuiu os níveis de ROS, restaurou o ΔΨm e diminuiu a regulação do p-JNK após a exposição ao H2O2. LUT7OG mostrou uma alta atividade antioxidante e conferiu um efeito preventivo na despolarização da membrana mitocondrial, diminuiu a atividade da caspase-3 e inibiu a condensação nuclear e fragmentação contra a apoptose induzida por 6-OHDA. Em células RAW264.7 estimuladas por LPS, FMU200 e LUT7OG reduziram os níveis de TNF-α após um tratamento de 3h e aumentaram a IL-10 após 24h. Em resumo, nossos resultados mostram que FMU200 e LUT7OG protegem células de neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y contra apoptose induzida por 6-OHDA e H2O2 e protegem células de lesão celular dependente de JNK. Nossos resultados indicam que ambos os compostos podem ser úteis no tratamento de doenças neurodegenerativas.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractCurrent treatments for neurodegenerative diseases (ND) are symptomatic and do not affect disease progression. Slowing its advancement remains a crucial unmet need for patients and their families. Protein misfolding and aggregation, altered mitochondria metabolism, synaptic dysfunction, oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, neuroinflammation, and cell death are ND hallmarks known to activate the mitogen- activated protein kinases (MAPK) pathway, such as the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway. In this case, JNK3 inhibitors can play an important role in neuroprotection. As such, in the review article “c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Inhibitors as Potential Leads for New Therapeutics for Alzheimer's Disease” the role of JNK in Alzheimer's Disease was highlighted and experimental treatments based on synthetic JNK inhibitors are described and discussed. However, natural products also have proved to be effective in treating ND, as discussed in the book chapter "Approaches for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases related to natural products". This research, therefore, aims to evaluate the neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of two molecules (FMU200) and luteolin-7-O-glucoside (LUT7OG)) with known JNK3 inhibitory activity in SH-SY5Y and RAW264.7 cell lines. Undifferentiated and retinoic acid (RA)-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells were pre-treated with FMU200 or LUT7OG and incubated with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Cell viability and the neuroprotective effect were assessed with MTT assay. Flow cytometric analysis was performed to discriminate cell apoptosis. H2O2 or 6-OHDA-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) were evaluated by DCFDA and JC-1 assays, respectively. Antioxidant capacity of LUT7OG was determined by DPPH, FRAP, ORAC assays and caspase-3 activity and nuclear damage were determined after LUT7OG treatment in 6-OHDA-induced cells. Phosphorylated JNK was evaluated by western blot after FMU200 treatment in H2O2-induced SH-SY5Y cells. Release of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10 (anti-inflammatory effect) was determined in LPS- induced RAW264.7 cells by ELISA assay. In undifferentiated SH-SY5Y cells, FMU200 reverted the neurotoxicity induced by 6-OHDA in about 20%, while LUT7OG increased cell viability in 13% after 24h. In RA-differentiated cells, FMU200 reverted cell death in approximately 40% and 90% after 24 and 48h-treatment, respectively while LUT7OG increased cell viability in approximately 30% and 112% after 24 and 48h, respectively. FMU200 reduced both early and late apoptotic cells, decreased ROS levels, restored mitochondrial membrane potential, and downregulated p-JNK after H2O2 exposure. LUT7OG showed a high antioxidant activity and conferred a preventive effect in mitochondria membrane depolarization, decreased caspase-3 activity, and inhibited nuclear condensation and fragmentation against 6-OHDA- induced apoptosis. In LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells FMU200 and LUT7OG reduced TNF-α levels after a 3h treatment and increased IL-10 after 24h. In summary, our results show that FMU200 and LUT7OG protects neuroblastoma SH- SY5Y cells against 6-OHDA and H2O2-induced apoptosis and protect cells from JNK- dependent cell injury. Our findings indicate that both compounds could be useful in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractAktuelle Behandlungen für neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (ND) sind symptomatisch und beeinflussen nicht das Fortschreiten der Krankheit. Die Verlangsamung des Fortschreitens bleibt eine entscheidende, unerfüllte Notwendigkeit für die Patienten und ihre Familien. Proteinfehlfaltung und -aggregation, veränderter Mitochondrienstoffwechsel, synaptische Dysfunktion, oxidativer Stress, Exzitotoxizität, Neuroinflammation und Zelltod sind ND- Kennzeichen, bekannt den Mitogen-aktivierten Proteinkinaseweg (MAPK) aktivieren, wie z. B. der c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase (JNK) Weg. In diesem Fall können die JNK3- Inhibitoren eine wichtige Rolle bei der Neuroprotektion spielen. So wurde im Review- Artikel "c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Inhibitors as Potential Leads for New Therapeutics for Alzheimer‘s Disease" die Rolle der JNK bei der Alzheimer-Krankheit hervorgehoben und experimentelle Behandlungen auf Basis synthetischer JNK- Inhibitoren beschrieben und diskutiert. Natürliche Produkte haben sich jedoch auch bei der Behandlung von ND als wirksam erwiesen, wie im Kapitel des Buches „Approaches for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases Related to Natural Products" diskutiert wird. Diese Forschung zielte daher darauf ab, die neuroprotektive, entzündungshemmende und antioxidative Wirkung von zwei Molekülen (FMU200 und Luteolin-7-O-Glucosid (LUT7OG)) in den Zelllinien SH- SY5Y und RAW264.7 zu bewerten. Durch Retinsäure (RA) undifferenzierte und differenzierte SH-SY5Y-Zellen wurden mit FMU200 oder LUT7OG vorbehandelt und mit 6-Hydroxydopamin (6-OHDA) oder Wasserstoffperoxid (H2O2) inkubiert. Die Zelllebensfähigkeit und die neuroprotektive Wirkung wurden mit dem MTT-Versuch bewertet. Die Analyse der Durchflusszytometrie wurde durchgeführt, um die zelluläre Apoptose zu unterscheiden. Die durch H2O2 oder 6-OHDA induzierte Erzeugung von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) und das mitochondriale Membranpotential (ΔΨm) wurden im DCFDA- bzw. JC-1-Assays bewertet. Die antioxidative Kapazität von LUT7OG wurde durch DPPH, FRAP, ORAC-Versuche und die Caspase-3-Aktivität und der Kernschäden nach der Behandlung mit LUT7OG in 6-OHDA-induzierten Zellen bestimmt. Die JNK-Phosphorylierung wurde durch western blot nach der Behandlung mit FMU200 in H2O2-induzierten SH-SY5Y-Zellen untersucht. Die Freisetzung von TNF-α, IL-6 und IL-10 (entzündungshemmende Wirkung) wurde in LPS-induzierten RAW264.7-Zellen durch ELISA-Versuch bestimmt. In undifferenzierten SH-SY5Y-Zellen kehrte FMU200 die 6-OHDA-induzierte Neurotoxizität um etwa 20% um, während LUT7OG die Zelllebensfähigkeit nach 24H um 13% erhöhte. In den durch RA differenzierten Zellen hatte FMU200 den Zelltod in etwa 40% bzw. 90% nach 24 bzw. 48 h Behandlung zur Folge, während LUT7OG die Zelllebensfähigkeit nach 24 bzw. 48 H um etwa 30% bzw. 112% erhöhte. FMU200 reduzierte sowohl frühe als auch späte apoptotische Zellen, verringerte den ROS- Spiegel, stellte das mitochondriale Membranpotenzial wieder her und senkte p-JNK nach H2O2-Exposition. LUT7OG zeigte eine hohe antioxidative Aktivität und verlieh der mitochondrialen Membrandepolarisation eine präventive Wirkung, verringerte Kaspase-3-Aktivität und hemmte die kernnukleare Kondensation und Fragmentierung gegen 6-OHDA-induzierte Apoptose. In LPS-stimulierten RAW264.7- Zellen reduzierten FMU200 und LUT7OG den TNF-α-Spiegel nach einer 3-stündigen Behandlung und erhöhten IL-10 nach 24 h. Zusammenfassend zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass FMU200 und LUT7OG die SH-SY5Y Neuroblastomzellen vor 6- OHDA- und H2O2-induzierter Apoptose, und Zellen vor JNK-abhängigen Zellverletzungen schützen. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass beide 11 Verbindungen bei der Behandlung neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen nützlich sein können.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationREHFELDT, Stephanie Cristine Hepp. Análise do potencial neuroprotetor de inibidores de MAPK em células de neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y. 2021. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Biotecnologia, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 29 mar. 2021. Disponível em: pt_BR
dc.rights.uriAn error occurred getting the license - uri.*
dc.subjectc-Jun N-terminal kinase 3 (JNK3)pt_BR
dc.subjectAlvos terapêuticospt_BR
dc.subjectInibidores da quinasept_BR
dc.subjectEfeito neuroprotetorpt_BR
dc.subjectDoenças neurodegenerativaspt_BR
dc.subjectEstresse oxidativopt_BR
dc.subjectc-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)pt_BR
dc.subjectTherapeutic targetspt_BR
dc.subjectKinase inhibitorspt_BR
dc.subjectNeuroprotective effectpt_BR
dc.subjectNeurodegenerative diseasespt_BR
dc.subjectOxidative stresspt_BR
dc.subjectc-jun N-terminale Kinase (JNK)pt_BR
dc.subjectMitogen-aktivierte Proteinkinase (MAPK)pt_BR
dc.subjectTherapeutische Zielept_BR
dc.subjectNeuroprotektive Wirkungpt_BR
dc.subjectOxidativer Stresspt_BR
dc.titleAnálise do potencial neuroprotetor de inibidores de MAPK em células de neuroblastoma SH-SY5Ypt_BR
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