Gestão ambiental e as tecnologias 4.0 para a sustentabilidade das indústrias do Vale do Taquari
Cyrne, Carlos Cândido da Silva
Feil, Alexandre André
Conto, Samuel Martim de
Auler, Daniel Pedro
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A integração entre a gestão ambiental e a Indústria 4.0, impulsionada por avanços tecnológicos e conscientização sustentável, destaca-se na fusão de tecnologias digitais e físicas. A Indústria 4.0, incorporando Internet das Coisas, Inteligência Artificial e automação, sinergiza-se à gestão ambiental, viabilizando coleta de dados em tempo real, análises precisas e controle remoto. Essas inovações otimizam processos, reduzem desperdícios e promovem eficiência. A gestão ambiental ganha estratégica relevância, integrando-se à governança corporativa, enquanto a sustentabilidade se torna diferencial competitivo. A pesquisa, conduzida com 30 empresas no Vale do Taquari revela estágios iniciais de integração, com foco em sistemas ciber-físicos e automação. Avaliações abrangem práticas relacionadas a consumo de energia, água e gestão de resíduos, via abordagem quali-quantitativa por questionários. As principais tecnologias da Indústria 4.0 destacadas incluem Sistemas Ciber-Físicos, Internet das Coisas, Big Data, Computação em Nuvem, Inteligência Artificial, Integração Horizontal e Vertical, Segurança Cibernética e automação. Apesar da baixa adoção de IA e Big Data, evidenciam seu potencial em otimizar operações, reduzir desperdícios e promover a sustentabilidade. Resultados destacam benefícios percebidos pelas empresas, como redução de retrabalho e produtos descartados. A análise de impactos antecipados enfatiza melhorias na eficiência operacional. Recomendações visam maior adoção, com ênfase em conscientização, treinamento, incentivos financeiros, parcerias estratégicas e regulamentações específicas. Apesar de limitações, a pesquisa fornece valiosos insights, destacando a importância da colaboração interdisciplinar na aplicação prática dessas inovações. A interface entre tecnologia e sustentabilidade na Indústria 4.0 emerge como campo crucial, promovendo conscientização e efetiva integração dessas práticas no cenário industrial.
The integration between environmental management and Industry 4.0, driven by technological advancements and sustainable awareness, stands out in the convergence of digital and physical technologies. Industry 4.0, incorporating the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and automation, synergizes with environmental management, enabling real-time data collection, precise analysis, and remote control. These innovations optimize processes, reduce waste, and promote efficiency. Environmental management gains strategic relevance, integrating into corporate governance, while sustainability becomes a competitive differentiator. The research, conducted with 30 companies in the Vale do Taquari, reveals early stages of integration, focusing on cyber-physical systems and automation. Assessments cover practices related to energy consumption, water, and waste management, through a qualitative-quantitative approach using questionnaires. Key Industry 4.0 technologies highlighted include Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Horizontal and Vertical Integration, Cybersecurity, and automation. Despite the low adoption of AI and Big Data, their potential to optimize operations, reduce waste, and promote sustainability is evident. Results emphasize perceived benefits such as reduced rework and discarded products. The analysis of anticipated impacts underscores improvements in operational efficiency. Recommendations aim for greater adoption, emphasizing awareness, training, financial incentives, strategic partnerships, and specific regulations. Despite limitations, the research provides valuable insights, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in the practical application of these innovations. The intersection between technology and sustainability in Industry 4.0 emerges as a crucial field, fostering awareness and the effective integration of these practices into the industrial landscape.
The integration between environmental management and Industry 4.0, driven by technological advancements and sustainable awareness, stands out in the convergence of digital and physical technologies. Industry 4.0, incorporating the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and automation, synergizes with environmental management, enabling real-time data collection, precise analysis, and remote control. These innovations optimize processes, reduce waste, and promote efficiency. Environmental management gains strategic relevance, integrating into corporate governance, while sustainability becomes a competitive differentiator. The research, conducted with 30 companies in the Vale do Taquari, reveals early stages of integration, focusing on cyber-physical systems and automation. Assessments cover practices related to energy consumption, water, and waste management, through a qualitative-quantitative approach using questionnaires. Key Industry 4.0 technologies highlighted include Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Horizontal and Vertical Integration, Cybersecurity, and automation. Despite the low adoption of AI and Big Data, their potential to optimize operations, reduce waste, and promote sustainability is evident. Results emphasize perceived benefits such as reduced rework and discarded products. The analysis of anticipated impacts underscores improvements in operational efficiency. Recommendations aim for greater adoption, emphasizing awareness, training, financial incentives, strategic partnerships, and specific regulations. Despite limitations, the research provides valuable insights, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in the practical application of these innovations. The intersection between technology and sustainability in Industry 4.0 emerges as a crucial field, fostering awareness and the effective integration of these practices into the industrial landscape.
Sustentabilidade; Indústria 4.0; Gestão Ambiental; sustainability; industry 4.0; Environmental management
SCHIRMER, Lair. GESTÃO AMBIENTAL E AS TECNOLOGIAS 4.0 PARA A SUSTENTABILIDADE DAS INDÚSTRIAS DO VALE DO TAQUARI. 2023. Tese (Mestrado) – Curso de Sistemas Ambientais Sustentáveis, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 20 dez. 2023. Disponível em: