Concentração de proteínas do soro de queijo por ultrafiltração em planta piloto
Lehn, Daniel Neutzling
Souza, Claucia Fernanda Volken de
Hoehne, Lucélia
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Com o aumento da produção de alimentos para atender ao crescimento populacional, há maior geração de resíduos, mesmo que estes, proporcionalmente em relação à produção, tenham diminuído. Evidencia-se a necessidade da busca por alternativas capazes de reaproveitar as sobras de produção possibilitando a geração de outros produtos de características e funcionalidades distintas. Suplementos alimentares constituem uma opção de produção que pode utilizar determinados sobras de produção gerados na fabricação de queijos como insumos, dadas as características nutricionais dessas substâncias. Nesse contexto, surge o soro de queijo como fonte promissora de proteínas de alta qualidade nutricional e aminoácidos essenciais. Tendo em vista a importância que o suplemento possui na nutrição humana, técnicas e processos industriais estão sendo estudados para estimular o reaproveitamento de coprodutos gerados na produção de alimentos para servirem como ingredientes na fabricação de outros produtos com valor agregado. Em razão disso, o uso de processos de separação por membranas, como a ultrafiltração, aplicados ao soro de queijo de origem bubalina é uma alternativa para o reaproveitamento desse coproduto e pode ser utilizada para obter um concentrado proteico de qualidade. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a separação das proteínas do soro do queijo de origem bubalina in natura a fim de obter um concentrado proteico por meio da ultrafiltração usando duas plantas piloto distintas, visando avaliar a eficiência de ambas para a utilização do concentrado proteico na fabricação do suplemento alimentar tipo whey protein. Foram caracterizados por meio de análises físico-químicas em triplicata os soros in natura coletados, bem como os permeados e retentados obtidos, em termos de umidade, teores de proteínas, gordura, cinzas e carboidratos. O soro ácido apresentou uma concentração de proteínas de 18,38% (m/m) e o soro doce atingiu concentração de 14,34% (m/m). O soro doce foi utilizado na Planta Paillasse e o soro ácido na Planta Reseta com membranas semelhantes e condições operacionais similares. Ocorreram diferenças expressivas nos teores de gordura e proteínas nos retentados e permeados dos dois soros. Com os resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que a Planta Reseta apresentou maior eficiência do que a Planta Paillasse, evidenciando que a membrana de ultrafiltração usada na primeira planta piloto está em melhores condições do que a segunda. O tempo de operação influi diretamente no grau de concentração proteica dos retentados. Nenhum dos retentados obtidos atingiu os 30% de concentração para ser considerado um concentrado proteico, exigindo-se maior tempo de separação. Recomenda-se o emprego da microfiltração ou centrifugação para remoção de gordura antes da ultrafiltração.
With the increase in food production to meet population growth, there is a greater generation of waste, even if it has decreased proportionally in relation to production. This highlights the need to look for alternatives capable of reusing production leftovers and generating other products with different characteristics and functionalities. Food supplements are a production option that can use certain production leftovers generated in cheese production as inputs, given the nutritional characteristics of these substances. In this context, cheese whey has emerged as a promising source of high quality nutritional proteins and essential amino acids. In view of the importance of the supplement in human nutrition, industrial techniques and processes are being studied to encourage the reuse of by-products generated in food production to serve as ingredients in the manufacture of other products with added value. For this reason, the use of membrane separation processes, such as ultrafiltration, applied to cheese whey of bubal origin is an alternative for reusing this by-product and can be used to obtain a quality protein concentrate. Therefore, the aim of this study was to separate the proteins from the whey of fresh buffalo cheese in order to obtain a protein concentrate by means of ultrafiltration using two different pilot plants, in order to evaluate the efficiency of both for the use of the protein concentrate in the manufacture of whey protein food supplements. Physico-chemical analyses were carried out in triplicate on the raw whey collected, as well as the permeates and retentates obtained, in terms of moisture, protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate content. The acid whey had a protein concentration of 18.38% (m/m) and the sweet whey had a concentration of 14.34% (m/m). The sweet whey was used in the Paillasse Plant and the acid whey in the Reseta Plant with similar membranes and similar operating conditions. There were significant differences in the fat and protein content of the retentates and permeates of the two wheys. With the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the Reseta Plant showed greater efficiency than the Paillasse Plant, showing that the ultrafiltration membrane used in the first pilot plant is in better condition than the second. Operating time has a direct influence on the degree of protein concentration in the retentates. None of the retentates obtained reached the 30% concentration to be considered a protein concentrate, requiring a longer separation time. The use of microfiltration or centrifugation is recommended.
With the increase in food production to meet population growth, there is a greater generation of waste, even if it has decreased proportionally in relation to production. This highlights the need to look for alternatives capable of reusing production leftovers and generating other products with different characteristics and functionalities. Food supplements are a production option that can use certain production leftovers generated in cheese production as inputs, given the nutritional characteristics of these substances. In this context, cheese whey has emerged as a promising source of high quality nutritional proteins and essential amino acids. In view of the importance of the supplement in human nutrition, industrial techniques and processes are being studied to encourage the reuse of by-products generated in food production to serve as ingredients in the manufacture of other products with added value. For this reason, the use of membrane separation processes, such as ultrafiltration, applied to cheese whey of bubal origin is an alternative for reusing this by-product and can be used to obtain a quality protein concentrate. Therefore, the aim of this study was to separate the proteins from the whey of fresh buffalo cheese in order to obtain a protein concentrate by means of ultrafiltration using two different pilot plants, in order to evaluate the efficiency of both for the use of the protein concentrate in the manufacture of whey protein food supplements. Physico-chemical analyses were carried out in triplicate on the raw whey collected, as well as the permeates and retentates obtained, in terms of moisture, protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate content. The acid whey had a protein concentration of 18.38% (m/m) and the sweet whey had a concentration of 14.34% (m/m). The sweet whey was used in the Paillasse Plant and the acid whey in the Reseta Plant with similar membranes and similar operating conditions. There were significant differences in the fat and protein content of the retentates and permeates of the two wheys. With the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the Reseta Plant showed greater efficiency than the Paillasse Plant, showing that the ultrafiltration membrane used in the first pilot plant is in better condition than the second. Operating time has a direct influence on the degree of protein concentration in the retentates. None of the retentates obtained reached the 30% concentration to be considered a protein concentrate, requiring a longer separation time. The use of microfiltration or centrifugation is recommended.
suplemento alimentar; proteínas; soro de queijo; membrane separation; whey protein; food supplement; proteins; cheese whey
FIEGENBAUM, Tamara Inês. CONCENTRAÇÃO DE PROTEÍNAS DO SORO DE QUEIJO POR ULTRAFILTRAÇÃO EM PLANTA PILOTO. 2023. Monografia (Graduação em Engenharia Química) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 12 dez. 2023. Disponível em: